Idiot that thinks its funny to try to wreck bikes

Damn, that asshat reminds me of the idiot that tried to run myself, DR1300 and Big Show off the road last year. We chased his drunk ass for about 30 min before I caught him stopped in traffic. He waved a baseball bat at me (I took it from him) and told him he was going to the police station, how he was going there was up to him. He was driving there with us behind him or he was going there via the hospital. He drove his drunk ass right to the station where he was arrested.
(GSXTacy @ Mar. 30 2007,21:50) Damn, that asshat reminds me of the idiot that tried to run myself, DR1300 and Big Show off the road last year. We chased his drunk ass for about 30 min before I caught him stopped in traffic. He waved a baseball bat at me (I took it from him) and told him he was going to the police station, how he was going there was up to him. He was driving there with us behind him or he was going there via the hospital. He drove his drunk ass right to the station where he was arrested.
I remember that story last year.....
(Fate @ Mar. 30 2007,21:53)
(GSXTacy @ Mar. 30 2007,21:50) Damn, that asshat reminds me of the idiot that tried to run myself, DR1300 and Big Show off the road last year. We chased his drunk ass for about 30 min before I caught him stopped in traffic. He waved a baseball bat at me (I took it from him) and told him he was going to the police station, how he was going there was up to him. He was driving there with us behind him or he was going there via the hospital. He drove his drunk ass right to the station where he was arrested.
I remember that story last year.....  
We showed up for court. Also an independent witness who was behind us showed up to help us out. His lawyer saw all of us and he pled out. $300 fine for wreckless endangerment + the DUI. What a joke.
I think he really thought he was going to be supported by posting that stupid act. There's a lot more nice decent people in the world than what the media and news portrays as a rareity.
For the record, and most of you know me. I was honestly just trying to get the guy to realize there could have been a lot of consequences to his actions, more than just taking out a biker (which that would have been bad enough in itself)

But cagers get so secure in there 4000+ pound vehicles, they dont take into consideration what if they just tried to run a LEO off, or cut a LEO off, what if they guy on the bike is a real whack job? (gee imagine that lol) what if the guy on the bike is a real whack job and packing?

And no kidding, I know a lot of people that carry handguns when they ride, and some of them even have permits.

So I was just trying to get the guys attention and give him a wake up call. I think by his back pedling he realized he not only screwed up in doing what he did, I think he realized people did not perceive his actions as being as cool as he thought they were.

Nothing like a good ol smack down from friends and strangers to gain a new perspective in life

Just hope he did get it. hope it might have gave others who might have felt the same way something to ponder also..

Thanks again for the link ineedabusa !!

And again welcome to the board!!! nice way to introduce yourself
thrasher, your not the only one that carries. I ride my bike to work, and my eork consist sometimes walking into abandon boarded up homes. I go to bad neighborhoods where crackheads like to hide in corners. So I have my 9 or a little 25 on me most of the time. If someone comes at me with a car, it's all over for them.
(BIGSMOOTHH @ Mar. 30 2007,22:07)
(Over_Easy @ Mar. 30 2007,20:18) Well we all know where this ass-hat is suppose to be come april 14th:
LMAO. Ive been to the place theyre going. SOmeone please go there and make that lil boy pee his pants. Please?
LOL.. ok.. I hate to admit it. but I would have to chuckle at that sight..

Especially maybe have Yamahor and BigD go up to him lol
(Fate @ Mar. 30 2007,22:09) thrasher, your not the only one that carries. I ride my bike to work, and my eork consist sometimes walking into abandon boarded up homes. I go to bad neighborhoods where crackheads like to hide in corners. So I have my 9 or a little 25 on me most of the time. If someone comes at me with a car, it's all over for them.
Exactly my point Fate.. I wasnt BS'ing the guy when I said allot of bikers carry..

And the ones that do carry will usually not think twice about defending themselves against a car..

People trying to use their car to run ANYONE off the road, bike or car really need to think about who they might be running off.

I usually am carrying on my bike and my car, as I said. I wont go looking for trouble, but if trouble comes looking for me I am usually more than prepared to deal with it..

And you have to be, it is just the world we live in..
Wish I could have been there to see it. From the way he worded his first post it could have happened two ways.

1) The squid was already between him and the car on the right and he decided to do a squeeze play. "So he slams on his brakes and gets back behind me". If that's the case he deserves a good ass kicking.

2) The squid was behind him when he decided to drift over and close up the gap to keep the squid from passing. "just before he got up to my bumper i start sliding over to the right." If the squid was behind him big fuggin deal.

Something tells me it's a kid pulling a John Parks Bull Shid story. Gotta love how it brings out the keyboard commandos that are gonna do some huntin'!
The boca thing is posted by Hybrid Mom, and the picture of the car is the same as the a$$ wipes car.. On the post it says Andrews friends are invited. The A$$ wipes name is Andrew. could have some fun with that.
Time to sign him up for a bunch of spam, I think he needs some adult undergarments for the boca picnic thing, I will see if I can get some spam for him on that.
(Fate @ Mar. 30 2007,22:37) Time to sign him up for a bunch of spam, I think he needs some adult undergarments for the boca picnic thing, I will see if I can get some spam for him on that.
While your at it see if you can get some porn about TS's and TV's into his mail box lol
Wow, that is a long thread and I'm glad to see people rip that guy but I only read to page 3, too long.

Most of the time when I am riding and someone cuts me off I honk my horn and give them the benefit of doubt that they didn't see me. I don't go upside them and flick them off. But if someone intentionally did something like that and I know they are ******* with me then yeah I gotta say something. But in reality what do you get, a whole lotta yelling. You are in traffic, what can you do but yell and I guess some people get off on that thinking that someone can't do anything about it because they are on the road in motion.

Years ago I was in Tampa and I was driving a car going onto a on ramp. Next thing I know a sportbike comes next to me and the passenger on it hits my car in 3 places with a plumbers wrench. Who carries one of those around, especially on a bike. Maybe he was a plumber? I had a sun roof and it was open and the part just above my door saved my life and the life of my friends. Had I been in a convertible the pipe wrench that they used would have killed me or knocked me out causing me to wreck.

People are dumber and dumber and think that they are always in the right. I don't know why people these days think they are rock stars and can do what they want when they want. They are proud of their stupidity and what was once frowned upon is now so what.

I try not to ride at night and definitely don't ride late at night. Too many dumb sugarbritches. I think people think they can get away with stuff because its dark and harder to see.

What is this world coming too. I know every generation always speaks bad about the next gen but damn these kids today..................