I just found out my Grandma voted fro Biden...

Opinions vary... your opinion means nothing because you have aligned yourself with the leftist thugs that stole these elections. Biden is a total sellout and thief of taxpayers money. Biden is compromised... the evidence is overwhelming and yet you think he is saint... the guy is dirt.
#1. Where is the proof? When has the president attacked our country?

#2. When did the president lie? When he said he didn't involve himself with Putin to rig the 2016 election? See... you leftist idiots are full of poop... and yet... the lap dog media is till running that BS... Meanwhile 30 to 35 million was spent on lawyers that knew that it was a nothing burger from July of 2017 going forward.

#3. How is the president enriching himself? When some foreigners on business here stayed at one of his hotels for $300 a night... is that all you have? More stupid talking points from Madcow and the swamp controlled media with no proof.

#4. Biden is a punk thug... he has admitted it... he said... "we have assembled the largest election fraud organization in history".

Admit it... you like election fraud... you like the dimtards plans for the future... stack the court, create new states with 2 more democrat senators and and turn this country into a communist style of governance...

I have to laugh when you call a billionaire that became a president on the first attempt a low IQ thug... that shows us all we need to know about you.
....and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on....

This is getting to be like a truck with bald tires in the mud, it makes lots of noise yet goes nowhere...

Pick up a paper, watch the news (any one of them you like)....it's over, Trump is out and Biden is in, time to move forward, not backward...the election fraud rhetoric is getting very, very old...there were over 60 lawsuits and all 60 were unfounded by many Trump appointed judges.

Stick a fork in it 'cause it's done!
....and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on....

This is getting to be like a truck with bald tires in the mud, it makes lots of noise yet goes nowhere...

Pick up a paper, watch the news (any one of them you like)....it's over, Trump is out and Biden is in, time to move forward, not backward...the election fraud rhetoric is getting very, very old...there were over 60 lawsuits and all 60 were unfounded by many Trump appointed judges.

Stick a fork in it 'cause it's done!
It might as well be done.... but... that isn't the point... the Mob Rule of election results has favored the Mob.... and... it appears you favor Mob Rule because you think that challenging the

"in your face fraud"

is not to be challenged.

We have officially entered the status known as... We are now a Banana Republic... we are the biggest Banana Republic on the face of the earth... the Swamp has won.... China rejoices! Its only a matter of time before the CCP social credit score system is installed and you can be a deemed a politically correct snowflake that rats out your neighbors anytime you see them doing anything wrong... it probably isn't you personally... but it is like minded people that think Mob Rule will get them what they want... and they want socialism... and socialism leads to communism... even with multiple branches of government with like minded people can dictate under the penalty of law their own special kind of justice. The kind of justice where Antifa and the BLM can burn, loot, and murder USA citizens with impunity.

Welcome to America... a country that is falling for Mob Rule.
This post came from a poster I found today and it puts some good points in focus while asking some key questions.

Your man Trump is all for the vaccine, pushing it out at record speed and saying he will use the military to implement it. How much police state do you want? He will give you more than you can handle.

What freedom? Freedom is at stake, but we haven't really had freedom. The bigger your government is, the less freedom you have. They've been piling up laws in this country for almost 250 years. How many laws do we need? And with every event they stage, they take away more of our liberties in the name of protecting us. From 9/11, to crisis actor events, to Covid 19, to storming the capitol, every time they stage an event, it gives them the impetus to take away more liberties. If they can mandate that you have to take something into your body against your will, human rights are finished.

Modern "medicine" is no different than the witch doctors and wizards of the past. You think they have special magical powers that only they can understand? So, do you give them your blind trust? That is their only real power. Their power is in their ability to deceive. They cast a spell over you. Lying is spell casting. If someone can lie to you and get you to believe it, then you will act according to the lie you believe to be true. You are effectively under their spell. Propaganda is spell casting.

"...for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived." Rev.18:23

No one should believe that what they see on TV is real. And no one should believe that what politicians tell them is true. This is a propaganda event and not a pandemic. If there is a virus that didn't exist before, the globalists created it and deliberately released it in order to have this propaganda event. Whether or not they kill thousands or millions of people is irrelevant to them. Because this event is about changing the world, not saving lives. That is why the propaganda started right off the bat, calling this the "NEW NORMAL". As if things will never go back to the way they were. And they are using it as the excuse to implement what they are calling "THE GREAT RESET". And then, there is the so-called vaccine they want to inject into everyone on the planet which will alter your dna for one.

The mass paranoia is what will ensure that most people will bend over for that. If you know who Howard Hughes was, people thought he was crazy for being as paranoid of germs as he was. Now they have convinced many people to be as crazy and as paranoid as Howard Hughes. They will use the paranoid people to police the sane people by turning us in for not complying or just trying to guilt us into complying.

Side note... I saw it in person... Howard Hughes personal car use to be on display at the Imperial Palace in Vegas. ( Its no longer the Imperial Palace ) It was with all the other cars in the museum of sorts on the 6th floor. In the trunk was this big metal box that looked like an air conditioner... and that served as his personal barrier to any germs in the air that he was afraid of being infected by.
Yes... 13 more days until the trampling of your rights hits overdrive... welcome to the CCP indoctrination style camps... lets see what happens when you don't take the vaccine.

You are cheering for your demise...

I‘m cheering for the demise of the pro trump idiots like yourself (and anyone who gives your posts a thumbs up) who think storming the capital and causing the deaths of four people is ok. Your BS baseless conspiracies will also die out as they have no basis in reality, to wit: “Modern "medicine" is no different than the witch doctors and wizards of the past”. You’re not kidding are you? That’s a rhetorical question. I already know the answer.
What you fail to realize is that this country has been under attack for decades from both inside and outside forces. While no president is perfect... the one about to be installed is not your friend... but... when people are infected with TDS... the hate seems to over take any sensibilities that people normally have.

I have the give the MSM credit... they are the most powerful Trolls on the planet... they can lead millions, if not a billion or more to believe the most arcane and stupid crap ever created.

When the police organizations do not support the guy that ran for president from the dimtard side of the ballot you must ask why. Why does this candidate not have the support of any police organization inside the United States?

Let us know when you figure out why that is. Tell me that isn't a fact...

Being pro president Trump doesn't matter at this point... the country is headed towards the abyss...
I‘m cheering for the demise of the pro trump idiots like yourself (and anyone who gives your posts a thumbs up) who think storming the capital and causing the deaths of four people is ok. Your BS baseless conspiracies will also die out as they have no basis in reality, to wit: “Modern "medicine" is no different than the witch doctors and wizards of the past”. You’re not kidding are you? That’s a rhetorical question. I already know the answer.
Apparently you are not familiar with the placebo effect. You also don't know or care to understand what has happened in a "medicine less" Chinese hospital in Beijing well before any of this stuff happened.

Practicing "medicine" has been with us for a long time.... the doctors are still practicing.

Most likely this virus was a man made virus... update... China now claims they had nothing to do with it...

So, when will the media stop? The media is running hard with its own special kind of virus... the kind that infects the minds of millions.

You stand with the left.... lets see where it takes us as a nation and a world... as for now I would say the commies are winning.

Those petty crimes by individuals mean little now... just look at what crime syndicates can pull off...
I‘m cheering for the demise of the pro trump idiots like yourself (and anyone who gives your posts a thumbs up) who think storming the capital and causing the deaths of four people is ok. Your BS baseless conspiracies will also die out as they have no basis in reality, to wit: “Modern "medicine" is no different than the witch doctors and wizards of the past”. You’re not kidding are you? That’s a rhetorical question. I already know the answer.
Name calling again...

Everybody hating trump. But nobody's bragging on biden? He's had almost 50 years to make changes, and he needs more time? Even the dems didn't want him. Just a puppet. Such a sad day for America, Trump was the last hope.
Haters are going to hate... Not everyone that voted for Biden hated president Trump... some people voted for Biden because they think he will be a good president... I haven't actually heard anybody say that... but, I am sure his wife thinks so...
I voted against Trump, but that is unfair. Trump is the worst president in history and proved this with a coup attempt in the last 13 days of his dying administration. But Biden is the perfect guy for the times. I think he will right the ship, at least as much as people like you will allow him to. Had we taken advantage of Trump's failure as a president and installed a flaming liberal, things would have been even more of a mess.
I voted against Trump, but that is unfair. Trump is the worst president in history and proved this with a coup attempt in the last 13 days of his dying administration. But Biden is the perfect guy for the times. I think he will right the ship, at least as much as people like you will allow him to. Had we taken advantage of Trump's failure as a president and installed a flaming liberal, things would have been even more of a mess.
Worst President? More like the greatest hallucination I have read so far today. The president never called for violence... President Trumps words regarding the violence today was blocked, omitted or manipulated just like it has been in the past. However... From Biden on down the democrats never called for the violence in the cities to stop until the polling reflected they were losing support for the party of Dimtards. The Democratic Party is the enemy... it has permeated the culture for years and finally achieved the tipping point where it can permanently destroy this once great country. President Trump had many successes especially with the economy... so that is where the energy, focus, and criminal activity was directed to defeat him. How can anybody believe this election was honest when you have witnessed all the attacks, lies, and criminal activity coming from the democrats in the last 4 years?

Got some numbers for you... enjoy the fraud while you can...

PA sent out 1.8 mail in ballots... they received back 1.3 million ballots... and they counted 2.5 million mail in as the total of the ballots sent back in. Can you see a math problem here?

The margins for these states were..... The number of votes that needed to be investigated
Arizona 10,000 votes................................................................. 660,000
Georgia. 10,000...................................................................... 1.500,000
Michigan. 147,000......................................................................600,000
Nevada. 34,000 ..........................................................................210,000
Wisconsin. 10,000 ......................................................................400,000
Pennsylvania. 68,000................................................................. 860,000++

It is time for the 5th Ammendment to come front and center. A convention of states where term limits and other rules become implemented is required to slow the corruption that is rampant across certain parts of our country.

Approx 30% of democrats think the election was fishy...
Approx 40% of Americans in general think something wasn't right...
Will any investigations happen? No... the coup was successful... we have nothing to see here... now move along...

And if any president says you can keep your doctor and medical plan 28 times... don't believe him... why? Because it was a lie.... that is what it comes down to... its all a bunch of lies... Also known as spell casting propaganda... keep lying long enough and often enough and it becomes the truth.

What did Biden say? We believe facts over truth? See how it works with the leftist marxist zone we are living in?
Worst President? More like the greatest hallucination I have read so far today. The president never called for violence... President Trumps words regarding the violence today was blocked, omitted or manipulated just like it has been in the past. However... From Biden on down the democrats never called for the violence in the cities to stop until the polling reflected they were losing support for the party of Dimtards. The Democratic Party is the enemy... it has permeated the culture for years and finally achieved the tipping point where it can permanently destroy this once great country. President Trump had many successes especially with the economy... so that is where the energy, focus, and criminal activity was directed to defeat him. How can anybody believe this election was honest when you have witnessed all the attacks, lies, and criminal activity coming from the democrats in the last 4 years?

Got some numbers for you... enjoy the fraud while you can...

PA sent out 1.8 mail in ballots... they received back 1.3 million ballots... and they counted 2.5 million mail in as the total of the ballots sent back in. Can you see a math problem here?

The margins for these states were..... The number of votes that needed to be investigated
Arizona 10,000 votes................................................................. 660,000
Georgia. 10,000...................................................................... 1.500,000
Michigan. 147,000......................................................................600,000
Nevada. 34,000 ..........................................................................210,000
Wisconsin. 10,000 ......................................................................400,000
Pennsylvania. 68,000................................................................. 860,000++

It is time for the 5th Ammendment to come front and center. A convention of states where term limits and other rules become implemented is required to slow the corruption that is rampant across certain parts of our country.

Approx 30% of democrats think the election was fishy...
Approx 40% of Americans in general think something wasn't right...
Will any investigations happen? No... the coup was successful... we have nothing to see here... now move along...

And if any president says you can keep your doctor and medical plan 28 times... don't believe him... why? Because it was a lie.... that is what it comes down to... its all a bunch of lies... Also known as spell casting propaganda... keep lying long enough and often enough and it becomes the truth.

What did Biden say? We believe facts over truth? See how it works with the leftist marxist zone we are living in?
Maybe it's time you packed up and moved somewhere else to be led by someone which you want to lead you....don't bother moving here, we are led by a liberal who loves to spend money on things other than our own country.
Worst President? More like the greatest hallucination I have read so far today. The president never called for violence... President Trumps words regarding the violence today was blocked, omitted or manipulated just like it has been in the past. However... From Biden on down the democrats never called for the violence in the cities to stop until the polling reflected they were losing support for the party of Dimtards. The Democratic Party is the enemy... it has permeated the culture for years and finally achieved the tipping point where it can permanently destroy this once great country. President Trump had many successes especially with the economy... so that is where the energy, focus, and criminal activity was directed to defeat him. How can anybody believe this election was honest when you have witnessed all the attacks, lies, and criminal activity coming from the democrats in the last 4 years?
Got some numbers for you... enjoy the fraud while you can...

PA sent out 1.8 mail in ballots... they received back 1.3 million ballots... and they counted 2.5 million mail in as the total of the ballots sent back in. Can you see a math problem here?

The margins for these states were..... The number of votes that needed to be investigated
Arizona 10,000 votes................................................................. 660,000
Georgia. 10,000...................................................................... 1.500,000
Michigan. 147,000......................................................................600,000
Nevada. 34,000 ..........................................................................210,000
Wisconsin. 10,000 ......................................................................400,000
Pennsylvania. 68,000................................................................. 860,000++

It is time for the 5th Ammendment to come front and center. A convention of states where term limits and other rules become implemented is required to slow the corruption that is rampant across certain parts of our country.

Approx 30% of democrats think the election was fishy...
Approx 40% of Americans in general think something wasn't right...
Will any investigations happen? No... the coup was successful... we have nothing to see here... now move along...

And if any president says you can keep your doctor and medical plan 28 times... don't believe him... why? Because it was a lie.... that is what it comes down to... its all a bunch of lies... Also known as spell casting propaganda... keep lying long enough and often enough and it becomes the truth.

What did Biden say? We believe facts over truth? See how it works with the leftist marxist zone we are living in?

Worst President? More like the greatest hallucination I have read so far today. The president never called for violence... President Trumps words regarding the violence today was blocked, omitted or manipulated just like it has been in the past. However... From Biden on down the democrats never called for the violence in the cities to stop until the polling reflected they were losing support for the party of Dimtards. The Democratic Party is the enemy... it has permeated the culture for years and finally achieved the tipping point where it can permanently destroy this once great country. President Trump had many successes especially with the economy... so that is where the energy, focus, and criminal activity was directed to defeat him. How can anybody believe this election was honest when you have witnessed all the attacks, lies, and criminal activity coming from the democrats in the last 4 years?

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Nice selfie!
Maybe it's time you packed up and moved somewhere else to be led by someone which you want to lead you....don't bother moving here, we are led by a liberal who loves to spend money on things other than our own country.
I am a born and raised as a United States citizen with a voice... and my voice and the voices of millions of other Americans has been nullified by the liars, cheaters, and election fraudsters.

Joe Biden isn't a president... he is much more a con artist than anything else... he even brags about it... so... I guess he is your kind of guy... I don't really know... because I don't know much about you other than you have poor choice standards as to who would make the best president.

So... why don't you move...
I am a born and raised as a United States citizen with a voice... and my voice and the voices of millions of other Americans has been nullified by the liars, cheaters, and election fraudsters.

Joe Biden isn't a president... he is much more a con artist than anything else... he even brags about it... so... I guess he is your kind of guy... I don't really know... because I don't know much about you other than you have poor choice standards as to who would make the best president.

So... why don't you move...
I didn't say Biden would make the best president but Trump didn't either.

As for moving....where? What place is better these days?

There was a time when I would have loved to move to the 'States....that time has come and gone.