I serve the USA


What I want to know is under what print in the contract that I signed says that I will have to report if I am not getting paid? This is not a dictatorship and slavery im sure was out lawed sometime ago. I wasnt born yesterday. I will have no sympathy for the life long politicians who are only concerned with themselves. They make way too much money but will they take a pay cut, hell no they wont. AMERICA WAKE UP. It is time for change get off the couch and get out there and speak your mind. Oh wait, if it dosent affect you then who cares right? This is sad that we have become this lazy or bitter. I say revamp and restructure the whole damn thing. But no we would rather pay Stars and Athletes stupid sums of money for doing things that in respect are fairly simple to do. I am in that less than 1% of the population and am damn proud of it. I have and always will love my country, but you fools running it need to get a life. I have deployed 2 times, if I am going to be treated like that i am useless then to hell with it.

1.Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
2.Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
3.Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
4.Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
5.Balance personal rights with social duties.
Ya know what really chaps my ass about this, they say congress will still be paid (200k a year) but they are cutting back to a lighter menu in the cafeteria, no elevator valets, few other things i read....Are you kidding me? How about we take everyone thats making the stupid calls and take they're pay and send it to the soldiers while they are doing actual WORK not sitting behind a desk pretending to run the country, This situation with the military not being paid really really bothers me beyond belief:rulez:
Agree with you for the most Lilarmyguy on what you are saying there. I have been in 14 years now. I really don't understand why congress can't get things together right now especially at a time of war. We have brothers and sisters in harms way right now and they put more stress on them with this shutdown. Soldiers really don't make a lot of money and it is not enough for the chance we have taken or will take down range really. What's really bad is for the single income Soldiers that are living pay check to pay check as I did when I first came in. Bill collectors are not going to take I.O.U.s when bill or that car note is due.
It's stopped being "of the people, by the people and for the people" a long time ago. It's about time for another revolution.
I think they got it together last night at 2300 hours. I appreciate everything you guys do.
i appreciate your service and i don't understand why you guys are not priority one. would it have been so crucial to freeze pay from our congressmen or the president himself? why not cut back on the welfare system?
Thanks guys. Its to easy to sit on the couch for most of us. I realy wish more citizens would take a stand. There realy isnt much a sevice member can do being that we are bound by Law, creed, and oath. You though you can do something. It'll take millions of people to change the sad state we are in. It'll take only one to lead them to it. FOLLOW ME.