Are you that stupid??? He cant just go showing you all of the evidence he has if he plans on filing a lawsuit. He cant name the dealership that did this... If he shows everyone the video and names who the dealership is, the dealership may file a counter suit against him. I bet you anything the lawyer will tell him to keep his mouth shut until its done...Oh, and you'd better do a spelling and grammar check on the quoted post here before you go callin' people illiterate.Shame on all of you. Just because I'm making sure the legality is inline before I start naming the dealer makes me the "bad guy". Frankly I expect nothing more than my prepaid of $1000 back + milage, but I want them to pay, not necessarily to me, but in fines and lost business where it will hurt them.
You guys can't wait for a couple of days before I release the name and video before jumping all over my ass?
Figment of my imagination? Tell that to the oil filter with my etched initials on it with the date that they didn't change. I was sure as hell going to release the video on this site to make sure no one else in So. Cal would fall victim to them, but seeing how you can't even give me some advice and opinion without being judgement about me, I'm not going to do it generally and will only email the link to the video for those that email me and I didn't see trying to rip me a new one.
Most of you are worst than a bunch of rich prom queens!
So for those of you that DIDN'T jump on my ass and try to judge me... PM me at the beginning of next week via this site. I should've compressed the video by then to upload to a web host, and I'll let you know which dealer it is.
And for those of you that are so high and mighty... what goes around on your part, will come around and Karma's a bit*h. Don't bother PM for the link to the video, I'll check against the board to see if you're sorry-ass screen name is amoungst those that judged me for being cautious.
And JohnnyCheese: You've done nothing but jump all over me from your very first reply.... It's obvious what kind of cheese you are. You calling me stupid for not checking the BBB first?? Are stupid or retarded, or just not literate? Didn't you read that I wrote they are the biggest bike dealer in the county the are in?? What kind of as* are you? I'll tell you what kind of as* you are, you're the kind that think you're the smart and better than anyone else and that anyone that falls victim to a circumstance beyond their LOGICAL control, it is their fault. We'll fate usually has something in store for As*ses like you, just don't expect any sympathy when it happens to you.![]()
#1- Mileage, not "milage" (spelling)
#2- "Tell that to the oil filter with my etched initials on it with the date that they didn't change." So, ummm, they didn't change the date on the filter? (poor sentence)
#3- "...seeing how you can't even give me some advice and opinion without being judgement about me..." Ummm, "without being judgement about me"? (another poor sentence)
#4- "Most of you are worst than a bunch of rich prom queens!" In that context, it's worse, not "worst".
#5- Amongst, not "amoungst" (another butchered spelling)
#6- "I'll tell you what kind of as* you are, you're the kind that think you're the smart and better than anyone else and that anyone that falls victim to a circumstance beyond their LOGICAL control..." Whew. "The kind that think you're the smart and better than anyone else, huh? Shame on you, cheese, whatever that sentence means...![]()
Ummm, dude... if you're gonna blast others for literacy shortcomings, at least get your shid right in the post you slam them in.Before you search all my posts to find errors to throw back, just remember that I'm not the one callin' others illiterate.![]()
You come to this site as a newbie and want to blast anyone who doesn't jump on your lawsuit happy bandwagon? Not a very good entrance, bro. If havin' your opinion opposed is a problem for you, I'd suggest not postin' it on a public forum in the future. If you don't want criticism, don't lay yer bidness out for all to see.
Anyone on this site would have rallied behind you and felt your pain on bein' ripped a new'un, but the extra drama (class action suit on a small claims civil matter? Puhleeeaaase!) and all the silly secrecy is a bit over the top. That's what we're callin' you out on. With the evidence you claim to have, how could you become the bad guy by makin' it public. If you didn't want to tell anything you should have kept this to yourself until you WERE ready. Now, all the riders local to you are beggin' for the name and you're leavin' 'em hangin'. That ain't cool. What if some of them are lookin' to get an oil change soon and need to know to avoid this dealer. Or, are you hopin' others WILL get burned so that you can add another million to your silly class action suit damage compensation request?![]()
Either way, it's dirty as hell to post about this and not give the info to the other local riders.As far as I'm concerned you can write the name of the dealer on a piece of paper and staple it to your arse. I don't live there and there's zero chance that I'll get burned by the same dealer. You're not screwin' me, you're screwin' your local ridin' mates. If I were local to you and you wouldn't share the info, as far as I'm concerned you'd be considered a loner. I'd hook all my local ridin' bros up with the info ASAP to avoid lettin' 'em get burned. I believe most everyone here would cover their local ridin' community in the same way. Apparently you operate with different morals than the rest of us. You're so caught up in this big bankroll lawsuit of yours that you're willin' to screw your fellow cali ridin' bros. That's just not cool...![]()
bobo of the year award needs to go to bulletrain and johnnycheese.
Sticking up for a dealership that steals from its customers. You two are pathetic.
Ewww, i should do a spell check also so i dont get flamed....