I am going to have to punch a Harley guy soon

There's honestly no need to hate any single group of riders. I started on a Harley and I recall the overall attitude of the HD riders I'd see/ride with toward sport bikers, including myself.

I crossed over to the sport bike realm, riding with all Harley guys (including my then hubby and my Dad) and I'd take the heat, pull up at the HD dealerships on the Busa getting all the stares and comments. I saw both sides, lived it and I was ready for the so-called attitude, but I found out pretty quickly that it was easier to just tell them I owned a HD at one time too, strike up conversations about riding, joke about what we all ride, not take life so seriously. They'd start calling my Busa a crotch rocket, I'd say it's a "Mazacrotchi", then call theirs a "Barcalounger" and ask where the TV remote goes. It's all in your delivery, all in the name of having fun, and if you can laugh at yourself first, they usually follow. It's just a motorcycle and if anyone takes what they ride that seriously and thinks they're superior for their personal choice in the type of scooter they're on, well, stand next to Al Gore and his amazing Internet invention thingy 'cause you're special :laugh:

I will say though, as a female rider, I've never really experienced any kind of true disrespect from any rider, doesn't matter what they're riding. Most guys seem to enjoy that women are out riding their own motorcycles, so try dropping your guard a bit and let them in, get to know them and let them know you. Most just want to strike up conversation with a fellow rider... :thumbsup:
There's honestly no need to hate any single group of riders. I started on a Harley and I recall the overall attitude of the HD riders I'd see/ride with toward sport bikers, including myself.

I crossed over to the sport bike realm, riding with all Harley guys (including my then hubby and my Dad) and I'd take the heat, pull up at the HD dealerships on the Busa getting all the stares and comments. I saw both sides, lived it and I was ready for the so-called attitude, but I found out pretty quickly that it was easier to just tell them I owned a HD at one time too, strike up conversations about riding, joke about what we all ride, not take life so seriously. They'd start calling my Busa a crotch rocket, I'd say it's a "Mazacrotchi", then call theirs a "Barcalounger" and ask where the TV remote goes. It's all in your delivery, all in the name of having fun, and if you can laugh at yourself first, they usually follow. It's just a motorcycle and if anyone takes what they ride that seriously and thinks they're superior for their personal choice in the type of scooter they're on, well, stand next to Al Gore and his amazing Internet invention thingy 'cause you're special :laugh:

I will say though, as a female rider, I've never really experienced any kind of true disrespect from any rider, doesn't matter what they're riding. Most guys seem to enjoy that women are out riding their own motorcycles, so try dropping your guard a bit and let them in, get to know them and let them know you. Most just want to strike up conversation with a fellow rider... :thumbsup:

When I am standing there minding my own bizness, I am not on my guard, they approch me, some times I am not even OFF the bike yet! Yes, I was venting and what I mean is that when I got back and read what I have written I do a face palm..

If I can't share here about my busa......:banghead:
I dont care much for most of those guys either by I let it be.Most guys get a kick out of looking at my busa.The open minded ones anyway. I dont like harleys or the open pipes but to each theyre own I guess.If I buy a US made bike, it will be a Victory.
Most Hardley guys love the BUSA. :thumbsup:

Although they hate my 109 :wtf:

Rubber side down no matter what you ride is what I Live by :rulez:
It is funny, I have friends on Harleys and there is between us some good natured ribbing ,that I will start as often as they do. This is merely friends playing, I know them they know me. What I can't stand is "One Brand Wonders" The individual who is sure that his/her machine is the best one on the planet, and that you are a moron for not having their brand of bike. (this may be the result of having extended themselves past their comfort zone, to buy the one bike they own or some other insecurity) Here in the states Since Harley is the one of the largest sellers, particularly here in New England , we get to see more "One Brand Wonders" on Harleys. I think most of us have seen a few of these on Hayabusas as well.
That said I hope my friends keep ribbing me about my Rice Rocket and my Wheelabago , I will keep asking them if they ride my can of paint around the block so it is well shaken and why they too the deer off of there two wheeled lawn tractor.
Reminds me of a guy I work with that is always telling me to get a real bike. He does not ride, he is afraid of bikes. One day we go to lunch in his company truck. It is gutless. He is complaining about the lack of power. I said if you owned a Harley you would be in the same old boat. He asked what did I mean. I explained that HD's have about 60hp. That my piece of crap bike has twice the HP of a HD. He jaw dropped. I smiled. He asked if I was serious? Yep. I ride a Bandit 1200. A guy we work with rides a Triumph, the big 3 cyl cruiser. I told my friend that bike will smoke a HD.

I go to eat breakfast one morning and the waitress asks what do you ride? I say Bandit. She says cool, I love to ride too. I ask what do you ride? She says a HD V-Rod. I say cool. She tells me her hubby rides an HD too. How she has to wait on the guys. One day her VR needs to go in for service. She takes it in. Days later her hubby went to pick up the bike from the dealer. He gets on the freeway and nails it. SCARED the crap out of him. He told her he would never ride that thing again. We laughed.

Next time a posed gives you crap, laugh. He may not have a clue.
When I am standing there minding my own bizness, I am not on my guard, they approch me, some times I am not even OFF the bike yet! Yes, I was venting and what I mean is that when I got back and read what I have written I do a face palm..

If I can't share here about my busa......:banghead:

Vent all you want, some here are just trying to help you cool your jets a bit and not take it all so seriously. Sounds to me like you don't like the attention you're getting from the HD guys there, AND you don't like the attention here when some say "Don't let it bother you so much", so why bother sharing it at all? :poke:

This is just the Internet :;):
:rofl:I wish a Harley owner would have the balls to say that to me! I would take all of his money! This not the wack NHRA where a Harley gets away with everything this is the real world! and in the real world Harley's are slow over priced pieces of ****!:thumbsup:
:rofl:I wish a Harley owner would have the balls to say that to me! I would take all of his money! This not the wack NHRA where a Harley gets away with everything this is the real world! and in the real world Harley's are slow over priced pieces of ****!:thumbsup:

That's a wonderful first post :poke:

Around here, we do have a lot of Busa owners that actually own Harleys too, so this isn't an HD hate site, just a little FYI :whistle:

Welcome to the oRg...
Just think there are some Harley riders out there still saying they are gonna have to slap some Busa rider one day :)
Pretty much every harley guy i've told what i ride when we start talking about riding is "oh crap you ride one of those, way to much power those are bad machines man"
Had 2 harley guys that had never seen my bike at our 4th party and both were in awe:thumbsup:

Same thing at the bike nights, alot of em dont know what it is, but when it rings the bell oh one of those and the questions start. only experience to the negative i've ever had was last night at a bike night where a young guy proceeded to tell the woman i usually ride with how pathetic and over done R6's are... Dude its a 5'4" girl who isnt into speed or handling she just wants to ride, who cares. Ironically enough he rode off on the back of another guys sportster:rofl::rofl:
all my friends know i own a Harley, and encourage me to ride that "death machine" aka Bessie :rofl:
they dont want me to put any miles on or beat up my Harley. they all think is is super special. i just wanna ride it.

the "CHICKEN SPEARS! CHICKEN SPEARS!" crowd can be a little overboard. but they are just tryin to make friends and be "cool". it's like poking the girl with a pencil that you liked in 3rd grade. :poke: you were kinda mean to her, but ya really wanted to hold her hand. it is kinda the same with the bike crowd.

cheer up Buttercup. not every harley rider is a jerk.:beerchug: