(BusaCruise @ Oct. 07 2006,12:30) ethnic or not...a dumbass is a dumbas....being 'ethinic' only contributes to the fact that such a dumbass may have been hired due to their ethnicity despite their dumbassedness.
americans in particular are hated in many places around the world. what separates us from them is the fact that our bleeding heart conservatives and spineless lawmakers have twisted the very foundation of this country to accomodate every raft floatin, fence jumpin, river swimmin, 10 of you in a car trunk jammin person that sees fit to cross our borders despite our politically correct posted 'no tresspassing' signs......just so they won't hurt their 'feelings'.
so if a person needs to be described as of "ethnic origins"....to help me get a better idea of the situation then so be it..... I could only imaging the storm of crap that would have been stirred if person had been described using their true heritage.
then someone might be directly offended.
this isn't directed at anyone in particular unless you meet the criteria.