I Hate Harleys

I had something simular happen with a couple of steroid jocks I found that buying that can a mace a few years back came in handy and it didn't go bad after all that time.:beerchug: You may want to do something to this idea I promiss you it will work real good I ended up going back and buying a few more cans of mace and cheap too:thumbsup: Hey and heck if the harleys dont bother you anymore and your dog decides to get stupid it will work there to:poke: Harleys are ok but dont think your some badass on one because your not:moon:
Personally, I think Harleys are unattractive looking bikes...but that's just my opinion. And I think they're loud and obnoxious. I have also experienced the attitude change that seems to happen when certain people buy one. Their azz migrates to sit on top of their shoulders. A rational, safety-first sporty rider who buys an HD becomes a helmet-less, no-gear, arrogant yahoo the minute the ink is dry on the paperwork. Granted - this doesn't happen to everyone, but it does happen.

I don't really understand the posturing that is done between riders. Friendly competition is one thing, so is good natured ribbing, but to show contempt for someone who rides a different style, make, model or <model> killer? Seriously, most of us are out of high school, it would be so great if everyone acted like it.

I do chuckle about the only people with tassels on their handlebars are 6 yo girls and HD riders.
I love Harleys, It keeps those clowns off the Jap Bikes:beerchug:
I never thought about it that way.
Of course, most of those clowns would last about 5 minutes on a Jap bike before either dying or scaring themselves so badly that they'd never ride again.
Maybe Harleys are meant for people who can't handle riding faster than 35mph?:laugh:
They were probably only trying to get the attention of your wife:laugh:
I DIDNT SAY HARLEYS ARENT REAL ....BLAH BLAH BLAH if you read my POST YOU WOULD SEE WHAT I SAID AND IF YOU READ THE FINE PRINT IT WAS JUST A RANT DONT TAKE IT SERIOUS YOU MIGHT HAVE A HEARTATTACK! and a post is not worth that... I dont care who rides what personally if your riding a moped im gonna wave to you and no i dont rev my engine just to get attention i dont care if you look or not most of the time i am listening to music anyways and would rather hear that than my exhaust so have fun ride safe and enjoy my rant without the heartattack attached :lol:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: the heart attack is actually from rolling on the floor laughing at your whining :moon: and a post is totally worth giving you a hard time NOOB
:rofl::rofl::rofl: the heart attack is actually from rolling on the floor laughing at your whining :moon: and a post is totally worth giving you a hard time NOOB

hmm you must been on that harley took you 3 hours to reply ... had to go retrieve your parts that fell off from the vibrations caused by over revving? :rofl: and it's not whining its called my opinion funny thing is everyone has one and they all differ just because you dont agree doesnt mean im wrong at all it doesnt mean your wrong either its our own individual opinions you have yours and i have mine and I HATE HARLEYS :moon:
In all seriousness, my neighbor just called and invited me to go ride with a bunch of Harleys on thursday. I'll report back on the pirate/normal guy ratio....lol
Well as the title says I really do hate harleys and their riders I know there is that south park thing bashing them on here but on sunday I really came to this conclusion as im walking my 60 lbs american bulldog and my wife was walking our 55 Lbs boxer we see this fox cross the road in front of us about 100 yrds out so we stop to give it time to get into the woods then a state trooper on a harley goes by us with his hazards on and then following him was probably at a rough guess 300-400 bikes in a 20-30 minute procession mostly harleys which was waaf's charity ride (local rock station) "except i saw atleast 2 busas in there and if your reading this it was a nice change to see something real in that mix" but anyways most of those dumba$$ harley riders would get right up next to me and my dogs and then go "wot" with their stupid exhaust ..you know my bulldog doesnt mind motorcycles or noise but when you see a 60 lb dog pull a 260 lbs man away from the road because of your retarded behavior is scaring him IT AINT CUTE ANYMORE it makes me want to grab a rock and bounce it off your retarded helmetless head...funny noone of the sportbikes revved up near me just the hardly riders...funny i was considering getting my wife a harley for xmas but after that crap ive decided im not helping HD out at all ill buy from Japan so looks like shes probably getting a sv650sf if we can afford it for xmas

sorry bout the rant


I was up in the Black Hills last week with the wife . Now,I like poking fun at stereotypes but good lord . We had stopped at Pactola Reservoir to take in the view and two guys pull off the road on their Harleys . One actually starts to wipe down his bike as soon as he gets off . The other one had those ridiculous leather tassle things ON EVRY SQUARE INCH OF HIS BIKE . He gets off and starts straightening any tassle that was not hanging staright down . Wish I had taken a pic .


Did you know that sport bike raiders are always breaking the speed limit and endangering those around them...
get one of these:laugh:

Im not a fan of harleys, but to each his own. But I will say, the hardcore harley riders are really annoying. Pulled up to the hotel my friend worked at the other day on my friends new gsxr 600 to talk to him and some harley guys were outside and started giving me s*** about the bike and how they sucked compared to harleys and what not. They just plain out annoy me... so to shut the up I responded: ya well Ive got a $30,000 harley sitting in my garage too thats a hell of alot nicer than your harleys so you can go shove it up your a**es. That shut them up. (I actually do have a really nice harley in the garage too... its just my dads not mine lol. but they didnt need to know that)

The way I look at it people can ride whatever they want, but when you have to be an a** to someone just because their taste in bikes is different than yours is just BS and people need to grow up and mind their own business. Personally, im not a harley guy, but im not going to rag on those who do ride harleys just because its not my thing, and unfortunately the majority of harley riders I have met do just that.