If you won the lottery...

i would take the structured payments take the first payment and pay off/catch up all the bills (i dont have much) 10k max then i would continue to work while i contemplate my moves and invest mostly in good stable low intrest stocks.
From the SHOCK of winning,........I'd probably have a heart attack and die!! The wife would get all the cash. Once again,...........reminding me,..........that I'm worth a lot more dead than alive! :banghead:

But seriously,.........I'd go slow with all decisions as Thrasherfox had mentioned earlier. Winning that much money usually brings out the STUPID in people. :cookoo:
Pay off my house, pay off my dads house, buy a Zonda F, buy a BMW 5 series, buy the wife whatever kind of car she wanted, buy another getaway house somewhere, set enough aside so i could relax and not have to work again ever, and give the rest to animal charities.
If I had $213M? Hmmmmm....

So, assuming a worst case tax situation, that works out to be about $100M net.

1) Set aside $1M each for all family and close friends and make it available to them whenever it was needed/wanted. (Gifting it has tax implications, otherwise I'd just give it to them.).

2) Donate to and reach out to all my favorite charities and let them know that they should call on me for anytime they needed funds for a specific cause/need. This would allow me to direct the funds specifically and ensure that the money is used for the good of the cause as I would intend.

3) Find a few struggling (poor/lack of funds) but worthy students and pay their way through college with the condition that they maintain a certain performance standard and buy them a decent car upon graduation.

4) Start a legal practice that would fight/defend the average citizen against corporate and government BS so that the "we've got more money and time than the poor folk" strategy wouldn't be available to rich criminals and businesses.

5) In general, fund or help fun any cause of worthy principle that would otherwise go unaddressed.

Toys? Well, of course! I'd have the following for sure:

1) Three homes - East Coast, West Coast and Europe. Not necessarily mansions, but decent homes each with at least a three car garage! And in the garages would be:

a) Hayabusa with custom paint designed by me!
b) The new "Blue Devil" corvette!

c) The latest Lotus Elise!

2) I would also have a home recording studio in one of the homes along with a couple of new axes that would include a George Lynch Purple Tiger copy

and a John Myung RBXJM2 bass


Finally, I would travel all over, spending real time in places that I like and I would spend a lot of time learning and going to schools for everything from riding to driving to racing to wrenching to studying music and language and science.

Oh, and I'd try to buy some extra time. :)

That's all. :laugh:
I have often thought about this. In depth actually.

The problem with coming into a lot of money is it normally ruins peoples lives.

We as humans are meant to struggle. it is how we grow, it is how we learn.

In all honesty, as much as the struggle can be painful at times, if we dont go through lifes struggles we become lazy, we lose apprecieation for things.

There is a sense of pride in knowing what you have you earned.

Living on a budget teaches you how to properly manage money.

In the end I have come to the conclusion that if I came into a lot of money I would have to be very cautious and wise as what I did with it to make sure I didnt destroy someone elses life. especially my own and my families.

I wouldnt want very many people to know I had the money because I wouldnt want to always question if my friends were friends because of me or my money.

My recomendation to anyone that comes into a lot of money is stick it in a safe bank somewhere in a money market account, find a good financialy advisor who can help you invest the money.

Pay off all of your debt, then when all the debt is paid off get the money invested into something and "GRADUALLY" make changes to your life style.

Start taking a yearly family vacation.

Go out to dinner maybe once a week with the family.

If you take new found wealth gradually then you will probably be ok. if you however allow new found wealth to immediatly totally change your life style you will probably be divorced, friendless and broke within 5 years

Just my .02

All well said in this post. But .....I'll take my chances :laugh:
I would have several sections of land for hunting and a big lodge to sleep in.:beerchug: