How To Know If It's Time To Move On?

and is this not allowed?

View attachment 1577499

That is allowed for sure.... Before I go any further let me say this... Your pics are incredible and you absolutely have a gift with a camera, I have seen your photos and have been amazed at how you can capture the bike and the environment.

Now back to regular programming, here is what Google says about images and questionable content...

Here is the definition from Google:

Sexually gratifying content
Google ads may not be placed on content that is sexually suggestive and/or intended to cause sexual arousal. Examples of content that may be considered sexually gratifying include, but are not limited to:

  • close-ups of breasts, buttocks, or crotches
  • sheer or see-through clothing or lingerie
  • strategically covered nudity (includes situations in which genitals are blurred out by camera)
  • images of men or women posing and/or undressing in a seductive manner
You have to be able to ask yourself what the focus is all about in the pics...
I think Captain is telling us he has given what he's got to give the org., thanks for that bro we are in your debt! I think the path forward is to establish another site, run by someone else. He's going to just shut the switch off now and walk away so maybe he would consider taking a big go fund check for his troubles if he can just hand it over with no strings of hassles. Not sure if Captain is interested in selling it straight up, name, content, coding, etc. If not whoever starts another site will need to get as many of us as possible to follow them over (is BUSANATION still going?).

Big ask for someone but it might also be an opportunity. Maybe a new format? Imagine a site with Busas, H2's, etc. all on one site barking back and forth at each other. Not sure there is a site for representing? Might inspire more traffic and sponsors due to wider audience. Hard to control the chemistry of a site though, that's sort of the magic here. Don't know, just an idea.

I would ask this Willie, why would a new site survive if there are only a handful of people that want to participate? What would be different from a new site than the one that has been right in front of them? Are we inferring that its the site itself?
I think we all know it's not the site.
The site itself is what is right.
It's that the Busa is basically unchanged in 10 years. For the masses, the thrill of the Busa is long gone.
Primarily this is an information site... its the content that is invaluable... in the states where it snows, participation in the winter months will predictably be extremely slow. I really think you want the org to be a participation site... but the fact is... people don't make the time... sometimes I have 2 hours to be on this site... some months.. I don't get here at all... but its the CONTENT... 20 years worth... facebook is drop/stop and go.... and its sooooo easy to use it... I think the relationships forged here are a byproduct of the content... You mean to tell me that you cant use the content available here to your advantage?... maybe with the other features that you worked sooooo hard for as a free feature and some features requiring small one time fees to unlock 20 years of information... also... on here we get to converse directly with some great builders/tuners... I could see a section entitled ASK THE PROS.... where everyone involved could make money... I know u don't want to go to donations... but really look at some of the extremely detailed responses Frank and Boosted Cycle give in response to the different questions... they don't have to do any of this... Also, a gen3 changes your whole problem entirely... Its becoming a drop/stop and go world... and ya gotta change with the times.. or the times will change you... it can be done... its been a decade or longer since Suzuki renewed the hayabusa... and people are still here... why u ask? the CONTENT... that's what YOU HAVE that no one else does,...and one thing sure as hell is guaranteed... nobody ever complained about the content.. its really simple.. for a time being.. ya gotta be a member to view the 20 years of content... simple...

Here is where I think we have the disconnect... I never wanted this to be a business it turned into one. I could have sold this place for a substantial mid 6 figure price about 6 years ago but the relationships were important to me. It's not the money, never has been and my actions can easily show that. The site has been free for a reason and the org turned into what it is because of that. I knew years ago that the site would one day fold, we all did.

The admins have had some discussions about this out of the main forums and as sad as it might be but even our hobbies, interest priorities and goals have changed not to mention we are a lot older (mostly Michelle). I see two driving forces at play, 1) The busa has aged with us, she's been a good ole girl but the kids have caught up and Zook hasn't stayed competetive. 2) Members want things quick, fast, easy which is fine but this isn't burger king and you don't always get it your way...

I think Captain is telling us he has given what he's got to give the org.,

What I am telling you Willie is that I am not paying for it out of my pocket anymore. I have placed the formula squarely in the hands of the members, content & activity drive the site. If people want this place to function, if they value it as a community then they will participate in discussions, post articles, experiences images and the site will heal itself. I just can't afford to pay for everyone to have a place to get information about the bike that I honestly can't even afford to own right now.

Make no mistake our advertisers that are with us are stellar, and there are some incredible members like yourself that are active in discussions and topics and bring a lot to the table. But there are more that sit back and click the like button or post on FB but not here.. My mission has not changed one single bit in 18 years, "To Foster an Environment where Hayabusa Enthusiast can share stories, images, information and in the process build relationships."
I would ask this Willie, why would a new site survive if there are only a handful of people that want to participate? What would be different from a new site than the one that has been right in front of them? Are we inferring that its the site itself?

No not at all. I was trying to say in my post that the chemistry here is hard to re-create. It's something you and the mods/admins have worked to make happen. I was feeling that you were saying this is a done deal, but you sound like it's still possible to keep this going - which I think we all would prefer. Can we maybe make a list of things we (members, not management) need to improve then? Obviously increasing traffic & posting is the first thing......
No not at all. I was trying to say in my post that the chemistry here is hard to re-create. It's something you and the mods/admins have worked to make happen. I was feeling that you were saying this is a done deal, but you sound like it's still possible to keep this going - which I think we all would prefer. Can we maybe make a list of things we (members, not management) need to improve then? Obviously increasing traffic & posting is the first thing......

If you go back to my very first post in this thread I made the statement "The downtime we experienced a few weeks ago was me moving the site to a new (lesser) server that is month to month hosting which allows us to break out when it's convenient for us. I could not justify a 12 or 24 month contract as we have not covered our hosting fees for several months".

We are at a month to month payment on the server now, I have no long term financial risk hanging over me. At the pace in which we have historically declined it was time to post the next logical steps.

FYI I hope that everyone knows we have always been asking for feedback, ideas and suggestion on what members want to see on the site... So it's not just a member thing, there is a symbiotic relationship that has to occur.
Cap, you having a bad month??

Do you still have your Busa, or is it sold?

Yep, those great old days when we had the gang meet at Eureka and the Phillips in North Carolina are times I treasured and will never forget. They are gone though, we are all getting older and I could never figure out where that magic went. Just know it disappeared. In the end, I think it was your presence and influence which made those times so good.

If the you decide to let the org go, some will miss it, some have totally moved on. I ride maybe a 1,000 miles a year these days, but the parked bike still makes me smile.

Why not hand this over to the new generation, new values, a different group and perhaps it dies anyway, or perhaps you can look at it as the founder of something great which you started and see how it transpires with a new culture?

Suzuki either has to release something absolutely iconic which blows the competition away to attract the traffic you are looking for. Don't think that is going to happen. The only other two alternatives are big changes, new values and a new generation, or a slow death.

Personally, I hope you hang in there.
This is the first forum I've been a part off and it seems that I'm part of the problem, I've done a lot of reading but haven't been very active in the participation area but That has slowly started to change as I've become more accustomed to how things work here and as I do some of the mods. I've purchased a few parts from members and have recently put the new to me bike away for the winter to start working on it. I have never been very big on taking pictures but I find that this bike and this site are changing that for me and with that being said I will make a commitment to start posting more content as I was planning on taking photos of the work and posting here this year and into next riding season if the site is still here. If not thank you Captain for this site as it has been a great source of inspiration, knowledge and connection with other like minded enthusiasts for me.
Here's a picture of my crappy little bike shop for the year, just enough room to work but not enough to have buddy's over at the same time and there's no room for the beer fridge but it's very close. No comments about he framing job lol. built this out of scrap wood 20 years ago and I cant remember why I had to put double v'd joist in the middle of the wall. must have had a good reason. It's been used as a garden shed but made my shop into a studio for the wife so until we move in a couple of years this will be the Busas insulated and heated home

busa shop.jpg
Cap, you having a bad month??

Do you still have your Busa, or is it sold?

Yep, those great old days when we had the gang meet at Eureka and the Phillips in North Carolina are times I treasured and will never forget. They are gone though, we are all getting older and I could never figure out where that magic went. Just know it disappeared. In the end, I think it was your presence and influence which made those times so good.

I sold the bike in 2015 to the only guy that I think would appreciate the bike as much as me and that was MC_Mustang. This is why every time I see him riding at Deals Gap or with a group I choke up a little and post some contentious comment. Shawn rode that bike way back in 2008 when I first got the old girl after the big crash in 2007. I think he went from Suches Georgia all the way back to Robbinsville on her if I remember correctly. To see him take care of her and ride old Sandra Dee in those same places today makes me smile... Dad's do what dads gotta do and putting my kids through college debt free was and still is a priority even if it means saying goodbye to the black beauty. My oldest is in Seminary now, he has finished college and my youngest is in highschool so nothing is cheap.

It's hard to go to Eureka and sit at the hotel all day while the guys go ride so until things change a little I won't be there, the same for Robbinsville. I did have a nice long conversation with Uncle Steve yesterday and he is looking for another Busa and is already trying to talk me into the Man Trip of 2018, the one to put the others to shame.. I look back on those relationships, memories, experiences and just friggin smile and think of how much fun I've had with guys (and gals) from this site... It should be illegal some of the things we've done... ummm wait no, it is legal in some states.

Imagine a site with Busas, H2's, etc. all on one site barking back and forth at each other.

Bikeland was like that. I posted on their hayabusa section but I really went there for ZX-14 info and so did most other members, I gather from watching and comparing the those two sections. Bikeland has since all but dried up. Post a question there and you're lucky to get a reply within a couple weeks. I don't bother with it anymore but it was the place to go to get technical info 8-9 years ago.

zx-14ninjaforums is great for banter but post a more obscure technical question thread and you'll probably get no answer. I also participate on and get some good info but it is nothing like the number of helpful responses I gotten here. If you ask me, this place isn't exactly dead, not compared to other forums I use. It might be a little sleepy but that will change. JMO but if people troll info on this site, that's a good thing, not bad. If they get their answer, great but in every case I have ever had a question, I was not satisfied with just reading what had previously been covered. I had to use the thread to post more questions. The only exceptions to this were situations where the forum was not directly motorcycle related (like when searching general electrical or oil, etc. info). In those cases, I always bring the info with links to a thread on one of the previously mentioned forums. The point is, if someone is trolling, they are extremely likely to post unless it is such a simple and thoroughly covered topic that there is literally pages of info on sepparate threads. In that case it's still easier and quicker to ask and many do, often to the chagrin of other members.

Just sayin, this forum looks far from dead to me.