IMPORTANT: Engine Builders, Racers, Tuners!

carb, CALIFORNIA air resource board. no emmissions regs in montana. :thumbsup:
Arizona is always in lockstep with CA although a year or 4 behind them.. They have even gone so far as to set up "mobile" emmissions monitoring stations.

They use an infrared system that measures your tail pipe emissions as you drive by... (then they send you a "repair" order in the mail if your car fails as it drives by) I am not sure what the status of that program is anymore..

Montana... :rofl: you guys got way too much clean air from the "big sky" :laugh: not to mention some of you talk sort of slooooow (I spent some time in Haver... youuuu knooow whaaat I meeeeean?) :)
"I policed for 14 years and did not know it in this detail."

sorta speaks volumes...doesn't it.

haven't run into an leo yet that yanked me cause he wanted to put my bike on a breathalizer...or check epa stickers...or was even interested or aware of the fact that my bikes all have had "quiet" aftermarket exhaust systems...which is why i love "quiet" aftermarket exhaust systems...had a muzzy megaphone on my old ZRX...never was like a cop call...just bark it up a little bit and here came the dogs try'in ta hunt me down...stealth is the new age way to fly.

just my thoughts and...L8R, Bill. :cool: