Never Forgotten
Hang in there Bill, You're in my thoughts my friend! Very deep story! Hang in there! You are doing right in all ways so keep that in mind. Hope the rest of the night is OK!!
dude...you are one sick puppy...and i don't even wanna know what "playing hand baby" is.(Ken02busa @ Jul. 08 2007,18:59) yeow this is a loaded discussion. Unless I am reading the very first paragraph wrong, "grounding her for a month and taking her cell phone away again?...things got physical...and she fought back...15 years old..."
which to me sounds like you started playing hand baby on her, after admitting to being a coke head just short of alcoholic, albeit not for a while- there are serious bells going off.
I know I may have missed some stuff, but I am having real problems with the first few lines. I keep going back to them.........
Frightening. Is your daughter aware of your past? Does it scare her?
uhmmm...have you ever been to a busa bash?...90% of the people there knock a few back..."AFTER"....the sun goes down....the bikes are parked and we're sitting around the campfire swapping jokes, lies and laughing...but trust me...NOBODY wants to be hung-over the following mornings so...we don't get too gawd aweful carried away with ourselves...well?...maybe a little...but usually on the last night!(Spudley @ Jul. 08 2007,23:22) Bill,
I hate to be the buzz-kill and all, but I'm pressed to ask the question, "Were ya drinkin' at the bash or was this a photo opportunity thing............."![]()
You don't have to answer this publicly..........
"To thine own self be true" Bruddah............![]()
Well put.(Southside Playa @ Jul. 09 2007,15:17) Whatever you do, NEVER let your past blackmail your future. And don't let anyone around you especially family rake you over the coals for your past indiscretions.
SSP & Jet Li...ya'll are pretty much right on the mark as to how i feel about the whole thing...problem is...this old dogs getting tired of getting wagged by alllll the tails...including my own parents, wife and even my ex father-in-law who was coming at me and ready to duke it out with me yesterday because he bought my daughters theatrics and drama hook, line and sinker...i walked away...ain't no way i'm tangl'in with an old man with a bad heart on his dirt..besides..i sorta admired his willingness to defend...after all...they are my daughters...i don't mind them having excessive protection!(Jet Li @ Jul. 09 2007,12:56)Well put.(Southside Playa @ Jul. 09 2007,15:17) Whatever you do, NEVER let your past blackmail your future. And don't let anyone around you especially family rake you over the coals for your past indiscretions.![]()
Jinks, I really am worried that you are letting your family and daughter push you around. Why, because you seem to me, a very caring and genuine person. A lot of times, people will take advantage of that trait and you find yourself bending over backwards to cater to others needs while you get used up. I know you are a Dad and Husband, son etc.... but, you deserve to be treated right and well......................let those without sin cast the first stone.
Sounds like you have already done your part and have been doing your part for past 20 odd years, so it is time for everyone else to just loosen up and get off your back. I mean, what else do they expect from you?
Your daughter is probably being influenced by friends or is just acting out for some reason or other. Heck she probably doesn't even know why herself. It will be a challenge with her but that is the nature of a female child at 15. Just show her love, assure her that you have got her back and I truly believe all will come back to order.
hang in there Bro, and remember 6th gear cures almost all that ills us![]()
as daughters?...teenage girls can be the most beautiful people you'd ever wanna meet...they can also be the most demonic shid that satan himself would refuse to unleash on man...pure evil...and i got 3 of'em...i'm damned and blessed...x's 3....ouch.(BUSA_BIRD @ Jul. 09 2007,14:14) As a former rebellious 15 year old girl myself, she's realizing that you are human and right now nothing either of her parents do or say is going to be right.
At least she has a dad - but try to be the best one you can be for the few years left that you have. Honestly, getting fired from subway when you are a teenager is not a big deal but where was she when she said she was at work? I know there is guilt but it's out and now move forward the best that you can and salvage what you can. It's your choice what you want out of your family life.
My daughters almost 3 and I'm not looking forward to her being a teenager at all - at least not the one I was. I'm still making it up to my mom!
Jinks, go and get your wife and just let her see what is written under your avatar, Dude. Kinda says it all. I really think even she is being influenced by family peer pressure.(JINKSTER @ Jul. 09 2007,17:50)SSP & Jet Li...ya'll are pretty much right on the mark as to how i feel about the whole thing...problem is...this old dogs getting tired of getting wagged by alllll the tails...including my own parents, wife and even my ex father-in-law who was coming at me and ready to duke it out with me yesterday because he bought my daughters theatrics and drama hook, line and sinker...i walked away...ain't no way i'm tangl'in with an old man with a bad heart on his dirt..besides..i sorta admired his willingness to defend...after all...they are my daughters...i don't mind them having excessive protection!(Jet Li @ Jul. 09 2007,12:56)Well put.(Southside Playa @ Jul. 09 2007,15:17) Whatever you do, NEVER let your past blackmail your future. And don't let anyone around you especially family rake you over the coals for your past indiscretions.![]()
Jinks, I really am worried that you are letting your family and daughter push you around. Why, because you seem to me, a very caring and genuine person. A lot of times, people will take advantage of that trait and you find yourself bending over backwards to cater to others needs while you get used up. I know you are a Dad and Husband, son etc.... but, you deserve to be treated right and well......................let those without sin cast the first stone.
Sounds like you have already done your part and have been doing your part for past 20 odd years, so it is time for everyone else to just loosen up and get off your back. I mean, what else do they expect from you?
Your daughter is probably being influenced by friends or is just acting out for some reason or other. Heck she probably doesn't even know why herself. It will be a challenge with her but that is the nature of a female child at 15. Just show her love, assure her that you have got her back and I truly believe all will come back to order.
hang in there Bro, and remember 6th gear cures almost all that ills us![]()
Meanwhile...today?...i'm still numb from hearing what the adult family member opinion of me was yesterday....which was based on lies and theatrics from an extremely devious and cunning daughter.
The wife: Last night she was giving me the silent treatment..and just before retiring to bed i asked if she was okay...she responded..."yes...well?...no."....i figured okay...here we go....and sat down and told her..."Okay...tell me more about the 'well no' part"....then she cut lose...told me that i wasn't any better than our sneaky lying daughter running around behind her back partying all these years...then told me..
"and now that it's out in the open?...your drinking and drugging is just going to get worse and worse and you know it will!"
I reassured her of two things...
1. I'd never "bring it home" and....
2. I ain't stopping...i'm too old with way too little time left to pass up a good time where i get a chance to kick back..relax..enjoy myself, laugh, smile and joke...and if that includes a few beers and/or a puff or two of some imported to relax?...i ain't passing it up as long as it isn't around my kids and that's the way it is...and i'm just being honest with you.
She told me no way...and then i asked her...so every motorcycle rally i go to or anytime i'm running late home from work or playing guitars with my buds from work you're gonne be looking at me cross-eyed like i've been cheating on you cause i had a few beers?...
she gave no response...which in itself?...was her response...and that's when i dropped the bomb...
Okay...if that's the way it is?...and i've treated you so horribly for the past 5 years that you didn't even know i was drinking the occassional beer or smoking a doob?...and that's still how you feel?...like i was cheating on you?...then i can see where you stand...and guess what?..
the evening didn't end well.![]()
Then i come home from work tonight and she's cleaning and cooking dinner like nothing ever happened...wtf?![]()
anybody gotta clue?...cause i dang sure don't!![]()
L8R, Bill.![]()