Impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump

I think you would have to be a moron to not see that this guy is a total loser and a criminal. The guy calls in to his impeachment hearings and tries to intimidate a witness right on national TV. Republicans have given up God, integrity, honesty, free trade, fiscal responsibility, American exceptionalism, the constitution and democracy itself for this guy. All I can say is he must have promised you something really awesome for you to sell your soul, and I know what he promised you … Lol!
So Arch, would you rather se Elizabeth Warren run the USA? Imagine her sitting across the table from Putin, or Mohammad Bin Salman. LOL
I don't agree. Dems were going to face low turnouts if they didn't impeach Trump. That, the fact that Trump keep getting more out front with breaking the law and the fact that no election can be relied upon anymore pushed Pelosi to act. It was a good political move. Trump is losing support fast both based on the polls and the elections. When the Republicans just ignore the evidence of crimes and let Trump off every Dem in the country is going to mark their calendard for the election and we'll win.
Time will tell. Let’s remind each other after the elections.
I don't agree. Dems were going to face low turnouts if they didn't impeach Trump. That, the fact that Trump keep getting more out front with breaking the law and the fact that no election can be relied upon anymore pushed Pelosi to act. It was a good political move. Trump is losing support fast both based on the polls and the elections. When the Republicans just ignore the evidence of crimes and let Trump off every Dem in the country is going to mark their calendard for the election and we'll win.
Good debate. In my opinion what Schiff and Pelosi are doing compares to lubing the chain on your Busa, after the motor blew up. Let’s hope Michael Bloomberg comes to the rescue, otherwise the Dems are dead. Bloomberg can be the new motor for your Busa.
Every President for at least the last 100 years has committed impeachable offenses. Every single president (last 100 years or so) and the vast majority of the congress is seriously corrupt. Anyone you currently support is corrupt, it's just that their corruption is more in line with your world view than the "other guy". The Federal .gov can't be fixed from within anymore it is too big with too much power.

IMHO there are only two ways we are going to go as a nation.
1. Civil war.
2. The states reassert there power.

I have been watching COS closely and if the dems should win I will sign up for sure.
Every President for at least the last 100 years has committed impeachable offenses. Every single president (last 100 years or so) and the vast majority of the congress is seriously corrupt. Anyone you currently support is corrupt, it's just that their corruption is more in line with your world view than the "other guy". The Federal .gov can't be fixed from within anymore it is too big with too much power.

IMHO there are only two ways we are going to go as a nation.
1. Civil war.
2. The states reassert there power.

. Sounds like 1863. The two parties only seem interested in getting in power, I have lost confidence in both.
Each of us views the world from our own unique lens and past experiences but all too often we refuse to take a moment and view it from others perspectives or even worse we deny it exist totally. This serves as a major disconnect within our society and seems to be getting worse instead of better.

Common folks or should I say folks not involved in politics argue and debate over this while those elected officials in Washington play golf together, wine and dine together and their kids are hanging out together.
Impeachment would hurt our country. Its not a smart move from the dems to be doing it. They have spent the whole term trying to get him out of office. It makes them look weak and a bunch of cry babies. I’m not either side. Hilary was a good time joke. The dems fucked up by having her as the front runner for the party. Trump he is a dumb ass at times. But what’s interesting is he won and probably won cause most of us are tired of the political bullshit. I’m tired of all the empty promises and poop that day they will do but never happens. Yes trump has done it too. He should of gone after Hilary for those emails. Trump will probably get another term and that’s fine with me cause the dems don’t have anyone that’s good enough for office right now that’s running.
Good debate. In my opinion what Schiff and Pelosi are doing compares to lubing the chain on your Busa, after the motor blew up. Let’s hope Michael Bloomberg comes to the rescue, otherwise the Dems are dead. Bloomberg can be the new motor for your Busa.
I think Republicans were thinking Trump would be a good distraction while they rearranged the country unnoticed. That's worked for the courts, regulation and reducing the impact if not the size of government. What they didn't bargain for is Trump cleaning house and installing his cronies and then running his own agenda. The Republican leadership knows Trump has destroyed the party but they can't go against him because the rank and file is loving the ride over the cliff. I think this impeachment thing could fool everyone. The Republicans would love to boot Trump and install someone who can win and have coat tails.

What you are seeing in Trump now is a desperate man trying anything to win.
Trump accomplishments -
* Low unemplyment across the board.
* Lowest African American and Hispanic unemployment in history.
* Record Breaking stock market highs.
* Bringing manufacturing back to the USA
* Companies bringing their money back to the USA
* Cut tons of regulations and red tape helping American companies
* Prison reform
* Making other countries pay their fair share for UN membership
* Negotiated a new trade agreement with Canada and Mexico (Dems are sitting on it
* Working on a new fair trade agreement with China.
* 401k are through the roof
* Tax cuts creating more jobs
* much much more.
* rebuilt military
* pro veteran and police
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What I don’t understand is the part about withholding the foreign aid. At the time of the phone call between Trump and Zelensky, The Ukraine leader didn’t know that the aid had been withheld. He admitted that there was no pressure from Trump to investigate Biden and his son.

Biden openly stated that he personally told the Ukraine that unless they fired the prosecutor investigating the company his son was on the board of, they wouldn’t get the foreign aid package from the US while he was VP.

Even in a worst case scenario, if there was shady dealings between Ukraine and the company, and Biden’s son was profiting from it, why is it wrong to deny sending more money there unless an investigation is done? Is Joe Biden immune from the law just because he is running to be the democrat candidate? Where is that in the constitution?

If you go back to 2015-2016, Trump was a candidate for president and investigations were done at the time. Why was he not immune? The whole thing stinks of hypocrisy and partisan grandstanding.
Oh, I just gotta...

Trump was not my choice in the primaries; I frankly consider him somewhat self-absorbed and at times petty. But NOBODY can argue the EPIC things his administration has pulled off. I'm glad to see the work his administration is doing.

Now, to the current BS. Trump is known for speaking plainly, and sometimes that gets him in trouble. Did he lean on the Ukraine to go after the Bidens, or did he lean on the Ukraine to go after corruption, which INCLUDES the Bidens? Let's remember Joe is on TAPE doing what the President is being accused of. When are we gonna look at the son of the current VP raking in MILLIONS, with ZERO experience, SOLELY because he's the VP's son? If that's NOT corruption, I don't know what is. Just like Killery and her server, and Obama sending billions to Iran on his own volition. Like his AG TAKING THE 5TH. Just think if this was Trump's AG, Trump's Son, or Trump's Server? Also, if anyone doesn't believe that the Dems ginned up this FISA thing is a fool. If I were the President, and I'm watching the prior VP engage in corruption, I'd want his ass too - not because he's a rival candidate (Biden doesn't have a chance), but because he's sick and tired of the SWAMP. And for THAT, I'm on his side. It's in line with the BS about going after his tax returns with ZERO evidence; it's just a fishing expedition in order to embarrass him or gin up some other charges.

This is all a dog-pony show, specifically because the Dem's KNOW they can't beat him at the ballot box; none of their candidates - Even Bloomberg, even Killery, even Michelle - NONE of them can beat him and they know it. Also, this is all cover (after all, the best defense is a good offense) for what's about to come out on the FISA abuse. Remember Barr's confirmation was almost unanimous. The Dems are scared crapless that they are about to get indicted, and this way they get to claim "see, this is all political revenge!" - and the press will fall in line with that narrative.

Trump's not even taking a paycheck, this work has cost him so much. He's not corrupt, everybody that's been in the swamp for DECADES is. And they will do anything to protect their ricebowl. The only way they win this election is if the can find a way to impeach or discredit him, or someone takes a shot at him (and I'm really afraid this may be coming).

This thing is DOA in the Senate, but I actually hope they take it up, because all those witnesses that the Dems have stifled, including the whistleblower will then get to testify. I hope the first person they subpoena is Shiff; put his ass under oath and ask him if he knows the identity of the whistleblower - because he is not sworn in as chairman of the committee, and he can lie his ass off (as he's proven before) without legal repercussions until he is.

Oh, I just gotta...

Trump was not my choice in the primaries; I frankly consider him somewhat self-absorbed and at times petty. But NOBODY can argue the EPIC things his administration has pulled off. I'm glad to see the work his administration is doing.

Now, to the current BS. Trump is known for speaking plainly, and sometimes that gets him in trouble. Did he lean on the Ukraine to go after the Bidens, or did he lean on the Ukraine to go after corruption, which INCLUDES the Bidens? Let's remember Joe is on TAPE doing what the President is being accused of. When are we gonna look at the son of the current VP raking in MILLIONS, with ZERO experience, SOLELY because he's the VP's son? If that's NOT corruption, I don't know what is. Just like Killery and her server, and Obama sending billions to Iran on his own volition. Like his AG TAKING THE 5TH. Just think if this was Trump's AG, Trump's Son, or Trump's Server? Also, if anyone doesn't believe that the Dems ginned up this FISA thing is a fool. If I were the President, and I'm watching the prior VP engage in corruption, I'd want his ass too - not because he's a rival candidate (Biden doesn't have a chance), but because he's sick and tired of the SWAMP. And for THAT, I'm on his side. It's in line with the BS about going after his tax returns with ZERO evidence; it's just a fishing expedition in order to embarrass him or gin up some other charges.

This is all a dog-pony show, specifically because the Dem's KNOW they can't beat him at the ballot box; none of their candidates - Even Bloomberg, even Killery, even Michelle - NONE of them can beat him and they know it. Also, this is all cover (after all, the best defense is a good offense) for what's about to come out on the FISA abuse. Remember Barr's confirmation was almost unanimous. The Dems are scared crapless that they are about to get indicted, and this way they get to claim "see, this is all political revenge!" - and the press will fall in line with that narrative.

Trump's not even taking a paycheck, this work has cost him so much. He's not corrupt, everybody that's been in the swamp for DECADES is. And they will do anything to protect their ricebowl. The only way they win this election is if the can find a way to impeach or discredit him, or someone takes a shot at him (and I'm really afraid this may be coming).

This thing is DOA in the Senate, but I actually hope they take it up, because all those witnesses that the Dems have stifled, including the whistleblower will then get to testify. I hope the first person they subpoena is Shiff; put his ass under oath and ask him if he knows the identity of the whistleblower - because he is not sworn in as chairman of the committee, and he can lie his ass off (as he's proven before) without legal repercussions until he is.

As an independent I agree broadly with your view. Problem is the guy has no class, not a career politician and tries to run his office like a mom and pop business. In short, he just does not fit in.
As an independent I agree broadly with your view. Problem is the guy has no class, not a career politician and tries to run his office like a mom and pop business. In short, he just does not fit in.

I agree he is rough around the edges. He is a New Yorker who all his life has dealt with builders, construction and blue collar workers and can relate to them more that most politicians.

He has always had a reputation for getting things done ahead of schedule. Look at all he has done without any help from the democrats.

I think people are tired of career politicians who stay in office until they die and become multi millionaires.
As an independent I agree broadly with your view. Problem is the guy has no class, not a career politician and tries to run his office like a mom and pop business. In short, he just does not fit in.

You know, I kinda agree - he doesn't fit in well - which is why he's in the job. A LOT of Americans are sick and tired of the 'career politician' and the games they play.

I've been watching CBSN's live feed and commentary...they are spinning the hell out of it. Wondering why Mulvany and others won't testify - failing to mention that the rules put in place by Shiff made it impossible for the other side to call any witnesses of their own, and even their questions get stifled by him. Hell, I wouldn't appear under those circumstances either. Kangaroo court all the way down the line...