Earl, I don't think you see it with an Engineer's eye. Put everyone's favorite tail in the wind tunnel. Which design has the lowest cD (drag coefficient, not music) of all of them? The Hayabusa hump!

Not trying to change anyone's mind, just works!
Hope no one went out and bought the PMP300 yet.|6|36|1|010226745101|-1

The above URL will sell it for $74.99 after rebate
I guess the hump makes the bike look a little bit more like a guy I've heard off that lived in the belltower of a church called Notre Dame.
Thumbs up for the hump. It makes an already exotic looking bike look more so. I seem to get more oohs, aahs, and questions with it than without.
I just can't resist replying to this thread..... I prefer to ride bareback(w/seat) rather than with a hump. A humper will loose the most useful performance capability of all, the chick magnet. Properly set up and ridden a copper Hayabusa will attract at least 9.4 chicks/day. Black and silver Busa's only do 7.2 c/d though.

Ladies, humpless would work for you too, No self respecting guy would turn down a bareback ride. Although this author has no valid performance statistics, riding with a hump would dramatically reduce your guys/day ratio ...

I bet a ZX12 won't have as good a c/d or g/d ratio.


[This message has been edited by Lyle (edited 29 July 1999).]
Has anyone ridden their Hayabusa with their wife on the back and then when she sees all the females in their cars staring at the bike, she tells you when you go riding alone you have to put on the hump?!?! HaHa :)
Hump can be notched, took me ten minutes with
a file and some sandpaper. Looks good and for the aerodynamics i dont bother, think my 105kg is destroying everything the little
busa son who sat on the bike when designed
managed to get.
However mine is realy fast. Can not hold full throttle in first, when it reaches 6 grand it will flip over unlesss i shut it of!
(has to be the not existing break in!)
Thanks vidar - I measured it out last night and all looked OK but I'm glad someone has already tried it.

[This message has been edited by timos (edited 02 August 1999).]
My wife actualy said to take it off. She said it was stupid looking.. Well I like it with it off personally but you would think she would be in favor of it on!! (Trust is a wonderful thing!) hehehe...

Terra 1, sadly you have to unbolt the grab rail to get the seat hump on.
I'm a hump on kind of guy with the exception of the occasional weekend when my wife insists I make a little room for her.
Hey, has anyone notched the hump so you can keep the grab bar on? Not really super aerodynamic but the S.O. likes the bar and it's a pain to keep bolting/unbolting.
This is a ridiculous question...
you gotta have the hump!
Unless you plan on scaring the hell out of someone,the hump should be on at all times!
Besides aerodynamics,the hump is part of suzukis' styling,it sets it apart from the rest!
You didn't buy it just for its #'s did you?
If you don't like the hump,is it possible to like any other part of the 'BUSA?
Sabor, your wife may not like the look of the hump, but to say it is stupid-looking means she is ignorant to its purpose. Does she know what laminar flow is?

That part of the bike is purpose-built as part of the whole aerodynamics package. It may not be aesthetically pleasing to her, or to you either (don't let her do your thinking for you), but to say it is "stupid looking" is a bit like saying Einstein was stupid when you have no clue about the theory of relativity.

Go ahead, take it off. Stupid is as stupid does....
No kidding----I did not know a lift bar was under the left side of the bike. That would be great!!! When I get back in town I'll look for that bar, I haven't noticed it.
Yo Earl. If you want to put the bike on the centre stand why not use the bar provided under the rear on the left of the bike? on the right it's just a groove beneath the seat/hump but on the left it's got a grab bar for just that purpose :-)
I always have mine on. When I went to first look at the bike in the showroom, they had the other seat and hand rail on it. One of my first questions was...where is that other piece that goes there? (didn't know exactly what to call it, but I knew I wanted it). Sales guy said it's in a box and comes with it. So I bought the bike, drove it home and put the hump on...and it hasn't come off yet.