I wanna see supercharged Busas

(nitrousjunkie @ Dec. 27 2006,12:50) I do not recommend dealing with calisuperbikes,that dude fakked a very good friend of mine on a kit for a gixxer and will give him absolutely NO support,wont answer emails or phone calls from over here period.Go with a turbo.

For $4400 large I would think support!



(runeight @ Dec. 28 2006,02:00)
(nitrousjunkie @ Dec. 27 2006,12:50) I do not recommend dealing with calisuperbikes,that dude fakked a very good friend of mine on a kit for a gixxer and will give him absolutely NO support,wont answer emails or phone calls from over here period.Go with a turbo.

For $4400 large I would think support!

Yeah, he took advantage of someone thats a good friend,NEVER ever underestimate the power of the net or word of mouth.


(nitrousjunkie @ Dec. 27 2006,11:58)
(CAT3 @ Dec. 28 2006,01:55) On the topic of turbo....I've read, and been told to shy away from Velocity, nothing mentioned why. However, I have heard Ghetto is a good quality kit. Any opinions on this?
Opinions will very on this,I get excellent support from Barry,Dennis sells a good kit as well and I hear his support is good too.Pick one.
Which one is Barry and Dennis? Thanks.
Barry- Velocity Racing Turbos
Dennis- "Motorhead" Ghetto Turbos

Either one will satisfy your needs.
(umairhashmi @ Dec. 27 2006,13:52) So you guys think despite the turbo lag you are still better with with a turbo over a supercharger??
I think either would be a kick in the pants! Me? Supercharger.

For the money invested I would just buy another bike.

(umairhashmi @ Dec. 27 2006,14:52) So you guys think despite the turbo lag you are still better with with a turbo over a supercharger??
Please don't take this the wrong way. I would be more than interested in tinkering with, riding or even owning a supercharged bike, but, Have you seen even one website that has a decent amount of information, let alone a wealth of information on superchargers for a Hayabusa?
I can show you 3-4 sites that have so much info on turbo charging a Hayabusa you could (and some have) build one from scratch. Now, all that I am saying is that turbo kits for the Hayabusa have been around for 5-6 years and have been proven (in my mind) for the last 3-4 years, now, if there was something else that was as good or any better, don't you think there would be some sort of info on it?

Yes, I own a turbo, but only after several YEARS of research into what would work the best for the application I wanted it for, which happened to be my daily commuter to and from work. To be honest with you, after riding a turbo Hayabusa I didn't understand what anyone meant when they said turbo lag. Granted the turbo on my bike is said to be one of the fastest spooling turbos for a Hayabusa, but it's also not good for much over 320hp, so you need to know what you want to do with it.

These bikes weren't made with a turbo so they don't rely solely on the turbo for power. Plus they are much lighter than any car that you may have ridden in that was a dog off the line until the turbo spools. Turbos might not be for everyone and they definitely need some time and money invested in them from the start but once set up and tuned correctly there isn't much cost other than regular maintenance.

No, I'm not trying to talk you into buying a turbo but if you do get one, make sure you do your research and make sure it gets installed, setup and tuned correctly from the start, otherwise you may end up with a headache.

I personally think that last statement is where all the negative and sometimes miss information comes from. People that read all of the hype and want the power of a turbo but then they don't realize what it takes or they just don't take the time and spend the money that is needed for a safe reliable setup.
Just out of curiosity

Why wouldnt you want t run the most efficient power adder out there? You can cut turbo lag to a minimum and lag is becomming a thing of the past in the higher end turbos. Why rob power to make it? Is it the whole whine thing that has people loving the supercharger???
(DonnieF @ Dec. 27 2006,15:25) Just out of curiosity

Why wouldnt you want t run the most efficient power adder out there? You can cut turbo lag to a minimum and lag is becomming a thing of the past in the higher end turbos. Why rob power to make it? Is it the whole whine thing that has people loving the supercharger???
Not just the whine thing. SC generally speaking, have a much flatter torque line, twist the throttle and torque is there, no matter what RPM your at and it stays there...generally speaking. I've done SC on cars, and personally I could only see it from a $ standpoint, as turbo kits for some cars are wayyyy more expensive, produced more headache, and so on. On the Busa, I'm open minded, alway hearing about turbo's for them etc. has been a turn-on. Now with a SC available, it does pose some interest. Again, in general, SC build less heat in the compartment (not so much an issue on the open fairing of a bike), and the tuning is easier with a more linear powerband. As it seems tuning is rather limited, and maps are very much readily available turbo I believe is the way to go.
Looking at the TTS SC kit, and either Velocity or Ghetto Stage I, they all make about the same power (of course one will always claim to make more so being objective here). Cost b/w them is withing a few bucks as well. So to me, I'd have to say turbo is the ultimate end all be all. Just my $.02 though.
I think it all comes down to dollars and what you get for the money.

some kits are more upgradeable than others.... I think a S/C busa would be sweet but the support doesn't seem to be going that direction.

plus I didn't want to wait to see if it would develop further and I went with what was proven.... turbo boost is where its at these days.....
If Only Smiths in KC would do Superchargers ! Maybe then I could allow myself to indulge  
, but until then, I guess I'll have to be content with only 158 hp and more power than I need  at the rear wheel
So what Supercharge kit is the one that is compact and well built?
Give me a couple of suggestions please!
I will be using it in a bike engined race car!