I\'ve got bad news for you all...

Yeah...you guessed it thats the article out of the sept. issue of BIKE magazine,word for word.

My favorite line.
Driven by a transverse-six and using Honda's VTEC technology,it should make 240bhp,according to our optimistic SOURCES.

Well isn't this nice...all of a sudden everyone has SOURCES,i don't even know if you can believe these magazines.

This is friggin amazing,there claiming 240bhp....the Busa makes 175 at the crank,can you say pipe dream??
I haven't seen a leap in HP like that since they invented the Space Shuttle. :)

But if this holds true,you can bet i'll have in the garage...next to the Busa of course!
Plus they have a picture of it!
A picture of a drawing.
Thanks, Suiciderider...I have to get a copy of that issue of Bike. I always like the historical perspective articles, and ones with some future predictions & rumors. I mean, hey Buddha, rumors are rumors...no matter what mag you read them in, take 'em with a grain of salt, as bike-topic entertainment. After all, until it is sitting in the showroom and you can lay down your cash and ride away on it, all it is is talk.
Motoboy: Were you there during the testing?
Do you have any other information about the ZX-12? Do you know if it handles O.K.? What was your bud's overall impression of the bike? Does he think it is going to be ready for production soon, or was it a kludged prototype? Email me at dhughes11@yahoo.com if you are concerned about insecure bike owners flaming you. We should be happy to be in a competitive bike market, people should be more concerned about their riding ability rather than their ride. However I am up in the air about whether to get a ZX-12 or a Busa, I will most likely wait until next spring to see what shapes up. Any information on the ZX-12 would help though.


[This message has been edited by easyrider (edited 11 September 1999).]