HPC hugger


New hugger came today. I hate to report it's not a perfect fit. It was not hitting the tire on the right side, but there was a 1/16" difference from one side to the other. I got to moving and jacking the thing around and found if the right side below the mounding bolt was raised it evened up. I put double-sided tape on a thick plastic washer then slid it under the edge and everything looks good. I'm running it like this.

I will get you a new one ASAP. I will let Phil know first thing tomorrow.
Very sorry!!!

My second one came in the mail today, I'll be installing it tomorrow. If this one doesn't work out, I'm just gonna return it.
I was gonna mention that HPC would probly replace it if it didn't fit right, and i see they're gonna.
Well I put the new hugger on too, it fit perfect.. Absolutely nothing to complain about other then they may want to consider putting a grommet through the single hole on the right side of the hugger. I tightened mine up ever so lightly, and you could hear the enamel starting to crack.. I backed it off and put a small rubber grommet in there, and it was perfect.

Thanks to HPC for getting it right.
