I have questions,maybe you have answers. George Floyd & Karma

So is your response to the last few weeks response to 400 years of continuous oppression to scour youtube for anecdotal examples of minorities acting badly, as if to say you people deserve it?
I don't scour anything. If a white racist woman walking her dog confronting a black man can be used to judge a problem in America,, so can a black racist woman on a public subway. You only seem to think it's those horrible racist whites that are the product of 400 years blah blah blah. I have no idea of the % of blacks that display her attitude. She is also a product of the same U.S. you complain is all about how racism is a culture. Not knowing her background, she somehow got taught that she is entitled to act that way, with immunity.

If the cops were to be called on her to diffuse the situation, I hope they have a trained way to talk her down. She wouldn't deserve to be killed by her conduct. But she clearly is a threat to a peaceful population.
I don't scour anything. If a white racist woman walking her dog confronting a black man can be used to judge a problem in America,, so can a black racist woman on a public subway. You only seem to think it's those horrible racist whites that are the product of 400 years blah, blah, blah ...
The problem......
Dude are you asleep? The changes in this country in the last 4-5 weeks are astonishing. Yesterday the most racist president in recent history signed an executive order banning choke holds in all but the most extreme cases. You people keep thinking in old world race terms. These protests are people, not just Black people and that's what has businesses scared chitless. This has been a dramatic shift in public opinion and the quiet majority has stepped up to say no to the racist 30% trying to make America white again. I'm not race bating, just telling it like it is my friend. It's hard to believe but it's a new day my brother, and you're on the wrong side of history.
Dude. I might nap on occasion but I assure you I'm "woke". So you deflect a bit from the point of more blacks are dying in these riots than whites or cops.

With a reasonable attempt to state that the fruits of the efforts are we made a white racist president (your words) just sign a sweeping police reform effort that has been targeting a race unfairly. A white racist president can do by a simple stroke of a pen what a black president before him could have just as easily done and didn't.

Now let's see if the Dems try and block his efforts. Maybe we can see what "woke" looks like.
When Dylan Roof showed up on the door step of an AME church in Charleston SC, they invited him in to pray for and with him. They did. And when they were done with the worship he stood up and shot 9 of them dead, in the coldest of blood - right there before God in his house. He was taken into custody without being shot or choked by officers in self defense. He was even taken to Burger King to eat on his way to jail. Police made sure Roof got his day in court, as is guaranteed by the constitution of the United States of America.

This AME church is an important part of African American history, probably making it a target for animals like Roof. But these people are strong in their faith and at the preliminary hearing for Roof they forgave him! It is an amazing display of both the best of humanity and the worse.

If you want to post anecdotal videos, post ones that truly define the times we are in:

When Dylan Roof showed up on the door step of an AME church in Charleston SC, they invited him in to pray for and with him. They did. And when they were done with the worship he stood up and shot 9 of them dead, in the coldest of blood - right there before God in his house. He was taken into custody without being shot or choked by officers in self defense. He was even taken to Burger King to eat on his way to jail. Police made sure Roof got his day in court, as is guaranteed by the constitution of the United States of America.

This AME church is an important part of African American history, probably making it a target for animals like Roof. But these people are strong in their faith and at the preliminary hearing for Roof they forgave him! It is an amazing display of both the best of humanity and the worse.

If you want to post anecdotal videos, post ones that truly define the times we are in:

He absolutely got what he deserved for punishment. And that church and it's population are a FANTASTIC example of being better than the problem. You would do yourself and your cause proud to learn from them. Did you see anyone in the white community try and make a martyr out of that POS?

Newsflash Willie. Racism exist in this country. You were taught it just like Dylan Roof was.

That lady on the subway is just as much a part of the times as the lady walking her dog in the park. I can call the lady in Central Park for what she is.

No tap dancing on my part. That racist bit*& needs more than a job loss. They should press charges for filing a false report. Keep her from getting a job. Keep her from getting ahead in life.

So what dance steps will we learn about our subway lady? Bad childhood? Poverty? Lack of access to an education. Maybe she is just mentally ill.

Dylan Roof sure was.
He absolutely got what he deserved for punishment. And that church and it's population are a FANTASTIC example of being better than the problem. You would do yourself and your cause proud to learn from them. Did you see anyone in the white community try and make a martyr out of that POS?

Newsflash Willie. Racism exist in this country. You were taught it just like Dylan Roof was.

That lady on the subway is just as much a part of the times as the lady walking her dog in the park. I can call the lady in Central Park for what she is.

No tap dancing on my part. That racist bit*& needs more than a job loss. They should press charges for filing a false report. Keep her from getting a job. Keep her from getting ahead in life.

So what dance steps will we learn about our subway lady? Bad childhood? Poverty? Lack of access to an education. Maybe she is just mentally ill.

Dylan Roof sure was.
Good response. Ha ha ha ha. Roof has a lot more support than he should have, probably including that cop who took him to BK.
Good response. Ha ha ha ha. Roof has a lot more support than he should have, probably including that cop who took him to BK.
An example of the support he got/gets please?

Then we can go back to the dance lessons you want to teach us on Subway lady..
An example of the support he got/gets please?

Then we can go back to the dance lessons you want to teach us on Subway lady..
Dude with all that is going on you are focused in on a stupid lady having a bad day going off on a subway? Yes what she did was dumb. I don't know if she is low IQ or just losing it that day?

I would say the cop who took him to BK was pretty supportive given the situation. (oops already said that)
[QUOTEost: 3344335, member: 27285"]
I don't know brother I would be glad to go back to no drama Obama.
Hi. This proves that the police can not do there job. We need better, so lets do away with the police. In there place we could have unarmed social workers do the job of the police. What could go wrong?
Hi. This proves that the police can not do there job. We need better, so lets do away with the police. In there place we could have unarmed social workers do the job of the police. What could go wrong?
You realize other countries have far fewer armed police and much lower rates of crime as a whole, violent crime specifically, and incarceration, right? I'm not suggesting we don't need police, or that we don't need armed police, but clearly what we are doing isn't working. This country leads the world in both incarceration and recidivism. We need to do something different.
Dude with all that is going on you are focused in on a stupid lady having a bad day going off on a subway? Yes what she did was dumb. I don't know if she is low IQ or just losing it that day?

I would say the cop who took him to BK was pretty supportive given the situation. (oops already said that)
OK we can focus on another current and relative input. Since you don't want to dance with subway lady.

So here is more irrelevant examples. Sucks to be a cop when this is the people you have to refrain from using force on

Now let's move on to a woman who won't be black enough to understand the plight of the oppressed.

I'm sure she is just a paid right wing operative.
OK we can focus on another current and relative input. Since you don't want to dance with subway lady.

So here is more irrelevant examples. Sucks to be a cop when this is the people you have to refrain from using force on

Now let's move on to a woman who won't be black enough to understand the plight of the oppressed.

I'm sure she is just a paid right wing operative.
All This time I thought I was a victim of slavery and now I realize I'm free! Free at Last! (hint: when I get silly with you I have stopped considering you a worthy adversary)
These guys beat up a 24 year old white kid for not letting them go in front of him in a store when he was in the middle of paying. They mentioned BLM goes first. The funny thing is that the guy they beat up was probably for BLM.

@fallenarch do you think this was a racist attack?
Obama caused all the drama and is still working on it. It is all the resist movement. He had a lot of scandals. Wait until the Durham report comes out. I can name many as I did in past posts.

In re: “Wait until the Durham report comes out.“

I can’t count how many times I’ve heard someone spout this out along with it’s ’all Obama’s fault’. When the hell will we all be blessed with the report?