I cant believe i got laid off

I was gonna say, CDL, Hazmat endorsement, which also means you are clean and drug free. You need to start looking HAZMAT drivers hard to find I'll bet something pops up quickly good luck!

Where you at? Different needs in different parts of the country. In New Orleans CDL/Hazmat getting about $30 an hour due to shortages...
Kat Philosophy: When you think you are sitting on the bottom you better watch out! The bottom will fall out! :rofl:

Hang in there...count your blessings and catch up on the honey dos! :thumbsup:
Hope you find a job soon!! The company I am working for right now is having layoffs about once a month but it is only a couple of people each time.
I had a choice 2 weeks ago, Get laid off or take a fork lift driving job. I hate driving the fork lift. But it's money so I took that. I've been trying to find another job in the maintenance field for the last 2 weeks and they are offering me 3 to 4 bucks less then what I am getting paid now.
Sorry to hear about the lay off. This slow economy is affecting many people. The company I've worked for (for 10 years) went out of business at the beginning of April. The only saving grace for me is that I got offered another position at a sister company. Trouble is, it will require me to move 9.5 hours west to Indiana.
Sorry to hear about the layoff. Hope everything works out for you I really do.

I've taken a substantial paycut but at least I still have a job and for that I'm thankful.
Best of luck to you...I have been laid off twice and it sucks but things seem to always work out.
I was gonna say, CDL, Hazmat endorsement, which also means you are clean and drug free. You need to start looking HAZMAT drivers hard to find I'll bet something pops up quickly good luck!

Where you at? Different needs in different parts of the country. In New Orleans CDL/Hazmat getting about $30 an hour due to shortages...

Southern Indiana (Evansville) Yes im drug free. I have done otr trucking as well in past.
BUt would rather have local delivery seems like I miss everything on otr trucking,(racing ,family gatherings ect) Im kind of mad at place laid me off.other guys were milking the clock so they find out+lay me off.2 guys spent most last week working on personal pickup truck on company time.
I like the job but dont think much of some of other co-workers.Lazy comes 2 mind dont come in on time lie or fix there time.WE punch time in on hand held computers.Then boss tells me we have start cleaning up in extra time.Im not picking up other guys trash im not there mother they should do that thereselfs.
sorry to hear it man it always seems that the lazy ones stay. if you decide to go otr i can give you the number to the company i left for a career change
Don't wait for the old job to call. Seek out a new job in trucking. If they call you back at the old job you can make up your mind then, however it sounds like you should find a better place. Don't trust anyone when they say they will call you back, that is just an easy way out for the person telling you.
I dont know if should seek another job or not.They said would call me back august or sept. latest.I guess this job is 3--4 months off a year now.Had I known it was coming wouldnt be quite as bad.I guess most guys dont get a warning.

I think its wifes turn take me dinner friday 4 a change.

Prob get taco bell.

I can't count how many times I hear from different agencies saying "yea, we've got this great project coming up and you would be a great asset." I never wait around for them to call.

Don't wait for the old job to call. Seek out a new job in trucking. If they call you back at the old job you can make up your mind then, however it sounds like you should find a better place. Don't trust anyone when they say they will call you back, that is just an easy way out for the person telling you.