I have questions,maybe you have answers. George Floyd & Karma

I for one and I know many others who want to be prepared to defend themselves when out and about too not just in the home. Long live the 2nd amendment.

….and that adds to the problem of too many guns in too many unqualified hands.

I watch lots of American news and there are innocent kids getting killed by their parents loaded, unlocked guns all the time. I even read where a toddler shot his mother at a Walmart when he found her loaded handgun in her purse beside him in a shopping cart...

I'd never want to live in a country where I need to carry a gun to defend myself...I did that for a living and it sure was nice to come home and not need a gun. We have gun violence here too but nowhere anything like the US has per capita.

the 2nd amendment was useful when the US was in peril of being overtaken by foreign invaders and had no standing military...the same can't be said now.
….and that adds to the problem of too many guns in too many unqualified hands.

I watch lots of American news and there are innocent kids getting killed by their parents loaded, unlocked guns all the time. I even read where a toddler shot his mother at a Walmart when he found her loaded handgun in her purse beside her in a shopping cart...

I'd never want to live in a country where I need to carry a gun to defend myself...I did that for a living and it sure was nice to come home and not need a gun. We have gun violence here too but nowhere anything like the US has per capita.

the 2nd amendment was useful when the US was in peril of being overtaken by foreign invaders and had no standing military...the same can't be said now.
There are a lot of untrained people out there. That is ignorance on their part. When my son was little I kept my gun in a small gun case with a finger combo.

The 2nd amendment is to protect us from tyranny internal or external. Today the greatest threat is internal. Also if they took away guns the criminals would still have them. There would be a lot less deterrent to rob, attack you, or break in your house.

I had to take training when I purchased guns in California as well as an 8 hour course to get my CCW here in KY back in 2002 which included range shooting ( I took a 44 mag). I have spent many hours at ranges and other outdoor places.
I for one and I know many others who want to be prepared to defend themselves when out and about too not just in the home. Long live the 2nd amendment.
Self defense is now illegal.

You can still get overtaken by one or more attackers. If you killed one accidently you can still face criminal or civil charges. I can carry my Nunchaku's around but would rather have something more sure.
@fallenarch , just carry a skateboard with you and you will be ok. You won't even have to go to court.
The other cop is trying to save his own skin. The shooter cop is being left a sacrifice to appease the protest by his colleagues and the legal system.

Put more accurately, The partner is doing the right thing, which is testifying. No word on a deal for that testimony but that is how the system works. The shooter did a bad thing and is getting his day in court, which is more than his victim will get.
There are a lot of untrained people out there. That is ignorance on their part. When my son was little I kept my gun in a small gun case with a finger combo.

The 2nd amendment is to protect us from tyranny internal or external. Today the greatest threat is internal. Also if they took away guns the criminals would still have them. There would be a lot less deterrent to rob, attack you, or break in your house.

I had to take training when I purchased guns in California as well as an 8 hour course to get my CCW here in KY back in 2002 which included range shooting ( I took a 44 mag). I have spent many hours at ranges and other outdoor places.

I would hope you are the rule and not the exception but I figure you are the latter...

Criminals will always get firearms in almost every nation, that's a fact-this is why police are important.

I'd be interested to be able to see if having armed citizens actually deters muggings, break ins or assaults....there sure seems to be lots of those even with people being armed...be a hard statistic to gather though I figure.

I have guns, I shoot at ranges when I can but according to our laws, they are locked up at all times unless cleaning or shooting at a range. I doesn't bother me to have strict gun laws, I'd rather that than some person with little experience and training carrying one and (heaven forbid) using one against another citizen.
Put more accurately, The partner is doing the right thing, which is testifying. No word on a deal for that testimony but that is how the system works. The shooter did a bad thing and is getting his day in court, which is more than his victim will get.

I agree, they had the person's car, ID and knew who he was, taking a taser and running isn't a death sentence normally...cops probably lose tasers all the time.

They could have got more cops and cordoned the area to pick him up or got him at his home eventually instead of going all crazy with their sidearms...
@fallenarch , yeah the facts all need to come out. I don't agree that the cop who shot RB did the wrong thing though. It might have been done a little differently but shooting was warrented as soon as RB grabbed the taser and definitely the first time he used it. IMO, the shooter cop getting his day in court is all a part of appeasing the protests. As Yellow09 said, he's toast. If he gets death row, I'll crap.
There are stupid people out there driving cars but there are no untra
Yes I feel I can to a degree but at 63 I seem to get out of breath easier so I don't know if I could have the endurance I once had. One thing I learned if you get in a fight you have to breath. It is not as easy as it sounds to train yourself to do so.
Amen to that brother! I am 58 and I still think I am invincible. Obviously I'm not though, Lol!
Back in the day, I knew a cop who got fired because he kept leaving his walkie talkie on the roof of the car and driving away. Do that with a taser one time and it's curtains.

I suppose so, I know if I was in that situation, I'd be hard pressed to justify shooting someone over it...they still could have got more boots on ground or maybe a Helo up to track along with a K-9, how far could the guy have gotten?

Fortunately each time I was sent somewhere this sort of thing was a possibility, we had good rules of engagements (ROEs) to follow...cops have them too but obviously they need to be reviewed more often.

Cops should have bolo net guns...that would have stopped him...
@fallenarch , yeah the facts all need to come out. I don't agree that the cop who shot RB did the wrong thing though. It might have been done a little differently but shooting was warrented as soon as RB grabbed the taser and definitely the first time he used it. IMO, the shooter cop getting his day in court is all a part of appeasing the protests. As Yellow09 said, he's toast. If he gets death row, I'll crap.
The police don't agree with you on the shooting. This was not done in accordance with the rules for good policing per the Atlanta PD. Note the shooter fired 3 shots and one hit a car waiting in line at the restaurant. Was putting an innocent live in danger worth stopping a drunk man who was out of his car and on foot? The shooter cop is getting his day in court to appease the constitution, that's the law. The way you worded that reflects a complete disregard for the rule of law buddy.
Put more accurately, The partner is doing the right thing, which is testifying. No word on a deal for that testimony but that is how the system works. The shooter did a bad thing and is getting his day in court, which is more than his victim will get.
I keep hearing conflicting reports on this. First I heard he was then I heard he wasn't.
She's a beauty...if more people rode them, they'd be too broke from doing mods to be out causing trouble...
We need to make owning a motorcycle mandatory when kids turn 18 with training of course...lol