He will win a suit for slander in the settlement. Just go on Montel and confront him in front of a television audience like other dysfunctional, unhealthy and unhappy people.
I would stay away from Emily. That is some serious passive aggressive action.
Great pic though, I am sure it is photo-chopped or something. I’m going to save it. I know a girl named Emily. She will love it!
thougt this had been posted before or i would have posted it a while back. anyway here's her blog telling the whole story. you might have to go back a few days or so to the beginning form where i have linked it.
Every woman is a potential Emily in that situation. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence... Until you jump it and land in a big ole pile of dog poo.
Well, now that we know it is a fake, anyway someone can find out who the chick is in the blog with the can of spraypaint? I am single and would like to ask her out. She looks pretty hot to me! Maybe she would like to ride my...errr...hmmm....BUSA!
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