Professional Engine Builder Needed

The posts are over 5 years old, check the dates when you reply, as you usually won't get an answer from the original poster, but, there are alot of us still around that have been here for many years.
Totally my fault. It was until after I posted my comment i noticed the date in the top left by the thread name. Totally my fault. Was just trying to be helpful. Ill check next time
Totally my fault. It was until after I posted my comment i noticed the date in the top left by the thread name. Totally my fault. Was just trying to be helpful. Ill check next time

It's not a problem, and catches all of us once and a while.
Sometimes it restarts the old thread anyway, even if the original poster no longer comments, so the same topic can still be discussed.
It was just an fyi(for your information)
as you learn to navigate the forum.
It's not a problem, and catches all of us once and a while.
Sometimes it restarts the old thread anyway, even if the original poster no longer comments, so the same topic can still be discussed.
It was just an fyi(for your information)
as you learn to navigate the forum.
I wonder if he ever did check his valve clearances in the end before tearing it apart