ThanksSend me an email with the details of the company in Perth & I'll check it out. Or you could also check out the Australian Busa club & ask there.I have been thinkingabout this for TWO WEEKS
!! A company in Perth, Australia called Vee Two makes a supercharger for the Ducati 999 ! OK
, it's evidently a test bed, but after reading about it in Sports Rider I just can't get it out of my head for the Busa. Simple addition, NO fuel changes like a Turbo, NO heat issues like a Turbo, and a simple addition and linkage. Not like all the other Supercharges I've seen which widens the gearing side of the bike. But, in street conditions the Duc went from 140 Hp to 205 hp, with max torque starting at 3000 rpm and carrying it on up
! Now that's street power I could consider
. SO, Aussi's, you guys know anything about this Company ? The Aritcle says they make turbos for cars (Company is sub of Automotive Components in Malaga - a suburb of Perth) and is the largest maker of Superchargers in Australia. They go by the name of Sprintex and make superchargers for both Automotive and Industrial use. I just wonder what the price is, because the photos and article make it one SWEET instalation
A couple of the guys live in Perth.
It could be possible that the Duc has a 2 bar map sensor and can up the fuel to compensate for the additional air going in to the motor.I have been thinkingabout this for TWO WEEKS
!! A company in Perth, Australia called Vee Two makes a supercharger for the Ducati 999 ! OK
, it's evidently a test bed, but after reading about it in Sports Rider I just can't get it out of my head for the Busa. Simple addition, NO fuel changes like a Turbo, NO heat issues like a Turbo, and a simple addition and linkage. Not like all the other Supercharges I've seen which widens the gearing side of the bike. But, in street conditions the Duc went from 140 Hp to 205 hp, with max torque starting at 3000 rpm and carrying it on up
! Now that's street power I could consider
. SO, Aussi's, you guys know anything about this Company ? The Aritcle says they make turbos for cars (Company is sub of Automotive Components in Malaga - a suburb of Perth) and is the largest maker of Superchargers in Australia. They go by the name of Sprintex and make superchargers for both Automotive and Industrial use. I just wonder what the price is, because the photos and article make it one SWEET instalation
that seems a little misleading to me. i have a stage 1 kit and drivabilty is really not an issue. my bike is not just for hp #s. also my bike did not forget how to corner once i installed the turbo. alot of people are under the misconception that if you have a turbo and are in a corner and you twist the throttle a little all of a sudden you will be in full boost and in a ditch because of a sudden uncontrolable surge of power. is a supercharger more linear, yes no doubt. do i have to be doing a 100mph at wide open throttle to be in full boost, not at all. i start spooling at 3500rpm and by 6000rpm i am in full boost. MIDRANGE power is the power uncontrolable not at all. a supercharger kit has its selling points and people want to have something different so there will be a market for them but there is no need to perpetuate turbo myths to sell s/c kits. my stage 1 makes 250 to the rear wheel was easily installed myself and cost me $4000. lots of guys have them so there is a ton of tech support and a wealth of info on them. on a different note do your kits require modifying the header to fit the charger and is it a rotrex charger?5600 up to 07, does not compare anything to a turbo, turbos' are only for hp #'s, and any straight line racing, as far as drivability these win hands down. There are a handfull out there and all have good reviews.