Jink....thats awesome......I'm a metalhead too. Save me a job, cause I retire in 4 yrs!After 20+ years of practicing both precision sheet metal fabrication and working my way up to all around/tool & die machinist only to get downsized, laid-off and/or enduring painful plant closings in some of the best and worst back-stabbing, under-mining, clawing and kicking machine/fab shops south florida has to offer?...I finally lucked out.![]()
This past tuesday night I got a call to come interview at this $hidhole of a small machine shop I had dropped off a resume years ago to...the guy/owner was looking for me to fill his shoes and run his 2nd shift as a working leadman running basically everything...from B/P and materials too writting the cnc programs using mastercam too setting up and operating the machines...almost asked him if he'd like me to stick a broom up my @$$ so I can sweep as I go as well...and wanted to pay me next to nothing..with...get this...$900 a month family healthcare premiums.![]()
So...I leave out of that interview and stop by an old NICE shop I usta work at (that suffered a huge general lay-off a few years back) just to say hello to some old machinist friends who were happy to see me and quickly informed me that the place had been bought this "Great Guy" who they're loving working for....and just then?...Great Guy stops old friends introduce me to him...then suggest that since I'm looking?...that I talk to him about a job...well...he hired me....and as it turns out?....he's a very different kind of boss/owner...and operates his business in a very different way than I've ever heard of let alone been exposed to...and after speaking/interviewing with him he operates as follows...
1. There's "NO TITLES, BOSS's or LEADMEN" (except him) he see's no reason to pay his highest skilled people to sit and drink coffee while they watch others work.
2. He only hires highly experienced "Crack Machinists"
3. Time cards are filled out on "The Honor System" and you make the call as to how many hours you work per shift based on common sense...typical shift is 5/10's but if you finish up a job in 9 hours?...and your not gonna get much done in that last hour?...go home...but if a cut is gonna run 1/2 hour more OT to complete?...please are you're own boss to "make the call" there.
4. This is a "ZERO FRICTION @$$HOLE FREE WORKPLACE"....back-stabbing, under-mining or down talking other employees is not tolerated in any way shape or form...ever...even between 1st and 2nd shift...and any employee who demonstrates a tendency to cite, promote or participate in such is..."OUTTA THERE!!!"with an emphasis on "working together" to get the jobs done and out the back door.![]()
5. Loyalty Honesty & Dedication? achieved through extremely generous wage rates, great bene's and friendly working atmosphere.
10 miles/15 minutes from home...and a higher starting wage than any union shop I ever worked in.![]()
I start monday on CNC VTL's......wish me luck and L8R, Bill.![]()
The same as every one elses..."Machinist" it's expected that anyone under employ can walk up to any manual machine in the joint with the BP & Material in hand and...Get'er Done...however...we are loosly assigned to shifts and areas...I'm assigned to "Large CNC Turning" which involves MDI programming....set-up and running of VTL's (verticla turret lathes) for large round stock turning two machines can turn up to a 78" diameter...the biotch is...the material I get can run anywhere's from 5lbs too 5,000lbs and most of the jobs I saw this past first week were either copper berylium or 17-4ph SS that weighed anywhere's from 500-4,000lbs...the downside is that loading, centering and clean-up is a biotch....but the upside is...once the machine is programmed, set-up and running?...some parts can take 2-3 days to rough cut one single diameter...lots of @$$ time just babysitting them...get up every now and then to change out a dull cutter insert or pitchfork a bail of chips outta there but..that's it....btw....this past thursday and friday afternoon I couldn't believe my freaking eyes...we work 7:00am-5:00pm and get paid for every minute,,,but about 3:30pm?...I see dudes strolling through the shop with longneck buds...the end of the day during paperwork and clean-up time...turns out the boss man provides a cooler full of ice and beer at the end of each thursday and thank his men for a good week and a job well done....awesome.So whats your title then..Congrats on the job!![]()