New to the forum, what up... I have a story to share that pertains completely to American politics and the increasing divide. I had the privilege yesterday of picking up a new service account. The medical office is located in a bad area of town, and they contacted me through a referral, for their air compressor being inoperable. I got there quickly and entered, finding a normal seeming office, and made my back to the mechanical room. Medical suction pumps were leaking over the floor, rodent nesting strewn about the room in crevasses, nevertheless I got to work on this compressor. I was in and out for a total of 3 hrs. I noted the rear operatories were cluttered, and frankly, visually dirty. At one point the Dr. exited a room buttoning up his long sleeve shirt, bare chest out, and everything. I thought "what the. .."
Any way, I finished the job, got his compressor running and he came down the hall to introduce himself and verbally rape me for 45 minutes. I kid you not, this guy just started, and kept going, coherent and incoherent. I'll try to nutshell the conversation. Told me that "Christianity rules the world and oppresses, look at Russia, Poland, America and all the f****** right wing countries. They're f*****!! Communism is the answer. It's for the good of the whole group! Not just a crooked few! I'm developing a video game that will end the religions of the world" and started like, trying to reference scriptures with weird interpretations. He said "50% of the country doesn't believe in scientific FACT, because they're f***** morons, they think God with a penis came down and f***** a virgin! !!! F**** that!"
Then suddenly he tells me "the world would be so much better without religion and {morals}, it's because of morals and judgement that we have all these f**** homophobes and pedophiles (said this mockingly), if we didn't judge people we'd be free to explore our sexual desires and urges! !! Listen, I'm a f***** millionaire, I only work to stay alive, I work a couple days a week here and my wife makes me collect social security, so I have about $5,000 to blow a month. I have a ranch with a stream and horses, another house in town, and this place is paid for. When I was young and 21 and my girlfriend was hot and smoking, we made so much money satisfying people's sexual urges and desires. I paid cash for my college!!!it was f*****great, see, people are afraid to explore their desires, but shouldn't be, it's natural. S***, I got my first blow job when I was 6!!! It was f**** wonderful." Blah, blah, more really weird, incriminating and offensive talk. ....
"Who'd you vote for? " me lying: 'no vote" ..."well you're part of the f**** problem! These f***** trump lovers are so f***** stupid! See they all watch fox news and ignore the best media like the new York post, cnn"..blah, blah "Hillary was a socialist, meaning she's working for the good of the people! What religion are you? " me lying : Lutheran, but we didn't go" " they're not as bad as the rest, but!"....blah, blah. I started recording the convo secretly by this point and he went on to say " I only got where I did by luck. We came to this country at a good time. There were jobs, opportunity, but now the right wingers control it and withhold it!'
Alot more crazy and the guy says "my poor. Wife has health issues. ..r.a..yeah poor thing. ..I hope she goes in her sleep. ..then! When she does! I can spend my money how I want!" Laughed, no lie like a cheap super villain.
I'm still recuperating from all this still. Between the pedophilia talk, and to me, what sounds like a premise for murder of his wife, (dude has access to drugs easily) and the rest, it led me to a Google search only to find a prior criminal charge in recent years of abduction and sexual solicitation of a minor.
I might be speaking for myself, but when picking through the details of what he spewed and the filthy office, extreme wealth acquired through crime, it's fascinating and more so, unsettling to think that this guy is preaching this trash and doing God knows what else behind closed doors. This conversation was loud and in an open hall.
Politically its important because that party line is coming down to good | evil. Plain and simple. I don't think this guy really is crazy. I think he's evil, and so much so that he just can't contain it in a neat little package anymore.
I am religious, but I certainly don't force it on anyone, and accept people's differing religions. I voted for Trump largely because I found him to be far more genuine and less serpentine than Hills. I'm also very pro gun, and prefer to manage my own life. But hearing this guy gave me the willies, straight up. The left largely talks a big, hypocritical game, and I don't see how others don't find it to be more transparent. There is no open mind, like they preach, or tolerance. Juse alot of negativity and manipulation of words.
...But right from the horses mouth- a self proclaimed communist, not "restricted" by morals, advocating for what he does, desired Hillary. More bodies floating in her wake than Normandy Beach.
Sorry for the book. ..maybe I need to talk to a therapist or cops. ..