I\'ve got a click or clunk noise from drivetrain area on take off at ti


Anybody else experience this? I first noticed it after I did my first chain adjustment at about 1600 miles. I rechecked my work and nothing is loose. I do not see any witness marks from anything moving. I can feel it in the footpegs and hear a metallic "clink" about half of the time on normal take offs. Thought I'd bounce it off of you guys before I call the dealer.
I have the same problem. I can feel it more in my left footpeg. I first noticed it at about 3000 miles.
That clunk noise will never go away. I remember posting the same problem and they told me it was something engaging. I have 4000 miles and I still the same clunk at takeoff.

...me too...I believe it is the chain and/or sprocket...the vallys have opened up a bit...I don't remember hearing it before I started using the Al rear sprocket...I first noted the intermittent clunk you can feel in the left peg about1000 miles after the installation of Dymag wheel and (Al) sprocket...I will report if the insatllation of a new chain and sprockets makes a difference or not...
Mr. Cheese- Draw me a picture. I'm a little slow. Check it how. The axle nut is tight, the wheel looks pretty straight, the chain is lubed, and I've got about an inch of floppy-floppy. Thank you again.
no tight spots.
the other thing to check is the rear hub coushion.
this is done by put it gear and roll the bike forward and backward till the motor(which is OFF) stops the wheel and you look for the play of the rear hub compaired to the rear wheel.
Maybe it's the back torque limiter or some other normal function of the drivetrain that I just never noticed because I was taking off like a little old lady.
Kirk, that is when I notice it, when driving around like a good citizen....don't know why I missed it before....
no its chain slap on the chain guide .if you haxe a stock chain throw it in the trash they suck real bad.tight and loose spots form quickly in these chains. causing a funky soundin smack when you hit the loose spot in the chain and it whips against the swingarm chain guide.
...some day Hapo be big and smart like yous! Everything should be so simple! I will be putting the new chain I have been holding and a new set of sprockets on the Busa before we ride her again....(THANKS for suplying the hard to find Dymag sprocket required by my rear wheel,TINHEAD....we need to get together on that)
I believe it has a cush drive....the single sided all carbon wheel mounted to the RAM arm on the KawAbusers bike does not....the normal config includs a Daymag cush drive and Al sprocket....it is one concern I have in regard to installing a turbo...