I missed all the fun!

you know, 2000 years after the next ice age when humans emerge again, they will dig these up and think we all worshipped car gods or something
I wondered if she would even notice living in Alabama and all :whistle: kind of normal isn't it?
I wondered if she would even notice living in Alabama and all :whistle: kind of normal isn't it?

Haha....She doesn't live in Alabama!

Maybe I should give more back ground on this....

My brother is always playing practical jokes on my sister and her husband. She is out of the country sitting on a beach some where in Mexico for her birthday (I don't remember where) and as a welcome home present he planted this car in her front yard!

I think it's hysterical!!
I bet the neighbors are just "loving" the look :whistle:

That is really the funniest part of this....

Her sister, the owner of that yard, is in a world class pi*sing contest with the neighbors!
It is so bad that a 19' fence is being erected between the houses!
When her and her husband do yard work the angry neighbors deliberatley run mowers to kick up dust to irritate them, really, its that bad!

I can only imagine how those angry neighbors must be enjoying the new yard art.....
Did they bury the whole back end or cut off the back end and welded supports? I am seriously thinking of doing this to, I mean for my step-dad.:whistle:
Her neighbors are probably thinking she is just trying to meet them halfway. Ya know, fit in around there!!!

God, I am so thankful I don't live near my family. :laugh: