I never wanted this to be a business it turned into one. I could have sold this place for a substantial mid 6 figure price about 6 years ago but the relationships were important to me. It's not the money, never has been and my actions can easily show that
we are inferring that our captain will not accept any new ideas or financial help... ITS THE CONTENT.. nobody can or ever will duplicate this... this is why we must save it.
Arch the problem really is about size and function, the site takes up many gigs (well over 50) and there is so much code in the back end keeping things working I am not sure how a guy would make it happen one off, off line..
Maybe one of my kids will get in to dirt biking. My nine year old didn’t like it. But hoping form my 3 or four year old will.
IT CAN BE BOTH..... but this isn't only a forum... there is 20 years of info here... that's the draw... HOW CAN HE CAPITALIZE? that's the clear way forward if posts don't pick up.... I WANT a hayabusa.org COAT... id pay 150 bucks for it... anyone else? all us in the cold spend that much on a decent coat anyway............I want to be clear I'm not implying Cap is a quitter. What he and the admins have done for all these years is amazing and way above and beyond what most would do. Cap has made it pretty clear all we need to do is post. I think he doesn't want the org to become an impersonal, well financed business proposition. He wants it to be a community of people who enjoy interacting with each other. This is not about an online service/mod manual, its about a community.
Believe it or not, this place is still creating those friendships. This is the first forum I sign up for. I was in my 20s. I tried fighting social media, but realized I couldn’t win the battle and was missing out on a lot of information, potential friendships and even contact with family becasue the internet just makes it easier. Today I’m 31 and have the phone numbers of a couple of the members here, have done business with them and have reached out to the one located in Texas to check on him during the hurricane and he has done the same for me during the one that hit my area here in Florida. Just a few days ago another member reached out to me through PM to tell me he was coming to Florida and wanted to meet and go ride the areas I know. Turns out he’ll be staying fairly close to me and we exchanged personal info. So, rest assure that this site hasn’t lost its “magic”. I’m still too old school I guess, to be posting pictures of my ugly mug on the .org, but the only reason I signed up here was because I didn’t see the F word on every other post on the forum and most answers to my questions were found with the simple use of search option. Even my handy cruise control was installed reading posts on here and when I had an issue adjusting it, it just took a little more searching and Caps post about how to set the switches on it fixed my problem. I’ve reached out to mods in the past to donate some money and was explained caps position and I completely understand his point. I can see how you guys have experienced things that left you with a bad taste and don’t want to go that route again. Also, have always wondered how much work I’m creating for someone when I send a report about some spammer trying to sell a fat loss product on the org, but I’ll be sad when this place is gone.
yes u can... its the defeceit that the site is runningI'm really thrilled to read this! As I said earlier, I'm part of the problem, not here enough, but when I am, I didn't notice that kind of chemistry. It wasn't fair to assume it wasn't still going on; it's just not in the same forms, not from large groups/ rides, etc. These connections will stay, that's for certain. They are invaluable.
We've had random chance friendships just because we were wearing an oRg t-shirt, turned in to a convo, then plans to meet up, ride, new friendships made.
Can't put a dollar to that...
IT CAN BE BOTH..... but this isn't only a forum... there is 20 years of info here... that's the draw... HOW CAN HE CAPITALIZE? that's the clear way forward if posts don't pick up.... I WANT a hayabusa.org COAT... id pay 150 bucks for it... anyone else? all us in the cold spend that much on a decent coat anyway............
I think what you are doing right now is why he doesn't want this to be a pay site. He wants community over everything, you want the information over anything. Not saying which is right (I don't really know) but Cap got the idea to start this site and he put 18 years into building a community. If that's his passion, that's his passion.
some of us LOVE this place
it still can be..... but its gotta make money... or at least not cost him money.... the guy sold his busa.... at the very least we gotta get this guy riding again.... maybe sell something... I know I'm freezing now... and I need a coat.... u? maybe sell some merchandise... coats/hats..... I spend a good amount on this stuff and I don't have a hayabusa coat..... u? I started a thread... cold climate brothers... need coats? he knows the right people to make apparel... show some demand for it and we are golden.... good coats are over a hundred bucks.......
Ali123, We don't know each other - so I apologize if what I am about to say hits you the wrong way. I am not sure if you know of the history of this site. In the past, for fund generation there have been:
Donations to the site
Donations to other members
Selling shits (long sleeve, short sleeve, tank tops, hoodies)
Selling wood products (plaques, motivational blocks, treasure boxes, etc.)
ICE Tags and wallet cards
Classifieds for all things motorcycle related
Group buys
The problem with what you keep suggesting is this - it put's the background and logistics back on cAp. He has been doing this for a looong time. I joined in 2003 and was absolutely overwhelmed by the connections that held this place together all based around our love of the Busa.
One problem as was mentioned, is that many of the members here have moved on from the Busa or even from motorcycling in general. I hardly ride anymore, except for those amazing times when I am with my family and friends from the oRg - but even then, the oRg is not the focus, the people are. I am very fortunate to know people who have several bikes in their stable. When I am with them, it is sad sometimes how rarely the Busas get ridden. Too many advancements, too many improvements from the other makers. So, people talk less and less about Busas here and more abut general Book of Face kind of stuff. Then , well, why not just go to the Book of Face?
I spend a lot of time away from home... I bought my first Busa while I was in Japan. I bought my second Busa while I was in the Middle East. The Book of Face is a better opportunity for me to stay connected to my family and friends who are not motorcycle fanatics - and I was even off of that for the last two years.
Factor in on top of all of that the behind the scenes stuff that cAp is mentioning. The complaints, the criticism, the backlash for what amounts to cAp sticking to his principles.
He has provided a home for us for a long time, he has done some amazing things to keep the doors open... but I suspect that he is tired. In my mind cAp has been something of a Doorman. He held the door open for a lot of people for a long time. Some said thank you, some didn't - but he held the door open. As technology has changed, now he doesn't need to spend his time holding the door, it is revolving now - with traffic driving it. Why would he go back to holding it open if the traffic can't turn the revolving door?
cAp has told us that we can keep the site open if we drive the traffic through participation; traffic drives hits, hits drive sponsors and vendors, etc. If we want the site to stay open, in my opinion, we need to figure out a way to keep it open without pushing the grunt work back onto cAp.
Just my .02...
I sold the bike in 2015 to the only guy that I think would appreciate the bike as much as me and that was MC_Mustang. This is why every time I see him riding at Deals Gap or with a group I choke up a little and post some contentious comment. Shawn rode that bike way back in 2008 when I first got the old girl after the big crash in 2007. I think he went from Suches Georgia all the way back to Robbinsville on her if I remember correctly. To see him take care of her and ride old Sandra Dee in those same places today makes me smile...
I know NOT VERY MUCH about what makes a website run. If its a matter of post counts then thats a pretty simple concept. But I thought I understood at one time that the more traffic you have the more band with it takes up and the more it cost.
So post about anything is better than posting about Busas?