I have questions,maybe you have answers. George Floyd & Karma

Any takers? :poke:

I think about this a lot Rubb. I have several friends I have known for 40+ years who I used to fight in school. If we had guns one of us would be dead and the other in jail rather than enjoying some good BBQ and laughing at those fights we had.

Very true, the ready availability of firearms in the US is part of the problem, the "go to" solution shouldn't ever be a firearm unless you are in a combat zone and are facing a known enemy combatant. Even in these combat zones there are rules to protect the innocent. When many people have a firearm either on their person or close to hand, it is easy to revert to one.

If someone is entering your home uninvited, all bets are off...if a person has a fender-bender with someone and they get in a gun fight over it-there's a real problem.
Dude are you asleep? The changes in this country in the last 4-5 weeks are astonishing. Yesterday the most racist president in recent history signed an executive order banning choke holds in all but the most extreme cases. You people keep thinking in old world race terms. These protests are people, not just Black people and that's what has businesses scared chitless. This has been a dramatic shift in public opinion and the quiet majority has stepped up to say no to the racist 30% trying to make America white again. I'm not race bating, just telling it like it is my friend. It's hard to believe but it's a new day my brother, and you're on the wrong side of history.

Arch, if you are for tearing other people's stuff up, YOU are on the wrong side of history....
Very true, the ready availability of firearms in the US is part of the problem, the "go to" solution shouldn't ever be a firearm unless you are in a combat zone and are facing a known enemy combatant. Even in these combat zones there are rules to protect the innocent. When many people have a firearm either on their person or close to hand, it is easy to revert to one.

If someone is entering your home uninvited, all bets are off...if a person has a fender-bender with someone and they get in a gun fight over it-there's a real problem.
I for one and I know many others who want to be prepared to defend themselves when out and about too not just in the home. Long live the 2nd amendment.
That little bitch trying to bait that officer....that's one of the reasons why I couldn't be a cop. Nobody should have to put up with that kind of verbal abuse. What a shame the camera stopped when they arrested him for the threat (and it clearly was one, designed specifically to get the officer to try and make a mistake). I hope that this video was played to the judge when this kid went before him. What I want to know is how much poop talking he did when the video ended. None I suspect. Yet people will hold him up as a shining example of how to deal with the police....He'd had the ticket and been gone if he'd shut up long enough for the officer to write it. But sooner or later, every junkyard lawyer is going to make a mistake, and the officer knew it and just waited. So who's laughing know? I am...
THESE are the people I'm mad at, and I'd like to find out who is running them...some SWJ that KNOWS the blame will mostly fall on BLM is doing this to intentionally stir up stuff....makes you wonder don't it...
It's a number of groups including BLM, Antifa, paid protesters, George Soros, the resist movement. I am mad at anyone who destroys property, hurts or kills cops and innocent people.
I for one and I know many others who want to be prepared to defend themselves when out and about too not just in the home. Long live the 2nd amendment.
I can defend myself when I'm out and about without a weapon. But then I'm the 300 lb black guy even the cops are afraid of. To be honest, I'm more afraid of defending myself in court if I ever were to discharge the gun!
I can defend myself when I'm out and about without a weapon. But then I'm the 300 lb black guy even the cops are afraid of. To be honest, I'm more afraid of defending myself in court if I ever were to discharge the gun!
You can still get overtaken by one or more attackers. If you killed one accidently you can still face criminal or civil charges. I can carry my Nunchaku's around but would rather have something more sure.
Defunding the police does not mean get rid of them. If I wanted to know about running a football Herschel might be an appropriate source...
He's not teaching people auop
I can defend myself when I'm out and about without a weapon. But then I'm the 300 lb black guy even the cops are afraid of. To be honest, I'm more afraid of defending myself in court if I ever were to discharge the gun!
How tall are you?
That little bitch trying to bait that officer....that's one of the reasons why I couldn't be a cop. Nobody should have to put up with that kind of verbal abuse. What a shame the camera stopped when they arrested him for the threat (and it clearly was one, designed specifically to get the officer to try and make a mistake). I hope that this video was played to the judge when this kid went before him. What I want to know is how much poop talking he did when the video ended. None I suspect. Yet people will hold him up as a shining example of how to deal with the police....He'd had the ticket and been gone if he'd shut up long enough for the officer to write it. But sooner or later, every junkyard lawyer is going to make a mistake, and the officer knew it and just waited. So who's laughing know? I am...
I think that's an example of pretty good policing. Would have been funny if the cop took his badge, radio and weapons off, put them in the car and then opened a can of whoop-arse on this guy. Lol! I think the judge throws it out. This dude was just a big mouth punk, all bark and no bite. Why feed him 3 squares a day rent free?

On the other hand should Blacks have to put up with officer's terror killings?
That little bitch trying to bait that officer....that's one of the reasons why I couldn't be a cop. Nobody should have to put up with that kind of verbal abuse. What a shame the camera stopped when they arrested him for the threat (and it clearly was one, designed specifically to get the officer to try and make a mistake). I hope that this video was played to the judge when this kid went before him. What I want to know is how much poop talking he did when the video ended. None I suspect. Yet people will hold him up as a shining example of how to deal with the police....He'd had the ticket and been gone if he'd shut up long enough for the officer to write it. But sooner or later, every junkyard lawyer is going to make a mistake, and the officer knew it and just waited. So who's laughing know? I am...
Who are you referring to?
According to the prosecutor, the cop fired 3 shots. 2 hit the suspect and 1 hit a car waiting in line at Wendy's. So this guy put civilians life on the line for a guy who was drunk. The guy who shot him kicked him while he was on the ground, still alive after the shots. Then the other one stood on him. When he was shot he was 13+ feet away from the cop who shot him and clearly not a threat. Finally, the guy fired the taser 2 times, meaning it could not be fired again so the cops knew it was no longer a weapon.

The other cop is apparently testifying against the other one who fired the shots. Not looking good for this cop. Prosecutor hit him with like 11 charges with one carrying a life in prison or death. That dude is looking at an uphill battle to get off on this one.
I just read modern tasers have thinner projectiles and they are capable of being shot three times. I don't know how many shots the taser in question had.

It's possible that RB might have still appeared to be a threat. MAYBE. It might also be a case of the cops letting their emotions take over. I do not think it would have made a great deal of difference in the charges or potential penalty had they not kicked or stood on him. The main thing is that the guy was shot.

The other cop is trying to save his own skin. The shooter cop is being left a sacrifice to appease the protest by his colleagues and the legal system.

A lot of other countries don’t allow civilians to carry firearms though.
In the US,as it is right now,how would it work if the 2nd amendment didn’t change(and I’m not suggesting it should/nt) but the police got disarmed?
We would have what we have right now, police not responding. I think a lot of cops feel disarmed right now. It's too dangerous to intervene in crime. They'll wait until it's over and then go investigate. They're allowed to do that. They do not need to put themselves in danger if they choose not to.

It's not as dire or as violent as you've been led to believe. The vast majority of cops in this country don't ever discharge their weapon in the line of duty. If cops are quitting because they are being more heavily scrutinized than good. We don't need fewer police officers, but we certainly need fewer sh!tty ones. It should be harder to become one, they should be less militarized, and they should be subject to more oversight. Yes, they sometimes have to make split second decisions which carry the most serious of consequences, and because of that they need better training.
...and lots better pay than a teacher, right? I'm not complaining about my pay as a teacher but I would not put myself in such a dangerous situation as the cops are. If that happens to me, I'm supposed to call the cops! Require a four year degree of police officers, a masters and doctorate for career advancement, pay them for the tremendous responsibility they carry and make them accountable for it. You'll see a lot of people choosing police work over practicing law and I think that would be a good thing for both professions.

Currently, police generally have a perspective of looking at the population like a herd, and they are trappers and hunters. Hence the steady flow of sociopathic videos of police killings.
You are correct. I mentioned the aggressive driving tactics I noticed the officer do when I was stopped years ago for a minor speeding violation. The cop told me a lot of cops are actually hunters and they have the same mentality when it comes to stopping motorists.