I would like your opinion please

Since all black isn't an option I've gotta say black/grey.
Reds great too.
And when the motorola goes off " Red Bike"
They will think Honda hopefully.
Nice Choice PDBusa.
As a lawman and fellow Busa rider, which Busa colors do you notice first?
red looks like pink on the 05 so if you want buy the red. but i would choose grey/black since they don't have a LE in stock
Nice Choice PDBusa.
As a lawman and fellow Busa rider, which Busa colors do you notice first?
Kawi Green, cause they take ssooooooo long to go by.

IMHO, any color Busa is just plain sexy.

Actually if I'm "interested" I will look at rider gear.
It is easier to see a rider and make mental note on what they are wearing, than to see the color combo of a bike.
It is true that red appears to be travelling faster, but I'm sure many here agree that Black/grey is by far, the fastest.

You all broke me down. I called the dealer and told him I am taking the gray/black Busa

I haven't had a ticket in so long that I decided not to get a bike that appears to be going faster than the rest.

Thanks to all for the input... I appreciate it.

For those four brave souls that voted for the red/black, I tried to give it a go but, as stated before, I need to ride the stealthier color in hope that cops will stay off my back. The first ticket I get will be sent to the hayabusa.org/paymyticket division. You do have one of those, right

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east im the one that told you about montgomerville cycle,like you i liked the red/black but told them at montgomerville i would take the grey and black when i got there and looked at both i was glad i chose the grey and black hope you feel the same when you get there
east im the one that told you about montgomerville cycle,like you i liked the red/black but told them at montgomerville i would take the grey and black when i got there and looked at both i was glad i chose the grey and black hope you feel the same when you get there
I know, I'm glad you posted the information. I will save $800 by going with the 05. Thanks.
Score 1 more for the Fastest Black/ Grey.
May she live a good life and decimate all.
RED!!!!!!!!! I own a silver and grey 02 also and my 04 LE RED is FASTER!!!!!!! So go with the red!