IN LOVING MEMORY OF JORGE MONSALVE, Updated with comments from his mother

Thanks Scar. Im doing the best i can , Daily... Its very hard. Jorge was my only son. He loved his busa, when he got it, it was brand new, just out of the crate, I came home from work, and he had put that bike in the house, (in the kitchen). My kitchen table was in the livingroom. He just loved that bike. It was his pride and joy.. But what the hell is it doing in my kitchen?? Lol Lol. Just one of many memories i have, and keep me going.. Anyway, Be safe big guy... love ya, Busamomingrief... "Karen":welcome::welcome:

If you dont mind me asking what happen
I made it thru 6 pages with goosebumps holding back tears.
Had to stop 10 secs in to the video cuz it was too much.
I am truly sorry for your loss.
I live in West Palm Beach, please let me know if you need anything at all.
Send PM will travel !

ps...your name sounds very familiar to me and I believe you may already know my wife ?

God bless you and the trials he has given you.
Rest easy knowing your son is riding a motorcylce now in paradise without danger as he is with the lord almighty.
Hi Blanca Busa, Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I'm sorry it made you sad, but I share my sons memory with the Org members In hopes that other riders may learn from this horrific nightmare, That SPEED KILLS.. I share my sons life memories in HOPES just one rider will slow down. I know the busa is a machine,and riders must respect it.. My goal is to just save a rider. Just please slow down. Your life is more important. And yes, my son is riding in paradise, with his dad. But had this not happened, he would still be here with me, with his mom, the one he loved the most. Jorge used to go on the Sunday run to Okeechobee, with a bunch of other guys,so maybe you met him? Im not sure I no you,or the wife, but it wont hurt to meet sometime. Send a pm, and will meet up next time you ride south. Im in Pompano. Take care, Hey, ( A SAFE RIDER IS BETTER THEN NO RIDER )
Blanca Busa, Hey, I also sent you a friends request ;) Now dont be a stranger.. Lol Lol West Palm is not far from me big guy.. Later.. Ride Safe.
Answered and accepted.
As mentioned let me or the my wife aKa Cuban Dragon know if we can help you in any way.
Thanks so much. I'm okay. The one and only thing I need, I can never ever get back again. ( MY SON ) My pride and joy.. But thanks again. Keep in touch. Later
Busamom, your message is an important one! All riders need a reminder that being safe is of the utmost importance. Thank you for coming on here and sharing Jorge and your message with all of us. :thumbsup:
Thank you Ko3gsxr750. I just want all the riders to be safe, I cant stress enough, the factors of speed and the outcome, so I hope my sons memory,all his pictures here in the Org will help slow riders down a bit. Respect the Busa's power. Thanks again. Karen (busamomingrief)