I want to share something that my son did

If politicians had the common sense, compassion and morality that your 4 year old son has, there would never be anyone left behind. [/QUOTE]
Got that right!
Great story Shawn , almost had to grab some tissue myself . Got 3 boys here and they amaze me all the time .
Awesome Shawn Im 36 and a Health Nut and ive also had Diabetes since 11 yrs old so tell that boy there is nothing he cant do Im a Fireman/EMT,Scuba Diver,Sky Dived,Black Belt In Kenpo and TaeKwonDo,Ive raced Mustang for years and Bikes and now im into the Busa Big Time so tell him to chase his Dreams and if U have any questions call me I can def help u with the Diabetes call 708-670-1379
Thank you for the words and encouragement. I may have to call just because you gave your number!
We try to make sure that he can do what he wants, we don't hide things from him because we don't want him to hide things from us or have to sneak around.
Wow, what a heartwarming and worthy story. Dammit, somebody get me a tissue!
MC this story reminds me that there are still familys out there that arent torn with divorce and lack of love.

Thanks for sharing this as I do not have a wife or children but I feel good in knowing that there are a few good men (no pun intended) that keep morals and values a top priority.
That is so awesome....
Kids to say the darndest things and understand life at a level we no longer comprehend.
Good to hear that Family is still number one and that all will be remembered...
Awesome Shawn Im 36 and a Health Nut and ive also had Diabetes since 11 yrs old so tell that boy there is nothing he cant do Im a Fireman/EMT,Scuba Diver,Sky Dived,Black Belt In Kenpo and TaeKwonDo,Ive raced Mustang for years and Bikes and now im into the Busa Big Time so tell him to chase his Dreams and if U have any questions call me I can def help u with the Diabetes call 708-670-1379
Adam Morrison from the Gonzaga b-ball team also has diabetes...Your son is only limited to his on goals and imagniation....great story though. Makes being a father worth while I can tell.
Great story, thanks. Really makes you think about all the things they see you do. You are obviously showing him the right way to live.
CALL Anytime Brother, I have a 9 yr old boy also and im so proud of him also I know exactly how u feel. I thought kids of today just werent taught good values anymore I felt like I was a dying breed raising my boy this way to respect everything and evryone and be proud of who u are. I see alot of us in here have the same thoughts feels great.
you just brought back some old memories I wore a braclet for so long his name was Lieutenant Colonel David Alison, the braclet broke and I still have it, I have always wondered if he made it home, I will never forget his name! "Ohana"

Thank you for sharing a moment with your son!
Sorry I hadn't read this one before now! You have a wonderful son who will do great things in life! A very heartwarming story.