I was scared to death!!!!!

Dude, I had major tunnel vision. The entire cheerleading squad could have run by naked and I wouldn't have noticed!

I call bull poop on that one :poke: As a highly trained officer your keen powers of observation would have kicked in ... and you'da fallen off the chair :laugh:

seriously, you rock dude, thats a huge accomplishment, congrats! :cheerleader::beerchug:
Voluntary work....giving back to those in need,... It is indeed the best feeling :thumbsup:

You should be very proud of the work and award you have accomplished here. Job well done sir! :beerchug::beerchug:
Sir, I stand humbled by your effort. I haven't always agreed with all you have posted, but this goes to show that one can not make judgments on somebody's character based solely on what is gleaned from comments made on the internet. You are a credit to your department, and an example for people everywhere. There is no telling how many people's lives you have made a positive impact on. My hat is off to you.
WAY TO GO REV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think its great that the comunity honors you for doing good work for people by....donating to a fund that does MORE good work for people.

I'm proud to know a person like you.
very nice Rev...congrats on being recognized for your hard work and dedication to helping others in need :bowdown:
Good deal. I think we have all been fortunate enough to give back to someone or some good cause, sometime.

I may always agree with some of your posts. But you're alright in my book. Thanks for representing the great people of Texas.

Way to go, Pete! Kudos to you for giving what couldn't be bought (or sold). True treasures come from the heart! Spank a BIG blessing on you, bro! :thumbsup: :beerchug:
I got my trophy last Saturday night at the Cowboys playoff game and while walking off the field the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders ran past. Forget what I said earlier about them. :whistle::laugh:
Thanks for all the congrats. It was a lot of fun. I've really enjoyed volunteering for The Family Place. I've done volunteer work for years, but this place truly appreciates you and they let you know it. Not every organization does that. Plus, it's fun working with these kids. They grow up thinking that every man must beat mama, then they grow up doing it themselves. Knowing that you're helping to break that cycle with them is a pretty unique feeling. I've been a civilian officer for 15 years and it never seemed like I was able to stop any crime. Sure, I'd arrest bad guys, but a new bad guy (or even the same one) would pop right back up. This is a crime that we can actually stop if we get to these kids in time!
Wow, what a great thing you have accomplished! I am proud of ya, Rev!! Keep up the good work, and at least they let you sit for the media encounter!! :laugh::laugh: