I am going to have to punch a Harley guy soon

Should've waited for them to get back on the bikes and dust 'em in the corners. I've ridden the 507 with you, they wouldn't have much to say after watching you scrape a fairing through the corners :thumbsup:
Dont hit them with your fist, use your helmet! Much larger contact patsh, harder impact, and leaves your hand good for the riding! I got a few comments last week when I rode my gf's blk/pink/wht gixxer 600 to work. I work with ALL HD guys. So after about the 5th comment, I said "get a lane *****es"! When they looked at me like I was crazy, I said once more line them up! I promised them all that I would spank the biggest baddest hog of em all on my gf's pink 600! They backed down, because they know I wasnt clowning around, I would have. I know a lazy pass on that ride is an 11.30, and they couldnt dream of that. Just let them talk, but if it goes too far, just remind them your bike makes more torque than theirs, not to mention twice the hp! and that you'll line em up right now infront of god and country just to show them who the tough guy really is! Or tough gal lol!
I have never actually had a bad conversation with a Harley rider. I've had two or three yell or give my the stink eye on the road, but nothing but comradery out of the saddle.
It is true Harley riders are not the only ones hating on the Busa! I frequent a sportbike forum that always has sarcastic or negative comments about the Busa. It usually comes up when someone asks advice about what bike to start on or move up to; it never fails someone will say something like "You obviously need a Busa, turbo Busa, stretched Busa, etc. . Then there's the get a Busa so you can go fast in a strait line and never have fun in the twisties, or hang out at bike nights with the "look at me attitude" lol!

Recently a guy posted about a buddy getting an R1 as his first bike and as usual someone chimed in if he was a real man he would have gotten a Busa! The OP responded with something like " I think the Busa is a waste of a sportbike and I don't know why it was ever built, and it's ugly as hell!" (Okay even some Busa owners will agree to the last part lol)!

Others chimed in with the ugly comments and the fat pig comments, but some actually mentioned that the Busa will handle exceptionally well in the twisties if the rider is up to it! I don't usually respond to the " What I heard about the Busa" comments but I responded with: You can kiss my:

Slow in the corners
A$$ :laugh:
just go watch the southpark episode on the harley guys, and have a chuckle at how well they hit the nail on the head with the stereotype, and when you see a hardley ableson on the road, take comfort with the fact that youll only see and hear him for a few seconds
just go watch the southpark episode on the harley guys, and have a chuckle at how well they hit the nail on the head with the stereotype, and when you see a hardley ableson on the road, take comfort with the fact that youll only see and hear him for a few seconds

So true. However, for the love of Jeebus.. Do NOT call them fags.
Now since I have had the busa, I noticed how attitudes changed from when I was riding my CBR 600. Without fail, all of the derogotory comments have come from male Harley riders.

I had another one this past weekend and frankly, I am pretty fed up with it. When the coment was said, I was already on the bike and slowly on the move. I actually stopped the bike and stared at the dude in my mirror, but I had been standing having a bite to eat and checking my map and it was about 30 C and sweat was rolling down my back.

( I ride full gear, no matter what)Then I kept going....and I am mad at myself for not getting off and confronting the jerk. I DID have a comment 2 weeks ago at a local meet and I wasn't sure which idiot said it and I had just pulled up and I said out loud" Which one of you said that?"

There was a silence and someone said" Uh, he just left" No one had left and I said" Which one of you with the slow bike said that"?


I would really like to support all people who choose to ride motorcycles, no matter what kind of bike it is, really I would, but from experience, unfortunatly, I have a hate on for Harley riders. Way to often I see a shocking lack of riding skill,obnoxious loud pipes,usually coupled with stereos blaring( like this weekend,my friend and I were at a lakeside cafe and we had to stop talking when 4 Harleys rode up wirh each pipe louder than the next and radios full blast, while it took them 4 trys to back the bike into a parking spot,BTW, you don't need to have the bike running when you are backing it in) and an attitude that if you don't ride a Harley, it's not worth riding.

Now I understand that the best bike in the world is the one you are currently riding, but, I am happy to just tell people who want to know, that I love my bike, extoll its virtues, and leave it at that.

There are to many idiots out there playing dress-up bad-azz on the weekends with no riding skills,no idea how to handle a bike, how to observe the rules of the road,and disgusting attitudes towards other riders.

So Mr. Badd-Azz Harley guy, whoever the lucky guy is, I will prolly unleash a vitriol upon you when you make your " comment" about me and my bike,and it is always tethered to something about a female riding a busa...

EFF YOU.....

Now, please ,mount your POS bike, helmetless and gearless and skilless, and let Darwinism do it's work.....

Wow. Grow up. You're just as bad as the people you're ragging on with your sweeping statements and assumptions
sorry laurie... Just think in a month... We ALL can laugh at them!!
Huuumpphhh,, I ride both, I`m sorry that you would get that kind of attitude, I do as well at times, (no matter which one I`m on). To me It`s about the ride, good times, and company. Myself,, chicks on bikes are HOT, Have a few female friends I ride with from time to time. G/f gets a little miffed, nothing to be miffed about, it`s about the riding (pun intended). Rise above it, again sorry, don`t let them give all of us "Harley guys" a bad name.
One thing you people that are saying negative things to her need to realize,


So relax and don't take things she says completely literally and say ignorant things like she needs to grow up. That is only going to take the thread south. You don't have to agree with her views on Harley riders, but you can aid her or anyone else that has similar encounters that upset them (doesn't have to be Harley riders you sensitive people). I am sure you would love it if you were telling someone about something that pissed you off and you were just told to grow up or some other negative stupid comment.
Snide comments, stupid questions and outlandish stories of a buddy with a ...
It all comes with the territory, so get used to the :poke:
Now since I have had the busa, I noticed how attitudes changed from when I was riding my CBR 600. Without fail, all of the derogotory comments have come from male Harley riders.

I had another one this past weekend and frankly, I am pretty fed up with it. When the coment was said, I was already on the bike and slowly on the move. I actually stopped the bike and stared at the dude in my mirror, but I had been standing having a bite to eat and checking my map and it was about 30 C and sweat was rolling down my back.

( I ride full gear, no matter what)Then I kept going....and I am mad at myself for not getting off and confronting the jerk. I DID have a comment 2 weeks ago at a local meet and I wasn't sure which idiot said it and I had just pulled up and I said out loud" Which one of you said that?"

There was a silence and someone said" Uh, he just left" No one had left and I said" Which one of you with the slow bike said that"?


I would really like to support all people who choose to ride motorcycles, no matter what kind of bike it is, really I would, but from experience, unfortunatly, I have a hate on for Harley riders. Way to often I see a shocking lack of riding skill,obnoxious loud pipes,usually coupled with stereos blaring( like this weekend,my friend and I were at a lakeside cafe and we had to stop talking when 4 Harleys rode up wirh each pipe louder than the next and radios full blast, while it took them 4 trys to back the bike into a parking spot,BTW, you don't need to have the bike running when you are backing it in) and an attitude that if you don't ride a Harley, it's not worth riding.

Now I understand that the best bike in the world is the one you are currently riding, but, I am happy to just tell people who want to know, that I love my bike, extoll its virtues, and leave it at that.

There are to many idiots out there playing dress-up bad-azz on the weekends with no riding skills,no idea how to handle a bike, how to observe the rules of the road,and disgusting attitudes towards other riders.

So Mr. Badd-Azz Harley guy, whoever the lucky guy is, I will prolly unleash a vitriol upon you when you make your " comment" about me and my bike,and it is always tethered to something about a female riding a busa...

EFF YOU.....

Now, please ,mount your POS bike, helmetless and gearless and skilless, and let Darwinism do it's work.....

Vent dude its going to be OK! Just cause he is a Harley Rider doesnt mean that all people that ride Harleys are asses! You know as well as I know there are a bunch of non riding rich lil punk asz kids that ride there sport bikes doing wheelies at 100 mph on the back wheel past families in mini vans, Just as they have there straight pipes some of us have sidewinders with no baffels on our busa or shorties. Dont stereo type its not cool, be the better man and brush it off as imaturity you will always come out looking respected then making an (_I_) of yourself. Pride is a great thing also is being humble and proud with confidence to let chit roll off your back:beerchug:
I have to say I get more crap from other sport bike riders. Every HD rider has complimented my bike. They say they would never own one but respect it.
Posted via Mobile Device
Hi op. I know these guys irk u, but please avoid any altercations. Don't even respond to these guys that do derogatory things. Its not worth it if they decide to beat u down or stab/shoot u. Most harley guys I've seen have waved when I wave at them. Only one time I had a guy flick his had at me like "gtfo" after I waved. If someone is that miserable to do something like that, then u just feel sorry that they haven't properly evolved yet and perhaps one dat theyll aknowledge the light and change. But do yourself a favor and ignore these guys before u run across the wrong one. TC..:beerchug:
All depends on where your at. When I had my VMAX I could roll on in past the Outlaws into the Eagles Nest or the Iron Horse and gets a thumbs up:thumbsup:
I think it may differ with a Busa. But hey I luv my Hayabusa and enjoy every second on it Suzuki did a great job!!!!:beerchug: But unfortuntely not all like the busa and are jelous of it and its known as the Fastest Production Motorcycle, Jelous is mostly haters better to look the other way and be proud we have nothing to defend we have the FASTEST and best built motorcycle the Suzuki Hayabusa!!:bowdown:

If Harley made airplanes, would you fly in one?
Just hock a big loogy on him, kick him in the nuts and ride away. They will never catch you since you own the fastest bike made :)
Just challenge them to a race for 'pinks'...then have someone in a 4x4 roll over their junk right in front of them when you win. :laugh:


just fart! :beerchug: