I went down

It is strange but the majority of motorcycle accidents happen close to home. I am guilty of a quick run here and there with out all my gear because of heat. Get well soon. Bikes can be fixed quick!
Sorry to here bro ,get well soon .I have some cans ,seat ,front fender if needed ,have your bro put on whats needed and color of the bike and will see what we can do .
Sorry to hear about your accident... make sure you get healthy and then worry about getting her back on the road again!
sorry to here about you going down brings back memories, went down july 22 second you will heal take a little time but you will heal.  i nnow i'm still doing rehab for my shoulder.  But i will ride again
Lil Basscrazy, Post up what year and color you have. I am sure the guys here can help you find some replacement parts. I have stock mirrors and front wheel fairing you can have for shipping costs... Let all of us know what you need.
Tough luck, there.

If I ever get hit or run off the road by a car.... I hope the driver is rich.
Sorry to hear
Get yerself better and then worry about the bike.
I just hope you have learned to never throw your leg over the beast unless you are fully geared. There is a reason why they won't let you on the track with any skin showing. Crashes don't just pick the times you are geared up? If you are wise you will put this experience to good use and remember to wear your leathers just in case you crash?

Sorry to hear of your crash but pain is a great teacher.
I missed this yesterday

I'm so sorry to hear you went down...don't beat yourself up; we've all gone for that quick ride up the street without the gear...just heal fast and the bike is 100% repairable or replaceable and you are not...
Let us know what you need as far as parts; we may be able to help you out...