I don't get it?

Sadly, there are no answers to this...humans as a general rule are not designed to get along....
Sadly, there are no answers to this...humans as a general rule are not designed to get along....
Hi. Yes we just have to treat each other as we want to be treated. Let's just say fallenarch and I do not see eye to eye on somethings. But if he was in a burning building I would run in to say him. I am sure that he would do the same for me. These are just not words as I have ran in a building. Because a woman ran out saying someone was in her house [as I was going by ]. She was black. I do not see color in people I see a person and if they are in trouble I will try to help.
Hi. Yes we just have to treat each other as we want to be treated. Let's just say fallenarch and I do not see eye to eye on somethings. But if he was in a burning building I would run in to say him. I am sure that he would do the same for me. These are just not words as I have ran in a building. Because a woman ran out saying someone was in her house [as I was going by ]. She was black. I do not see color in people I see a person and if they are in trouble I will try to help.
I've run into a few burning buildings as a volunteer fire fighter so I feel you there.

Of course we aren't talking the normal reaction of normal human beings here...in many other countries the value of a human life is zero.
I've run into a few burning buildings as a volunteer fire fighter so I feel you there.

Of course we aren't talking the normal reaction of normal human beings here...in many other countries the value of a human life is zero.
Yes that is so sad. Back in Nam a baby girls life. Money is more important than life. I know you would give your life for others too. And yet we would take a life if we had to do it.
Sadly, there are no answers to this...humans as a general rule are not designed to get along....
I can't understand why you would say that. People in general are hard wired to give love and accept love. The people that can't get along have immature minds that oppose others for reasons that are hard to grasp as justifiable. The other big downfall is disloyalty... Disloyalty shows up as dishonest behaviors. Lying, cheating and stealing lead the list as the top 3 things people do that demonstrate untrustworthy and disloyal behavior. Did you ever see the plaque on the former Texas Congressmen's desk of Ron Paul? It has become a mass produced bumper sticker. It says... Don't Steal the Government Hates Competition. Ron Paul was the lead guy back in 2008 pushing for an audit of the Federal Reserve Bank... it never happened. None of that really matters now as we use gold as a commodity to speculate with. Gold has been untied from the dollar since 1971.

But I digressed...
Before children develop biased behaviors they will naturally give and accept nurturing behaviors from others even when they are not the same skin color.
I can't understand why you would say that. People in general are hard wired to give love and accept love. The people that can't get along have immature minds that oppose others for reasons that are hard to grasp as justifiable. The other big downfall is disloyalty... Disloyalty shows up as dishonest behaviors. Lying, cheating and stealing lead the list as the top 3 things people do that demonstrate untrustworthy and disloyal behavior. Did you ever see the plaque on the former Texas Congressmen's desk of Ron Paul? It has become a mass produced bumper sticker. It says... Don't Steal the Government Hates Competition. Ron Paul was the lead guy back in 2008 pushing for an audit of the Federal Reserve Bank... it never happened. None of that really matters now as we use gold as a commodity to speculate with. Gold has been untied from the dollar since 1971.

But I digressed...
Before children develop biased behaviors they will naturally give and accept nurturing behaviors from others even when they are not the same skin color.
I agree, people when born are all innocent but are reared by people with varying degrees of ideology....those ideologies are hard-wired and impossible to divert.

Religion and politics have been the building blocks of evil in the world.

Before we had these things, instinct was the base-line for killing each other just like any other animal, and I'd wager it still is...

People in Bosnia who were neighbors for 30 yrs killed each other over ideology...
The war in Bosnia was particularly nasty-worse by far than Afghanistan and Iraq.
Humans are wired to be tribal, but not necessarily racist. Early man was nomadic, primarily a hunter-gatherer. Note that at this time the races were still fairly geographically isolated. Spats were generally more like family feuds. We know this because early bones and artifacts are generally very similar genetically.

As humans progressed to a primarily agricultural existence, they began to draw boundaries and have conflicts between tribes. As their radius of influence expanded, they began to encounter peoples of varied evolutionary adaptation and we see the beginnings of defensive racism.

For those of you with a biblical paradigm, The old testament tells of the birth of race. While building the tower of babel, an undertaking that drew peoples from all over the middle east, Africa, and southern Europe, God injected multiple languages so that different peoples had a harder time communicating as the tower was a symbol of man's ability to equal God's accomplishments. What's interesting here is that race was a negative thing, essentially a punishment by God. If you are not under the mythical, magic spell of religion the question remains why this negative reference to the origin of race?

Race has, from its very invention been a weapon. The difference between races is genealogically insignificant. In fact, the things we associate with race, positively or negatively, are largely cultural in nature. Looking at the US, race has been used as a method of partied. "White" began as being defined as western European (primarily English). It then grew to include Germans, then Irish (the Irish, running from famine, were almost all debtors). The Italians found it extremely difficult to integrate and many looked down on them as thugs and criminals (at least until Hollywood made Italian cool). However, by the early 1900s, all of these variants were consolidated into the definition of "White American", forming a dominant racial majority that has been used to control the dispensing of resources and power.

There is an entire science for the study of race. I've spent a lot of time learning about it and talking to experts in the field of study, mainly because I am a history buff. You will realize "the game" and look at everything differently. For those who are against critical race theory, it is essentially a commitment to looking factually at our history. Not teaching it is a commitment to racial whitewashing (pun intended) to maintain a racial advantage.

Corporations now have proof that integration leads to higher performance and profits. A study showed that companies with good racial diversity significantly outperform companies that don't. MInority economies in the US (Black, Asian, Native, etc.) fall right behind the major western nations in financial power. I'm not sure how the WS plan to put all of that back in the box and still compete with China.
Humans are wired to be tribal, but not necessarily racist. Early man was nomadic, primarily a hunter-gatherer. Note that at this time the races were still fairly geographically isolated. Spats were generally more like family feuds. We know this because early bones and artifacts are generally very similar genetically.

As humans progressed to a primarily agricultural existence, they began to draw boundaries and have conflicts between tribes. As their radius of influence expanded, they began to encounter peoples of varied evolutionary adaptation and we see the beginnings of defensive racism.

For those of you with a biblical paradigm, The old testament tells of the birth of race. While building the tower of babel, an undertaking that drew peoples from all over the middle east, Africa, and southern Europe, God injected multiple languages so that different peoples had a harder time communicating as the tower was a symbol of man's ability to equal God's accomplishments. What's interesting here is that race was a negative thing, essentially a punishment by God. If you are not under the mythical, magic spell of religion the question remains why this negative reference to the origin of race?

Race has, from its very invention been a weapon. The difference between races is genealogically insignificant. In fact, the things we associate with race, positively or negatively, are largely cultural in nature. Looking at the US, race has been used as a method of partied. "White" began as being defined as western European (primarily English). It then grew to include Germans, then Irish (the Irish, running from famine, were almost all debtors). The Italians found it extremely difficult to integrate and many looked down on them as thugs and criminals (at least until Hollywood made Italian cool). However, by the early 1900s, all of these variants were consolidated into the definition of "White American", forming a dominant racial majority that has been used to control the dispensing of resources and power.

There is an entire science for the study of race. I've spent a lot of time learning about it and talking to experts in the field of study, mainly because I am a history buff. You will realize "the game" and look at everything differently. For those who are against critical race theory, it is essentially a commitment to looking factually at our history. Not teaching it is a commitment to racial whitewashing (pun intended) to maintain a racial advantage.

Corporations now have proof that integration leads to higher performance and profits. A study showed that companies with good racial diversity significantly outperform companies that don't. MInority economies in the US (Black, Asian, Native, etc.) fall right behind the major western nations in financial power. I'm not sure how the WS plan to put all of that back in the box and still compete with China.
Differences in religion, political alignment and ideology has more to do with violent interactions than race does I think.

Physically it is hard to visually tell the difference between a Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian but they can sure tell the difference and killed each other indiscriminately.

Somehow over the millennia if someone looks different than you do they aren't to be trusted...and it takes a long time for this mistrust to be reversed even if it is a perceived mistrust. Racial profiling is a good example of this.
Differences in religion, political alignment and ideology has more to do with violent interactions than race does I think.

Physically it is hard to visually tell the difference between a Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian but they can sure tell the difference and killed each other indiscriminately.

Somehow over the millennia if someone looks different than you do they aren't to be trusted...and it takes a long time for this mistrust to be reversed even if it is a perceived mistrust. Racial profiling is a good example of this.
Interestingly millennials are already largely raceless.