I must be obsolete...

Here is the issue;

My daughter just immigrated to Portugal, because she is over 21 years old. The LEGAL immigration process if I sponsor her as her USA Citizen father, takes 14 years. How fair do you think that is to someone who is highly skilled with a postgraduate degree and extensive vocational experience, with her family living here, but she cannot join? You OK with that, in comparison to allow those who come in illegally to stay?

If we apply the law, we may not employ anyone without a social security number.

If we apply the law, we cannot give anyone a social security number without legal immigration status.

If we apply the law, we may not employ someone and pay them more than $600 for the entire year, without submitting a 1099. We cannot submit a 1099 without a social security number.

If we break the law and pay an illegal immigrant cash under the table, whichever account we draw that cash out of, will be considered personal expenses (Like Trump Payed Stormy Daniels) and we legally would be paying tax on that considered as personal income. If we get caught, we can be prosecuted.

So how far do we take this illegal immigrant situation and how many laws do we ignore and who does the Government pick as victims to prosecute because they do what Trump did with Stormy?

Do we just start living as a lawless society and throw all structure away, and prosecution is left to those who we want to victimise?

I'm not sure if you are an organized individual or live your whole life away winging every part of your life. All I know is I do not want a government who is totally disorganized and manages our land by totally winging it.

Our government is fine with, and supports the falsification of ID's, drivers licenses, and social security numbers. How many of these may end up voting illegally? Is this first world or third world? How many of our citizens are ending up with credit score issues, because someone stole their social security number?

Then there is Christopher Ray, repeatedly warning us of major security concerns, as our adversaries have sent countless individuals here, of which we have some records, but we don't know where they are and then we have some here without any records.

So is all the above to you professional governance of our land, is this what you are totally OK with?????? Is this the way you want our country run?

Ultimately, where do you think this is going to end?

The above is not from Google or the net, it is from me, I believe I am a properly informed citizen, running a LEGAL business and have my accounts audited each year by a CPA.

How much of the above did you actually grasp?

Sigh, I need to get off these forums and go back to just talking motorcycles......

How much more of this would you like to see, before you change your mind?

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Hi. We should help all that mone here. Buy then a new house, car, health care, free food and give the $995.00 a week for 7 years so the can get on there feet. Is everyone in on this? Lets go team. But that is only if they vote denocrat.
How much of the above did you actually grasp?
All of it. I know it's a huge problem. It starts in whatever country the person in question comes from.
You tend to discredit the intelligence of someone that doesn't agree with you, using it as leverage to help convince. If I read your personality type correctly, you don't care about how that might make someone feel. It doesn't take away from you being smart and successful, it's just a shame, like a scratch in a nice paint job.
How much more of this would you like to see, before you change your mind?
If that's what you're trying to do, go riding instead. I find opposing viewpoints informative and thought evoking, but my empathy for people in distress isn't going anywhere. Nobody is interviewed before being born as to where they want to live, it just happens to us, and then we act like living there is an earned privilege that no one else deserves. I know I'm in the minority with this philosophy and I'm fine with that.
You tend to discredit the intelligence of someone that doesn't agree with you, using it as leverage to help convince. If I read your personality type correctly, you don't care about how that might make someone feel. It doesn't take away from you being smart and successful, it's just a shame, like a scratch in a nice paint job.
Yes, you are correct, I am an A$&hole in saying that. My apologies.
If that's what you're trying to do, go riding instead. I find opposing viewpoints informative and thought evoking, but my empathy for people in distress isn't going anywhere. Nobody is interviewed before being born as to where they want to live, it just happens to us, and then we act like living there is an earned privilege that no one else deserves. I know I'm in the minority with this philosophy and I'm fine with that.
Your empathy is novel, I was not born here and appreciate the fact that I was granted citizenship. That came after a few interviews, a written test in English and a test about the history and constitution of the USA. I live here as an American, adopted the culture here and fully integrated. The only thing giving me away is my accent. I have never had the attitude of deserving anything, it is about what I can do for my country and how I can add value. About the food the folks who work for me can put on their table and enabling them to share a piece of the American dream.

While I appreciate your empathy for these folks, we need to decide where we want this to eventually end. If you have been around the world, you will know that billions of people dream of living here. Americans have negative population growth, yet our population is multiplying with illegals. The more of this we allow, the more will come. They bring their values and their cultures with them. They do not integrate as Americans. If we allow this to continue, uncontrolled, I can assure you the America you live in today, will be a totally different country, 20 years from now. The standard of living will tend towards that of Brazil.

Do you think that is fair, towards Americans who were born here, who served for their country, whose parents served for their country? For those who have sacrificed loved ones to preserve this country?

The next issue this scenario creates, is cartels taking advantage of the situation. Drug trade, sex trade, sex enslavement, and taking advantage of the underprivileged. Then the security issues, allowing our adversaries to place soldiers here not known about.

As an immigrant, I know the process. The legal process here is designed to allow immigration for the benefit of the country, for the benefit of Americans. It is not designed to place financial burdens on taxpayers, increase medical costs and add to our debt. It is not designed to change America to eventually lose its values, its culture and lower the standard of living for the middle class.

Again, I admire your novel empathy, but I am a proud American and giving my country away is out of the question. Losing my country of birth was enough, I do not wish that experience for my children and my grandchildren.
I appreciate and respect your views. I have an inert need to be accepted which is awkward for a guy with my odd opinions.
Hi. I would like to help all. But what should you give up to help other people. Maybe sell our bikes and give the money to immigrants. Some came to have a better life. Some come to make money to send back to help there people. Others came to steel money sell drugs and other crimes. Do not forget what some people on the left say 1 crime is to many. And yes a lot of us do commit crimes. I do not think that any one here commits crimes other than speeding when we are down in Mexico. I beleave everone has right to think what they want. But some see a black and white bike and others see white and black bike who is correct? I hope that I am correct that Trump will do a better job than than Harris. Black & White ---- White & Black. One thing I am sure of we all bleed red.
Some come to make money to send back to help there people. Others came to steel money sell drugs and other crimes.
Statistics show illegal aliens are quite a bit less likely to commit a crime than American citizens. You and many others have formed contrary opinions in spite of this.
It seems that when it comes to opinions, the truth loses some relevance.
Hi. I would like to help all. But what should you give up to help other people. Maybe sell our bikes and give the money to immigrants. Some came to have a better life. Some come to make money to send back to help there people. Others came to steel money sell drugs and other crimes. Do not forget what some people on the left say 1 crime is to many. And yes a lot of us do commit crimes. I do not think that any one here commits crimes other than speeding when we are down in Mexico. I beleave everone has right to think what they want. But some see a black and white bike and others see white and black bike who is correct? I hope that I am correct that Trump will do a better job than than Harris. Black & White ---- White & Black. One thing I am sure of we all bleed red.
My Busa is an incredible crime machine. Worse than most migrants.
Statistics show illegal aliens are quite a bit less likely to commit a crime than American citizens. You and many others have formed contrary opinions in spite of this.
It seems that when it comes to opinions, the truth loses some relevance.
Gut feel tells me that may be true for now. Once they are established and in their comfort zone, when the real personalities come out, may be a different story.
Gut feel tells me that may be true for now. Once they are established and in their comfort zone, when the real personalities come out, may be a different story.
Not that I know a whole lot about the impact of illegal aliens in the US but wouldn't these people offer a pipeline for the cartel to control?

Kind of like "do as we say or we will turn you in" sort of control.....lots of cartel are in the US legally and can manipulate illegals pretty easily I'm thinking. I would think illegals would do their best to stay below police radar for fear of being deported.....
Not that I know a whole lot about the impact of illegal aliens in the US but wouldn't these people offer a pipeline for the cartel to control?

Kind of like "do as we say or we will turn you in" sort of control.....lots of cartel are in the US legally and can manipulate illegals pretty easily I'm thinking. I would think illegals would do their best to stay below police radar for fear of being deported.....
Already happening. Was in the news today.
Gut feel tells me that may be true for now. Once they are established and in their comfort zone, when the real personalities come out, may be a different story.
Also the fact that they’re here illegally will tend to make people behave. You might be right as time passes, then maybe the numbers will be even. All people are possible criminals, and by country I would think the level of immorality would be similar.
Harris said she will sign the bill that the republicans backed away from allegedly due to trump’s influence which would’ve added hundreds of new border patrol members among other things. Passing it when introduced might have helped which would’ve made trump look bad and Biden good.
Harris said she will sign the bill that the republicans backed away from allegedly due to trump’s influence which would’ve added hundreds of new border patrol members among other things. Passing it when introduced might have helped which would’ve made trump look bad and Biden good.
Just look at all the border policies and laws stricken down or ignored when Biden was installed. You think one or two laws is going to change anything? Take a look at the illegal border crossing stats between the 2 administrations and maybe you can figure out what been has happening in the last 3.75 years.

The other issue is... I don't care what Kamala says... Brandon assigned her to border control duty and she never even went there or talked with anybody there working the border for years. What makes you think she is going to do anything if installed? Is it because "She said so". GMAFB.... She can't even do an interview or a Town Hall meeting.
Of course you’re not up to date or correct. She just did an interview. And the bill was bi partisan too.

Of course you’re not up to date or correct. She just did an interview. And the bill was bi partisan too.

I thought you really disliked her, called her names?
Harris said she will sign the bill that the republicans backed away from allegedly due to trump’s influence which would’ve added hundreds of new border patrol members among other things. Passing it when introduced might have helped which would’ve made trump look bad and Biden good.
I think it also let in 5,000 a day. 1,825,000 a year. What does it cost to support 1 for a year. Anyone who wants them could donate 1/2 there pay before taxes for them. Good Idea for you to help them