IN LOVING MEMORY OF JORGE MONSALVE, Updated with comments from his mother

A loving tribute to your son.:bowdown:
I am glad to see you are still with this family of friends we call the org.
In loving memory to your son, we remember.
Love to you and your family,
Happy Holidays to you Jorgie up in Heaven. Love and miss you so much big guy. Your memories keep mom strong during this time of year, ( The Worst) as you know. Love and miss you so much,and your Dad. Miss you both.. Love Mom.... xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Good on ya to keep posting up from time to time Karen.

Don't worry.... there is no question he knows and reads this.

R.I.P. Jorge
Bussamomingrief...I lost my 37 year old beautiful wife to cancer on Jan 8th, 2003. The pain has never left me as I am sure the loss of your husband and son has never left you and never will. Somehow we have to learn to live within that pain and carry on the best we can. He was a beautiful young man and it is so easy to see your great love for him. It is always so hard to lose the young and the thoughts associated with dying so young and full of life...I hope in time, when you feel it is time, you will allow yourself to live and love is for the living.."it is the hell served up for breakfast that is so hard to take" (came from some poem)...May God bless you, mam, no one can understand the mind of deep and unremitting grief until they have lost the life of someone they truly love..thank you for sharing your deep love for your son. It helps me center myself to what is important in the life. With the loss of my wife I can honestly say that it was as close to insanity as I ever want to be....respectfully 2hip
i too know the pain of losing a child. you are not alone.
ty for reaching out to us (the org.) sharing your story helps both us and you. i know how hard life can be. day by day, moment by moment.