Awesome bike. Buuuut. I just read this entire thread like literally every single post. To me you do not seem like a person that needs this kind of bike or power please do yourself a favor Park the turbo busa buy you a regular old gsxr 600, 750 or 1000 who cares. Go do some riding classes buy some gear real gear. I'm willing to bet you have less than 600 bucks total into your gear. On a 230mph bike that's just flat out stupid. I don't even own a busa yet I'm currently saving money for my first. I ride an 02 tl1000r which is just flat out slow compared to your ride. Yet I probably have more money spent on my jacket than you do gear. Seriously get your priorities straight borrow your wife's r6 and learn how to really ride a motorcycle. I can tell by those 6 inch chicken Strips you cant turn 4 chit. My bike loses its strips within 100 miles of a tire x change everytime. By the way I'm not hating at all it just scares me that Squids can go get bikes like yours. How can I tell your a squid you ask? 1. Your very serious lack of knowledge about anything. 2. The fact that you feel the need to keep reminding everyone how much your not a show off yet feel the need to brag everytime someone "hates" on you 3. Your piss poor choice in gear or choice to not wear any I guess. I mean please save your own life and Park that beast for a while until your good and ready to ride it. Again amazing bike congratulations I wish I could afford one no offense intended here just very concerned for a fellow rider. I prefer not to hear about people crashing. I just recently had a friend go down on the Dragon and get hit by a 370z not 30 feet behind me and it was one of the most gut wrenching feelings ever. The 370 driver said he's a member here actually maybe he'll see this and back me up a bit.