How many years for OJ!

Okay, I hate to admit it but I have to reluctantly agree with R7+1 .......................... Fu*k O.J.

PLEASE DON'T REFER TO O.J. AS BLACK. He lost that priviledge a long time ago. He is not Black or African American .......... That fuccer is Dumb or Dum Azz American, please anything but Black.

Never before him, have I seen a SOB get acquitted for a double homicide and then jump up in his infinite wisdom and contemplate writing a book called "What If I Did Do It".

Truly a sad fuggin day ..................
hey you cant throw oj out of the black club just cause he is an azzhat... we got lots of whiteys that we could dump if that was the case.... we are stuck with ours, you are stuck with yours... He is going to be part of the black rat pack... OJ/Jackson/Sharpton

oh and just for Rich... PAGE
hey you cant throw oj out of the black club just cause he is an azzhat... we got lots of whiteys that we could dump if that was the case.... we are stuck with ours, you are stuck with yours... He is going to be part of the black rat pack... OJ/Jackson/Sharpton

oh and just for Rich... PAGE

Y'all sure do, let's see ............................ Rush "The Addict" Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Warren Jeffs, Elliot "I'd Buy that for $8000" Spitzer, just to name a few !!
you know the difference? They own up to their short comings and fix them... :whistle:
Not always. You go some on all side of the fence tha could reform from their bad habits, and they are still world-class POS's.

Personally, my resolution is not to pay attention to the fraudulent. An example would be Jesse Jackson crying after the election .......... how ironic he just wanted to castrate the man a couple of weeks ago.

Then you got Rush Limabugh who can call anyone out of their name, but him being addicted to prescription drugs was no different than any crackhead named Pookie from any corner of your choice. That is, unless the amount of money you have in the bank exempts you from such labels .......... :whistle:

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck ......................
Lamb is so happy for his kids. Sydney finally gets a chance at a real life. Without dad "looking out" for her best interests.
So he goes jail 4 trying get back his stolen property?Figures Let the thiefs go lock up the victom.?? I would want my property back to did OJ have gun?No other guys did but GUESS OJ HAD MIND CONTROL ON THEM?
Hi welcome to Las Vegas....we have OJ, coffee, water, soda's, or a cocktail from the bar.... :super:
It's about time. Hope he enjoyed the last few years. Cause he wont see the outside again. I feel bad for his kids though.
Lamb is so happy for his kids. Sydney finally gets a chance at a real life. Without dad "looking out" for her best interests.
What Lamb said is the biggest relief for me. Zero respect for the idiot, he should already be in prison, but thankfully it looks like his kids will have a shot at being a little more normal.
LAS VEGAS - A broken O.J. Simpson was sentenced Friday to as much as 33 years in prison for a hotel armed robbery after a judge rejected his apology and said, "It was much more than stupidity." The 61-year-old football Hall of Famer stood shackled and stone-faced when Judge Jackie Glass quickly rattled off his punishment soon after he made a rambling, five-minute plea for leniency, choking back tears as he told her: "I didn't want to steal anything from anyone. ... I'm sorry, sorry."

Simpson said he was simply trying to retrieve sports memorabilia and other mementos, including his first wife's wedding ring, from two dealers when he stormed a Las Vegas hotel room on Sept. 13, 2007.

But the judge emphasized that it was a violent confrontation in which at least one gun was drawn, and she said someone could have been killed. She said the evidence was overwhelming, with the planning, the confrontation itself and the aftermath all recorded on audio or videotape.

Glass, a no-nonsense judge known for her tough sentences, imposed such a complex series of consecutive and concurrent sentences that even many attorneys watching the case were confused as to how much time