I'm really getting sick of cops.

I was all prepared to slam you and call you an idiot, but after reading your post I have come to the conclusion that you got screwed, your life sucks, the area you live in sucks, the people that drive on the same road with you suck, the police in your area suck.

I want to thank you however for showing me how much your life sucks because it makes me realize that I have a pretty awesome life and nothing about my life sucks

I was gonna call him a idiot too just for the heck of it. but I couldnt after reading it. he aint such an idiot.

you took the words out of my mouth.
it is his area. my city aint like that. probably cause there aint as many squids


Ive had cops pull me over when I was a teen after dark running a red light 2 up with a permit, and i was HIDING from them and they KNEW IT. All they did was question me with crap like how fast have you ever had this thing. how fast will it go.
it says 160 have you ever done it? I said ive only done 65

i got NO ticket even though i ran a red light, was on a permit which means no 2up and no after dark. i FAILED ALL. but still no ticket. i got a verbal warning

i love my city


For the record, I broke the speed limit for about ~10-15 seconds, long enough to pass, and move over.

Yes, the cops in this area kind of suck. They are more concerned about the sheer number of tickets they write than anything else. The speed traps they set up are pretty ridiculous (ie: 6 cops on the side of the road, one cop 1 mile up on an overpass, another cop with binoculars reading/radioing license plate numbers).

As big a city as San Antonio is and as much horrible crap that happens here, you'd think the police force would be a little more worried about crime and drunk driving (which is a big problem here).

I guess not.

Don't worry, I'm not a cop-hater, I don't think they are all bad and more often than not I'm happy to see one. I am a law-abiding citizen that pays his taxes. I just find it really unfair to be nailed the way I was for trying to get myself out of a potentially bad situation.

And no, I had not had a ticket in over three years, I guess that didn't mean anything either.