I live in Milw, and I HATE HARLEYS

I'm here in Milwaukee right now. Sounds like you've got a serious problem, go see a psychiatrist. You think ALL the pricks here can't ride? Wanna challenge this "rediculous poser" when you get to The Dragon?
So bigDiesel how do you really feel?

my bike 4 001 (Small).jpg
The REAL bikers, guys and gals who respect riding on two wheels dont go to these events. Well, except for maybe a good laugh. I been a harley rider all my life. No posing here. I feel for the people who live in these towns who host the big ralleys. Yeah my harleys have loud pipes. wakes up the cagers! But all those newbie riders who sit and rev and make noise amongst their own kind are just fools. I always tell them, "yeah like we never heard a harley before". This weekend is an event call Easyriders Rodeo in my part of Ohio with about 50,000 bikes riding around. I go the OTHER way. these posers and newbies are just down right DANGEROUS! I can see why you are upset, but i must say, its just NOT the harley riders. though they are the most prevelant! Thank the stars you dont live in Daytona! You only have to put up with that rally every 5 years! Ride safe, ride Well.

with you 100% brother-it aint just Harley-riders acting a fool here; seems like the 105th brought out every jackhole on a Crotch-rocket too...i think half of them bought their bikes last week n never frickin rode a day in their life before now...'almost' seen about 10 accidents in the past 3 days, all w/the Biker TOTALLY at fault...we got morons pulling over, PARKING in obvious lanes for traffic, NOT 'parking' lanes; chatting on their cell phones, getting LOST *thought all these big-baller HD riders woulda picked up some f*** GPS by now...* and just generally muckin-up taffic
-and I guess all the sportbike riders are jealous so its like Dumb-n-Dumber out here on two wheels...I know a few HD guys out riding in this n I keep praying they'll wear lids n real gear, but u prolly know better than anyone how hard that arguement is w/HD fans *rice-boys in shades n shorts r just as stubborn*:banghead:
So bigDiesel how do you really feel?

oh, I just wish I could afford one of those awesome, chromed-out pimpmobiles but Im just a lowly bouncer/housecleaner so I cant afford anything that nice...:lol:

im stuck riding my crappy Suzuki around until I can I buy my real Dream-Bike:moon:
I'm here in Milwaukee right now. Sounds like you've got a serious problem, go see a psychiatrist. You think ALL the pricks here can't ride? Wanna challenge this "rediculous poser" when you get to The Dragon?


n uhm...in response??
i guess you never saw my bike:laugh: not exactly "Dragon material":rofl:
but it goes ok in a straight line if I dont get too scared by the speedo n close my eyes:banghead:
Of course I was only kidding about a Dragon challenge. If there's Dragon racing, I ain't a part of it, someone always gets hurt.

Dude, there are alot of idiots on Harleys, I've seen 'em for a long time. There are also alot of very cool people riding hogs who just wanna have a good time. I don't think that's wrong.

The pipes on my H-D are not quiet, but they don't rattle windows either, and I don't rev it up everywhere I go to announce to the world that I've got a bike.

P.S. - You do realize Milwaukee is Harley Country don't you? Living in Milwaukee and holding that kind of hate is like watching re-runs of the Roseanne show - a waste of time that will drive you nuts. Relax, just enjoy your Busa and you'll probably feel better. :laugh:
Moral of the story: Predudice in any form has no business on 2 wheels. Ride Safe, Ride Alert, Ride SMART and for goodness sakes stay in the parking lot if you can't ride at all!
:beerchug: to all my 2 wheeled Brothers (just drink that beer when you're done riding!)
Hey Scott, I feel your pain man. I have been there done that with you. I am staying south this weekend just for that reason. We have been out all weekend riding our Harleys (Kurt and I). we have the same Jak Azz wanna be Outlaws-Hells Angles-Mongrel-Black Piston-But can't because I am just a jag off's down here. Our sportbike clowns are also out in force. Dude that is why I left Milwakuee in Jan and moved back down here.
Now for those of that think BigD is hatin. He is not and this is not a reply to flame anyone who may come across as thinking he is. If you have never been to a "Harley Sponsored" Event you do not know what you are missing. It is NOTHING like Daytona or Sturgis. It is more wacked than that. HEre you can run 100 miles in any direction Execpt East (The lake is there. LOL) and it is a major Cluster. It is fun, but thank goodness Harley can only afford to do this every 5 years. Nobody here is intending to be a hater.
So Scott, lets change plugs Monday morning and go do a route plan for October's MnG btoher.
DON'T KILL, they don't know any better bro':laugh: If they did, they would have rode their Busa's Like I did in the parade.
Just my 2 pennies.
I used to own a FXDXI Dyna. Harley makes some pretty bikes. However, with that said most Harleys are death traps. They have poorly engineered brakes, handling, power delivery, no horsepower and until recently, most bikes used bias belted tires instead of radials. Did I mention they are heavy? So what draws people to these modern dynosaurs anyway? They are made in America and lot's of advertising !
I used to own a FXDXI Dyna. Harley makes some pretty bikes. However, with that said most Harleys are death traps. They have poorly engineered brakes, handling, power delivery, no horsepower and until recently, most bikes used bias belted tires instead of radials. Did I mention they are heavy? So what draws people to these modern dynosaurs anyway? They are made in America and lot's of advertising !

built in America yes, made in America, not any more. sorry if you only bought that thing because you thought it was 100% American made
Hey Scott, I feel your pain man. I have been there done that with you. I am staying south this weekend just for that reason. We have been out all weekend riding our Harleys (Kurt and I). we have the same Jak Azz wanna be Outlaws-Hells Angles-Mongrel-Black Piston-But can't because I am just a jag off's down here. Our sportbike clowns are also out in force. Dude that is why I left Milwakuee in Jan and moved back down here.
Now for those of that think BigD is hatin. He is not and this is not a reply to flame anyone who may come across as thinking he is. If you have never been to a "Harley Sponsored" Event you do not know what you are missing. It is NOTHING like Daytona or Sturgis. It is more wacked than that. HEre you can run 100 miles in any direction Execpt East (The lake is there. LOL) and it is a major Cluster. It is fun, but thank goodness Harley can only afford to do this every 5 years. Nobody here is intending to be a hater.
So Scott, lets change plugs Monday morning and go do a route plan for October's MnG btoher.
DON'T KILL, they don't know any better bro':laugh: If they did, they would have rode their Busa's Like I did in the parade.
Just my 2 pennies.

Monday sounds good bro-might be ropin in one of my buds from Waukegan to come hang out here tomw (he's a got HD n a '00 Busa...some tw@t just t-boned him few weeks back (i did a thread) n killed his DR-Z400:banghead:) mebbe we can meet up for lunch in your neck of the woods *ideas for food??*
Im guna skip plugs til later this week, just wana hang tom. n Mike is still recovering from the get-off w/his DR-Z; planning a nice route for the M-n-G sounds good for sure!:thumbsup:
if you still plan on rollin thru Cush tonight LMK, otherwise I'll call/text you from work tonight n setup details for tomw.