I need your help to fight criminals!!

sooooo ordinance is illegal and unenforceable, judge is overturning our conviction, fines are removed. BUT....our conviction STAYS ON OUR RECORDS...and we have to pay a lawyer to expunge our conviction of a illegal ordinance off our records...so my FIREARM CONVICTION (by an illegal law) IS A PART OF MY PERMANENT RECORD.....
UPDATE...we now have it signed into LAW that municipalities can be SUED for legal fees for enforcing ILLEGAL firearm laws (they are not allowed to make firearm laws) i have been in the battle all along going to Harrisburg and speaking to Representatives and Senators pushing this....well...TODAY i sat with the Governor of Pennsylvania and signed this into LAW!! Thank you Russel for helping me understand that even I can get Laws made!!

Last time i checked it was perfectly legal to carry firearms in this country. comments like the one above remind me of a wonderful saying off of Happy Gilmore..."Spoken like a true idiot!" There is nothing illegal about carrying a firearm etc. I would stand up as well.

True that. I have a CWP and carry on a regular basis, sometimes while riding. I get asked frequently why I carry a gun, and I reply 'its my right.' typically followed by, the question what am I afraid of? 'Someone taking that right away'

Just to put this into perspective, in 2011 there were:
Firearm homicides
Number of deaths: 11,068

again in 2011 there were :
All unintentional injury deaths
Number of deaths: 126,438

Unintentional fall deaths
Number of deaths: 27,483

Motor vehicle traffic deaths
Number of deaths: 33,783

Unintentional poisoning deaths
Number of deaths: 36,280

So Chrisp can you sue them for the legal fees to expunge your records? Or does the law just signed only apply
to cases from that (signing of the law) time forward?

Thanks for all the time, sweat and tears that you have put forth to bring a needed law into existence. :bowdown:

Hope other states will take notice and not do something so stupid, which will have to make others fight for the rights that we are suppose to have.
no...we cannot sue as law was not in place...but the lawyer wiped the bill out at this point due to the accomplishment we helped create.