I had the WORST job interview ever today

Got the brush off yesterday on my job hunting adventure....  

Time to pump up the self-promotion machine!   Anyone in the SF Bay Area need my services?

Shameless Self Promotion

Congrats Mike! Good luck with the new job...hope the first day is going well...
What happened to Mike?  I hope he didn't mutate into a corporate suit this soon.  
Oh it's all over now...I saw Mike Today, Bought himself a new BMW K1200 and wouldn't talk to me...Ah how quickly things change...
Nah I'm playing..

Mike is a down to Earth dude, not a lot of pretense or BS so I think from what I know of him that he'll be just fine...Though his Busa may running 8 second quarter miles with all the fresh bits thrown at it....
I hate to "up" an old thread, but I worked for this company for about 6 months before I quit. I'm so glad they went out of business LOL

sorry to up an old thread, but boy reading this REALLY made my night :-)
If someone showed up on your job better qualified for your job than you are what would you do...:poke: get it:whistle:

You were done before you even stepped foot in there..... Dude had it out for ya.

Jesus, this is why I started my own business to avoid this bullsh*t, why in the world I even considered working for someone else is beyond me.

time to rant-

HEre is the deal, I'm a real estate investor, and I went into the local AmeriQuest Office because a couple of my tenants are interested in buying the properties they currently rent. I went into AmeriQuest to see if I could get them qualified. After speaking with the manager and top sales rep for about an hour, I got a strong impression that they were interested in hiring me as a loan officer with the possibility of moving into a managerment position pretty soon. Expected starting salary is about 200K, moving up to about 600K+ when you run your own branch.

To make a long story longer, I have gone through 7 interviews, from human resources, district managers, and everything seemed to be going great. The district manager decided to have me interview with a different and higher volume branch.

After a couple more interviews, my final interview was with the "top sales associate" of this branch.

I've never been so offended in an interview in my life. This guy begins the interview with this-

"So you consider yourself a competitive person huh?"


"What kind of grades did you get in college?"

"Some A's, mostly B's, a few C's. I worked through college and wasnt able to dedicate my entire time to studying. But I'm very proud of my degree and what I accomplished"

"Already making excuses for poor performance huh? What kind of competitive person accepts B's and C's?

"Excuse me?"

That was 5 minutes into this interview. about 55 left to go.

Three weeks of phone calls, 8 interviews, $400 in new clothes, resume faxing, not to mention gas, tolls, parking money, and time away from my personal business, just to have some hothead sales associate grill me.


LOL I'm supposed to find out if they are going to offer me the job. If I have to work shoulder to shoulder with this a$$h0l3, I dont know if I even want it


ps- sorry, I'm so pissed right now at myself I could puke. I'll get off the soap box now
Allways hated the Corporate Game..................I just found out that a Guy MORE QUALIFIED then me got the REGINONAL MANAGER Position that I was Applying for...............:thumbsup:

No Good OL BOY System goin on here :rulez:
I hate to "up" an old thread, but I worked for this company for about 6 months before I quit. I'm so glad they went out of business LOL

sorry to up an old thread, but boy reading this REALLY made my night :-)

:laugh: ProSource Dist Services fired me 3 times. Was a Union Job Teamsters Local#270 New Orleans,La. I was a Union Stewart. Teamsters got me my job back everytime. After the 3rd time I gave up. Tired of stressing the wife so I:bowdown: down. They offered a severence package/paid vac owed and promised a good employer referral and I took it. Landed a better paying job... different career... different tax bracket.. ProSource went belly up less than a year later:laugh::laugh: And the buttwhole that fired me didnt get a severence package:beerchug:
2003? Wow! Thread bump! Too funny!

I worked here too many years ago and I never knew anyone making that much money. Or maybe they did. Someone got rich off the people they raped.

Definitely the most stressful job I have ever worked (loan officer there), cold called 100 people per day and goal was to get the SSN from a complete stranger within minutes. If you didn't sell, you got fired. If you didn't produce, you got fired. Imagine walking into work every day and wondering if you'd get fired that day.

I saw the entire office change over 3x (entire office staff quit or fired 3x over) in the time I worked there. Average stay was 3-4 months. I got horrible tendinitis in my elbows and every night my arms would go numb from the elbows down. Would have to sleep flat on my back with arms straight at my sides if I wanted any feeling in them the next day. I used to dream every night I was being chased. Got so annoying I went to bookstore and found one of those dreambooks and looked it up. Even got to be apart of the huge-class action suit against them as we were expected to work without pay if our numbers weren't high enough.

Thank god I don't work there any more and that chapter is long-since past. :thumbsup:

Eat, sleep, breathe motorcycles is a much better job. :laugh:
You should go down and wait for him to come out of the office one night after work.. Then throw a football at his face as hard as you can. Then scream something like

"Get up! Is that what you call being competitive?! We're playing football here bro! Get with the game! Get up! You can't be competitve if you keep laying there on the ground!!"

LOL.. what a #$^* I wish I could have been there.. I'd have shown him what competitive kick boxing looks like.
Seriously?! I just spend 2 minutes of my life replying to a 6 year old thread?! :poke:

*sigh*..... :moon:
I hate to "up" an old thread, but I worked for this company for about 6 months before I quit. I'm so glad they went out of business LOL

sorry to up an old thread, but boy reading this REALLY made my night :-)

:laugh: I was wondering why it came up 6 years later :whistle:
If you held your composure during that interview, then you got the job. If you wasn't an excellent candidate, you wouldn't have made through seven interviews. Think about it, why would your last interview be with a low level employee? He was just rattling your cage to see how you would react. You probably or would have seen that if if a high level management type did that. You have to be a certain type of manager to run your own branch, so I think they were looking to see how thick your skin was.

I'm an indepentant contractor, and have been on countless interviews, and have just about seen it all. I want to have my own business, that's why I am currently in a full-time MBA program getting the education and skills I need so I can be on the other side of the desk interviewing people to work for me.

Hope thinks work out for you.
figure if you are in line for a 600K job, they are going to want to see you pushed over the edge.. No free money anywhere and if you making that kind of money it is not a gift... you probably gotta earn it...

So some big $$ client comes in and totally offends you, who do you think they want handling him? (can promise i would not be the guy.. :laugh: )

Impressive job pay scale man... dang that is more than a lot of doctors make a year..
for those in the betting pool, here is what happened-

Had an interview at another branch this afternoon. Totally hit it off with the Branch manager and employees, had a total blast in the interview. The guy I interviewed with was awesome, made me feel really comfortable, and I was able to give one of the best interviews I've ever done.

Called me up this evening around 7:30pm, offered me the job. Starting as an Account Executive and should be Branch Manager within a year.

First day is tommorow! I really appreciate everyone's support and comments, you all definitely made my day. I'm one happy SOB, thats for sure.



I was in the same boat a couple months ago, but my freelance work was drying up fast (frickin' economy) so I interviewed with a marketing company in Sherman Oaks. Had a 2 hour interview with my direct boss, V.P. of Marketing, on Tuesday. I thought it went well. He called me back later that day and wanted to know if I could come in Friday for a second interview with the President. I said sure. An hour later he calls again and said could we do it tomorrow, same time. Should take about the same time as before. Uh... yeah, no problem.

I get there and get seated in is office. I'm there for 5 minutes and he walks in. T-shirt, jeans, Nikes. Shakes my hand asks me about three questions, looks at my portfolio and says, "Saw everything online. Looks good. You got any questions?"

Uh... I thought that was your job? ???

He says, "I have to get to the edit bay. Thanks for coming". I was gone in 10 minutes! OK, that didn't go too well.

Got a call in the car on the way home wanting to know if I could start Friday.

Sometimes, you just never know about interviews.