Im sick of cops

I dont like them either hahahaah...but don sure does

I mean really, the show has been on over 20 years now. Theres GOT to be something better than watching LEOS bust someone for DUI for the 4,328th time on the show....

There is a new show, it's called beach get to see the person get their DUI now in a bikini. :cheerleader: LoL
You've watched that more than you think,as it is aparent,you have lost count or are just not paying attention-5,328th ah,hem...:whistle: I'll bet you haven't seen this episode- This guy was smashed,then he tried to say his wife was driving-OHP wasn't going for it though,yep they hauled him in:rulez:


Hey John, how did you miss this one:lol:

HUH.....?? I love Cops! What's better than getting entertained by some dumbasses missfortune?
You can't make this stuff up! :rofl:
I do get tired of the reruns but Jail has seemed to fill the void.:beerchug:
that show is great! for some reason I can't get enough of it, its always entertaining to me.
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