For the record, and most of you know me. I was honestly just trying to get the guy to realize there could have been a lot of consequences to his actions, more than just taking out a biker (which that would have been bad enough in itself)
But cagers get so secure in there 4000+ pound vehicles, they dont take into consideration what if they just tried to run a LEO off, or cut a LEO off, what if they guy on the bike is a real whack job? (gee imagine that lol) what if the guy on the bike is a real whack job and packing?
And no kidding, I know a lot of people that carry handguns when they ride, and some of them even have permits.
So I was just trying to get the guys attention and give him a wake up call. I think by his back pedling he realized he not only screwed up in doing what he did, I think he realized people did not perceive his actions as being as cool as he thought they were.
Nothing like a good ol smack down from friends and strangers to gain a new perspective in life
Just hope he did get it. hope it might have gave others who might have felt the same way something to ponder also..
Thanks again for the link ineedabusa !!
And again welcome to the board!!! nice way to introduce yourself