How To Know If It's Time To Move On?

I’m buying tickets every week. Still there’s nothing like a young strong body, some things money can’t buy. Take care of the one you have( but have fun to).
I hate seeing that the Org is seemingly coming to an end , A very sad thought for me personally . I have met some really great and supportive members on here . Shared rides with , family problems and life changes . Hell, this place made me a better man just meeting those members .

Cap , Your a great man for putting up with all the ups and downs of running this place . I really appreciate what you have done for us and allowing us into this place we call home. I miss having Meet and Greets at Eureka Springs and all the rides , stories and experiences that come along with spending a weekend with members that you already knew and meeting new members . Some of the greatest times in my life .

It’s been my pleasure meeting everyone that I have met and shared those times with . I hope things settle for you Cap and remember we are here when you need us . God Bless Doug and Thanks again Sir .....

Caps post wasnt to say im closing the org so to speak. It was a silent request for more traffic if we care to keep the org here. Very simple and i must admit i at first misinterpreted it as well. The org will stand if we hang as a group and chat and click links to vendors etc. The google gods demand this. Utilize our vendors here who have remained here with us and support the org. Dont shop elsewhere untill you have exhausted our vendors. Most of all hang out, chat, bs, lets keep the lights on and make this club house something that never goes untill we go.


Caps post was not to say I am closing the oRg so to speak .

It was a silent request for more traffic if we care to keep the oRg here .

Very simple and I must admit I at first misinterpreted it as well .

The org will stand if we hang as a group and chat and click links to vendors etc .

The google gods demand this .

Utilize our vendors here who have remained here with us and support the org .

Do not shop elsewhere until you have exhausted our vendors .

Most of all hang out, chat, bs,
lets keep the lights on
and make this club house
something that never goes
until we go .

Art .

What I am telling you Willie is that I am not paying for it out of my pocket anymore. I have placed the formula squarely in the hands of the members, content & activity drive the site. If people want this place to function, if they value it as a community then they will participate in discussions, post articles, experiences images and the site will heal itself. I just can't afford to pay for everyone to have a place to get information about the bike that I honestly can't even afford to own right now.

Make no mistake our advertisers that are with us are stellar, and there are some incredible members like yourself that are active in discussions and topics and bring a lot to the table. But there are more that sit back and click the like button or post on FB but not here.. My mission has not changed one single bit in 18 years, "To Foster an Environment where Hayabusa Enthusiast can share stories, images, information and in the process build relationships."

To be honest, I never really realized that actually posting comments and pictures played such an important roll in the state of the oRg. ! But thinking about it, it makes a lot of sense! I am one of those that frequently post ride pics on FB, but here, only sometimes. I think it's because I've always had the mindset that everyone here already knows what the Busa is, and there really isn't anything that hasn't been posted already. I never really considered the mods I did to my Busas all that exciting, especially compared to the awesome things other members have done to their Busas!! A lot of times my rides will consist of places I've ridden numerous times before, whether with friends or solo. Most times, my ride pics get posted to my own personal FB page and not the Busa FB page.
I remember a few years back I would share pics from the local bike nights here in Las Vegas.
Hey Paderolis,

Remember that time outside of Vegas that you were stopped at a convenience store on your Busa, and I pulled in with my rental car and started talking to you?

We knew each other but didn't know each other until I said, "Have you heard of"

I'll never forget that encounter. It's a beautiful memory.

I've met some other folks back in Iowa as well and well, more beautiful memories.

The C7 gets more miles than the Busa and I'm really looking at Dad's GoldWing thinking it would look better in my garage...
On top of that, I don't take many pictures (I'm a fugly SOB) and when I ride, I'm too busy riding to take pictures. I do like looking at everyone else's pics though.

So post away and I'll contribute what I got when I can.
To be honest, I never really realized that actually posting comments and pictures played such an important roll in the state of the oRg. ! But thinking about it, it makes a lot of sense! I am one of those that frequently post ride pics on FB, but here, only sometimes. I think it's because I've always had the mindset that everyone here already knows what the Busa is, and there really isn't anything that hasn't been posted already. I never really considered the mods I did to my Busas all that exciting, especially compared to the awesome things other members have done to their Busas!! A lot of times my rides will consist of places I've ridden numerous times before, whether with friends or solo. Most times, my ride pics get posted to my own personal FB page and not the Busa FB page.
I remember a few years back I would share pics from the local bike nights here in Las Vegas.

I actually didn't post much because I thought what I had to put out there didn't matter and I wasn't going to waste space on the servers. I guess that is the wrong way to think about it....

I don't have Facebook or any other form of social media, forums are the only thing I have close to that.

Posting pictures has gotten so much easier than is use to be, I'll have to share when I take them (might be awhile though since the bikes are parked for the winter).
Hey Paderolis,

Remember that time outside of Vegas that you were stopped at a convenience store on your Busa, and I pulled in with my rental car and started talking to you?

We knew each other but didn't know each other until I said, "Have you heard of"

I'll never forget that encounter. It's a beautiful memory.

I've met some other folks back in Iowa as well and well, more beautiful memories.

The C7 gets more miles than the Busa and I'm really looking at Dad's GoldWing thinking it would look better in my garage...
On top of that, I don't take many pictures (I'm a fugly SOB) and when I ride, I'm too busy riding to take pictures. I do like looking at everyone else's pics though.

So post away and I'll contribute what I got when I can.

Yes sir, I definitely remember meeting you!! That was great! The oRg. came up and it felt like we had known each other for years!!
I actually didn't post much because I thought what I had to put out there didn't matter and I wasn't going to waste space on the servers. I guess that is the wrong way to think about it....

I don't have Facebook or any other form of social media, forums are the only thing I have close to that.

Posting pictures has gotten so much easier than is use to be, I'll have to share when I take them (might be awhile though since the bikes are parked for the winter).
Well, thankfully I am still able to ride some! I have two other bikes that share the garage with the Busa and they all are heated gear ready! lol!
BTW...I still have my Busa, but...

Meet Wango Tango:

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Thanks for the compliments! I've had this bike for a year now, trackdays only. I crashed it in October at Barber, and am just now getting the replacement plastics to bring it back to identical to what you see above...Here's what it looked like at COTA last month...
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From everything I have heard those BMW's and the thing to have for going fast around a road course. I haven't been on one yet but hope to change that someday.