Insane dash cam footage

::11 That guy was crazy to ride like that with that CRUMMY windscreen :oh: . I couldn't see anything through it :blonde:
what an idiot. I'm all for playing from time to time but heavy traffic isn't the place to do it.
I wonder if he would have still done that move on the big rig if he knew that the taillights of the rig do not come one when they apply the J brake an they use that brake often to save wear an tear their brake pads:laugh:

At any rate good luck an godspeed rider.
what a DUMBA$$! he deserves whatever he gets. I have no feeling for someone like that that puts others lifes in danger. If he wants to act like a squid and kill himself, so be it, but not around others. JERK!
and notice how he a gave a nice shot of his house, neighborhood and big red truck? plus his buddies bike... can you say EVIDENCE?
I'm Invincible!

Guys like that measure their lives in minutes, and not decades or years like the rest of us.
Sad to say it but the good news is he will most likely be out of the gene pool soon.

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Stupid idiots, putting not only themselves but the lives of others at risk. Accidents waiting to happen, and at the rate thier going it won't be long, I just hope they don't kill some inocent people while doing themselves in. No wonder insurance rates are as high as a Giraffes behind. Morons!
Crazy but very skilled, i like it:thumbsup:

Skilled to ride like a complete idiot with no regard for lives around him, ??? It is clowns like that, who give the public a bad impression of all sportbike riders.

I was hoping to see the big rig lock its breaks up. this guy has no business on any road. I only hope that fate catches up to him sooner rather than later, so he doesn't keep risking everyone elses life.
Unfortunately, if ther were no traffic, any of us could basically ride like hell. The fact that there is live people in vehicles that he has to work his skills around is what makes the video exciting...