Fooling around with the dirt bike yesterday in friends' yard, low sided it, rolled a little ways, and in the process managed to tweak my left knee. Front to back movement is pretty much fine, but there's a big sore spot on the inside of it. From the feel of how it hurts when I move, I must have bent it sideways a little during the rag doll act. Took some Ibuprofins a bit ago, hopefully that will take the edge off enough to at least get the DB out of the back of the truck and get to the store.
This has been a rough week off work. Haven't had any boo boos in several months, then had 2 this week (did the right ankle a few days ago, healed now).
Almost be glad to get back to the relative safety of the steel shop tomorrow.
This has been a rough week off work. Haven't had any boo boos in several months, then had 2 this week (did the right ankle a few days ago, healed now).
Almost be glad to get back to the relative safety of the steel shop tomorrow.