I just can't take it anymore.....

I could care less about the legalities of it all, what publisher thought it would be a good idea to even take the guys work to print in the first place... There is a whole list of unacceptable things that had to happen for the book to ever be presented to amazon.....

Once again, where is common sense and decency... Someone at the publishers and Amazon should lose their job for the poor decision making on this one...

I don't disagree with you at all Doug, but you already know the answer to this one. There is little decency and almost no common sense these days, at least publicly displayed. Too many people worry about being PC or whatever. Its a joke, I see it every day when I am in airports. Someone does something and others raise eyebrows but dont want to be the ones to speak for fear of backlash.

Will someone loose their jobs over this, probably not but we can hope, we may never know. The only way to really enforce people to follow common sense and decency these days is to legislate it, which IMHO is a sure sign that we aren't circling the top of the bowl anymore. :banghead:
Amen, I cannot beleive this SHI* makes mainstream news???
At least they interviewed the pendeho* (a person of the anus variety) so someone can exterminate him.

Holy mother of god, really? It's just disgusting and absolutely wrong. Fargen Freak.:firing::firing::firing::firing::firing:
i vote we buy some land, put a big fence around it, and start an .org commune :laugh: the only time we'll come out from behind the gate is to ride at warp-speed so we don't have to interact with anyone else :beerchug:

Sounds like a cool idea to me. :beerchug:

Who will be the Vice President? The one with the fastest 1/4 mile, or the one with the fastest lap time?

If you let me in, I'll bring some women along. :cheerleader:
I dont watch the news or read the newspapers, hardly ever. Juli will read Yahoo news to me every now and then. But I tried to watch the news leading up to the OK governers race and got sick of it. Am I un-informed? Maybe, but I know we are fighting a war that needs to end. I know that no matter what my politicians and elected officials do NOT have our best interests in mind. I know that the only way to effect changes on my and my family must be done by ME. I know that when Clinton left office we did NOT have a national debt, but we had NAFTA after he left.
I am starting to realize that I would be better off working for minimum wages and buying grocerys with food stamps. I understand that even though I pay thousands in taxes every year, its not enough and the IRS can send me bills because I am not making pre estimated payments for the taxes I think I might owe.

I am with Semi, commune and support ourselves. And dont forget Jellyrug.
As far as the media is concerned, I think Don Henley summed it up best in the lyrics to Dirty Laundry, people love dirty laundry. If a broadcast outlet wants ratings and advertiser dollars then they're gonna air what the people want.

Not to pick on anyone's beliefs here, but I think that as our society is being pushed further and further away from the founding Christian values of this country, the morals of society are eroding away. I feel that freedom of speech has been construed in ways that our founding fathers never envisioned. Every time precedence is established in a court of law it just opens the door for someone else to take it one step further. In effect, little by little, stripping away the guiding principals and laws and leaving behind a society where everyone thinks they have the right to say and do whatever they want.

So, where do we draw the line?
As far as the media is concerned, I think Don Henley summed it up best in the lyrics to Dirty Laundry, people love dirty laundry. If a broadcast outlet wants ratings and advertiser dollars then they're gonna air what the people want.

Not to pick on anyone's beliefs here, but I think that as our society is being pushed further and further away from the founding Christian values of this country, the morals of society are eroding away. I feel that freedom of speech has been construed in ways that our founding fathers never envisioned. Every time precedence is established in a court of law it just opens the door for someone else to take it one step further. In effect, little by little, stripping away the guiding principals and laws and leaving behind a society where everyone thinks they have the right to say and do whatever they want.

So, where do we draw the line?

Well said
riding season is to cold. let's take over deal's gap. 200 miles in every direction.
Cap-That's what "they" (the progressives/liberals) want...for you to bury your
head in the sand and disengauge..I assure the people who want to drive our
country into the ground are not going to disengauge or give up...

DOJ Gave Millions to Illegal Immigrant 'Sanctuaries,' Report Finds - FoxNews.com

I'm just tired of all the daily bickering and hearing about it. We are paying our represenatives to go to Washington to do the will of the people... Message number one was sent, message two will be to the judges legislating from the bench. I think what I am most frustrated with is guys like Harry Reid that says even after the drastic changes last week that he is ready to fight. I don't know that I want any of our politicians to fight, I don't want the leadership to fight and I don't want us to fight. At some point you have to stop, rethink what is going on and just start dealing with the problems from a much closer vantage point.

If SanFran wants to ban happy meals and the people there are okay with it GREAT! If other places in the country want to have Sharia law in their state GREAT! If citizens want to have legalized marijuana or same sex marriages GREAT! I am going to focus on my community and get back to what I know, what I believe and do it in a place that I have the ability to force change.

It's just too much for people to see all the problems all over our country, too many whacko's too many people that want to change the country and allow the anything from anyone anytime mentality... I plan on trying to keep my house, community and state in order.. If I am called upon to vote nationally I will but me throwing my two cents in over something that is happening in a municipality in another state is over.

I'm sure there are some great people in all of our states but we never see the good stories in the media, the pedophiles, killers, crazy wild thinking politicians (in both parties), the deaths and negative things are what media is all about these days.. The best way for me to make those stories go away is to stop looking at them. I think that we all can become so consumed with the negative that we lose track of the vast goodness in our country. We only see the worst political arguments and never see the good stuff that happens day to day. I want to hear the good stuff, kids that make a difference, the soldier that comes home to a thankful country, the retired couple that wins the lottery. I think that I have just been fed up with negative stuff over the past year.... I don't want to bury my head but if I can't effect change then why even discuss it?

I think we all get too caught up in the us and them political game. I don't think there is a single democrat ou there that wants anything bad to come to our country but we demonize each other on a day to day basis. Sometimes the rhetoric becomes the problem and nothing will ever get done because of pride and arrogance. We as US citizens need to wake up, stop being so darn lazy and step back and ask every day what we can do to make the USA better. As we answer the questions of the day we should ask ourselves if the decision we make is for the betterment of our country or to get what we want.

I think I have just chosen to make an extra effort to ask myself those very things... We have to work together to make this a better place, we have to lean on each other and stop knocking the other guy down because he doesn't agree. We have become so opposed to things in the name of freedom that we are willing to do whatever it takes to get our way..... What ever happenned to common sense, helping the other guy and sacrifice?

I choose not to fight but to try and resolve differences with common sense and diplomacy, something our leaders need to understand.

It all starts at home!

I think we all get too caught up in the us and them political game. I don't think there is a single democrat out there that wants anything bad to come to our country but we demonize each other on a day to day basis.

Very well said!!

Media has made us this way. We are headed towards a civil war. Both sides believe they are on the side of right.
I rarely watch the news. I won't say "never" because sometimes it's just "on" where I happen to be. I own a television, but it hasn't been plugged in since I moved to Kansas City.
If I want a weather report, I have MANY solutions online/iPod.
If I want to know how elections are going, I can watch the people at work and how they react.

So, yeah...I'm in. :thumbsup:
Well, Cap, the founding fathers were VERY smart and VERY guided by their religious beliefs. The "arguing" that goes on non-stop is exactly what they wanted. Heck, the stuff is very tame now compared to years ago. Back in Lincolns day, the papers accused you of being a pedophile and all other stuff. They lied with reckless abandon. The politicians had to put up with it all the time. It has actually gotten better over the years in some ways.

Our system may not be perfect, but it is the best on this Earth! I agree with Jellyrug, leave this country and your shocked at the difference in living style, money, crappy politicians etc. America is pretty darn good!
Part of the problem is that the news media has to fill twenty-four hours with stuff, and they need to keep your attention to get ratings. Not too long ago you got a half hour of local news at noon, a half hour of national news about 6:30 pm, and then another half hour of local news at 11 pm. All on three or four stations. The rest of your news came from the newspapers. It's media overload, and very few care about quality. It's pretty faces and talking heads.