...great story Bill! I was reading the replies and thought I'd share my Dad/Son story. My dad had always rode something weather it be a Trail 90 or a Gold Wing. He tried getting my mom into the riding thing by purchasing her a 750 Maxim(I think, or maybe a 650). No luck, she tipped it over during practice for the road test for her licence and just walked away from it-funny. Dad bought me my first bike in '85, a Honda CX650 Custom. He had this goofy Honda-matic thing. He and I took a trip around the state of Montana and into Wyoming on Memorial day in '85. What a blast! I'll never forget it. I will also never forget the last ride he had. He was 81yrs old and in really good health and by then a very experienced rider. He stopped at a stop light and looked down for a split sec and lost his balance on the '86 Gold Wing. As you can guess, it went over and he was unable to right it. He said right there that he was done riding. That had to be hard for him to admit to himself after riding for sooo many years. Every Memorial day I take a trip. Last year I rode to the Black Hills in SD on my Kawasaki KLR 650. This year I will be riding my new Hayabusa somewhere in rememberance. He's the one that got me into riding and I will never forget that. Cheers to you all! Walt