Well, after this w/e ride, and freezing my tail off, I decided to do the hump storage mod.
Unbolt the four bolts securing the white base to the hump, 10mm wrench. Clean inside the hump, soap and water followed by drying. Using dremel w/ cutoff wheel, cut the center section of the bolt hole mounting tabs, this allows the bolt/pinch nut assembly to slide onto the bolt tab (Pic 1 and 2)
Measure and cut foam to follow the inside contour of the hump for sound deadoning and prevent damage. Using 3M Spray General Adhesive, coat the inside of the hump and the backside of the foam, let sit one minute minimum, then press into place ensuring all contact area is bonded. (Pic 1).
Using hex bolts (6mm x 1.0 x 16mm, from Home Depot), place a drop of RED locktite on the threads and screw into the underside of the pinch bolts and tighten. Next, using dremel with the cutoff wheel, flatten out a spot about 4 threads down from the working end to allow drill bit to bite w/o slipping off (front hump bolts flatten out front, the latch side flatten out the sides). Using a small drill bit, drill a hole thru the bolt on the flat side, again, you want the pin to go in-line with the bike on the two front bolts, and side to side on the rear bolts. (Pic 3)
Install the 4 bolt assmeblies by sliding onto the mounting tabs. Lower the base over the bolts and retain using 3/8" Ring Cotters (Home Depot). (Pic 4 and 5).
This will definately help next time I'm riding in the mountains, or pretty much anywhere. My wife wont ride with me so having the hump on is not an issue.
Enjoy. (MC, I finally took pic of something
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Unbolt the four bolts securing the white base to the hump, 10mm wrench. Clean inside the hump, soap and water followed by drying. Using dremel w/ cutoff wheel, cut the center section of the bolt hole mounting tabs, this allows the bolt/pinch nut assembly to slide onto the bolt tab (Pic 1 and 2)
Measure and cut foam to follow the inside contour of the hump for sound deadoning and prevent damage. Using 3M Spray General Adhesive, coat the inside of the hump and the backside of the foam, let sit one minute minimum, then press into place ensuring all contact area is bonded. (Pic 1).
Using hex bolts (6mm x 1.0 x 16mm, from Home Depot), place a drop of RED locktite on the threads and screw into the underside of the pinch bolts and tighten. Next, using dremel with the cutoff wheel, flatten out a spot about 4 threads down from the working end to allow drill bit to bite w/o slipping off (front hump bolts flatten out front, the latch side flatten out the sides). Using a small drill bit, drill a hole thru the bolt on the flat side, again, you want the pin to go in-line with the bike on the two front bolts, and side to side on the rear bolts. (Pic 3)
Install the 4 bolt assmeblies by sliding onto the mounting tabs. Lower the base over the bolts and retain using 3/8" Ring Cotters (Home Depot). (Pic 4 and 5).
This will definately help next time I'm riding in the mountains, or pretty much anywhere. My wife wont ride with me so having the hump on is not an issue.
Enjoy. (MC, I finally took pic of something

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